
Naruto Renewed: Namikaze's Resurgence

In the original timeline, Namikaze Hayato had died, forever forgotten in the Shinobi world. But with a little tampering with the laws of physics, what changes would we see if he were still alive, and nurtured Naruto? Following a gripping mission in the borderlands, Naruto's uncle, Namikaze Hayato, makes a triumphant return. Embark on an exhilarating new adventure as Naruto, guided by the seasoned mentorship of his uncle, ascends to unprecedented heights of supremacy. What differences shall we see in this story? Buckle up folks, for this shall be a wild ride! WELCOME TO NARUTO RENEWED: NAMIKAZE'S RESURGENCE BEHOLD: THE BEGINNING OF A NEW NARUTO EPIC! ... Hey, author here! Check out my other books :) I'm looking forward to this, and your assistance will be very much appreciated. Let's weave a captivating tale together! DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING APART FROM MY OWN CHARACTERS!

Zal01 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs


The village bustled with its usual activity, undeterred by the chilly weather and cloaked in a blanket of thick snow. Conversations carried on, each exhale producing a visible mist in the crisp winter air. Amidst the usual scene, a red-haired individual was jumping from rooftop to rooftop while tactfully concealing his presence; he was none other than Hayato... or Saruto? 

Let's go with Hayato. 

Hayato was surveying the village's altered landscape from above. As he did so, the tantalising aroma of the sizzling street foods invaded his nostrils, to which his stomach rumbled in protest, and he involuntarily drooled, signifying his need for food.


He mused, 'I need to eat.'

And so, he propelled forth, dashing from one rooftop to the next to look for a place to eat while examining the village, which had slightly changed since his departure on his mission; he couldn't help but rotate his neck left and right, registering in his mind the new layout of the village. 

"I see... Ever since the Kyuubi attack, the layout has changed," he mumbled as his eyes rested upon the Uchiha compound that resided in the far distance. He continued, "...And because of the rumours shrouding the Uchiha instigated the attack... Makes sense they are now so far away."

He started to reminisce of a time in the past, a picture of his older brother, Minato, seemingly in his youth, performing the unison sign with a tanned man with shoulder-length black hair; a notorious figure, and Minato's rival, Uchiha Fugaku.

'I should pay a visit to Fugaku-san sometime,' Hayato considered.

Continuing his observation, he coincidentally happened to spot a familiar yellow-haired youth. The youth was none other than his nephew, Naruto!

'Academy's over already!' Hayato wondered, seemingly in shock. However, noticing that nobody else was around the youth, he quickly corrected, 'Ahh, right, it's the weekend today, no Academy. He was probably just chilling.' 

Watching his nephew, he arched a brow as he noticed Naruto trudge along the snow with a crestfallen demeanor, a stark contrast to what he had shown yesterday. What's more, his cheek appeared to be... swollen?!

(A result of protecting Hinata from the bullies last chapter)

Clenching his fist in a fit of rage, with veins protruding by the sides of his temple, Hayato mulled, 'Did he get into a fight? Or maybe just a friendly brawl? Who would dare? Shall I kill them? Or maybe I'm being too rash?' 

With no answer, Hayato discarded his plethora of negative thoughts, opting to remain patient and keep an eye on his nephew. 

Traversing the snowy terrain, Naruto had trailed far from the forest area he had exited from, nonchalantly trudging his way into the heart of Konoha which was occupied by a vast majority of adults immersed in work. However, Hayato's smile had subsided, his expression becoming that of frown. His brows furrowed seeing the reactions of the villagers as they cast disdainful looks upon the boy!

'Hmm? They seem to harbor hatred toward the boy? What's going on,' Hayato pondered inwardly. 'Perhaps... is Naruto quite the troublemaker? Maybe just like me when I was young,' he further devised, hoping he was merely over-ruminating.

As Naruto sauntered along the snow, his formerly callous eyes shone with radiance as he shot a glance at a nearby store featuring ANBU-like masks. The youth's eyes were specifically set on a golden kitsune mask with red lines. A childlike smile illuminated his face as he stumbled toward the store.

- Hey, that boy, that's him, right? - 

- Yeah - 

With the villager's statements, Hayato was now certain that he wasn't just concluding things without basis; the villagers really harbored contempt, bearing nervous expressions. However, Hayato remained concealed, observing from the shadows.


His heart raced with nervous anticipation, and his sweat traced its way down his cheek, producing an inaudilble splatter sound. He contemplated, 'Yesterday he seemed so happy... But why are the villagers harboring hatred toward him? It's fine if he's a troublemaker, but to hate him...' 

He could sense the vivid resentment the villagers were emanating, which aroused further speculation; 'Could it be... because of the Kyuubi? No way... You mean to tell me... The entire village is aware?!' 

The occasional pauses signified his disbelief...

'No... That can't be. His status as a Jinchuriki is supposed to be concealed,' he rebuked, dissenting his concern. This was highly classified dockets accessible to only the higher-ups, and strictly forbidden from exposing the data. Should the data be exposed, the perpetrator may very well be punished severely!

Naruto ran to the shop, his eyes focused on the golden kitsune mask. He stared at it, his blue eyes reflecting the structure and colour of the mask, vividly yearning for the mask.

It just looked so cool!

Meanwhile, the vendor of the respective store was preoccupied with rearranging the items on a shelf.

Hayato watched cautiously, eavesdropping on the residents, his frown deepening the longer the offensive remarks persisted!

- What's he doing here? - 

- The cursed child! Let's get away from here! - 

- That monster! - 

- So annoying! No one wants you here. Go away and leave us in peace. - 

The curses from the villagers caused Hayato to frown. This situation was completely different from yesterday, or rather... Yesterday, he was so focused on Naruto chatting happily with his peers that he was blind to the critiques of the villagers! 

Moreover, as the contemptuous insults echoed in his ears, it didn't take a genius to reach a conclusion. Though Hayato was skeptical at first, the more he observed, the stronger his conviction. With his though process finalising, his jaws ground together in frustration, and he mused, 'His status was leaked!'

Before long, the vendor of the store had completed his arrangements, sighing in satisfaction. Wiping the accumulated sweat from his forehead, the vendor descended from the wooden ladder and turned back to the street, welcomed by the light of the outside world, but, his smile subsided, replaced by rage! The luster in his eyes had diminished, reflecting darkness. His rage was directed at the male youth, innocently staring at the golden kitsune mask with childlike wonder, his eyes sparkling, desiring the mask. The male youth was none other than Naruto!

The vendor gnashed his teeth together before his lips parted into an obnoxious shout; "YOU BRAT!"


Hayato's heart shuddered at the venomous yell! The vendor's action prompted Naruto to turn to the roar, whose eyes reflected the vendor stomping toward him, each step bearing an ominous weight.

"GET AWAY FROM HERE!" the vendor shouted as he neared Naruto, his hand raised with the intent to inflict harm, and his eyes exuding a deep-rooted malice.

The other villagers merely watched callously, as though this were an everyday occurrence. The intolerant behavior of abusing a child did not faze them; no, rather, though several watched with indifference, there were even some who watched in solace as evidenced by their lips subtly curling in delight. These people thought, 'Serves that kid right!'

The vendor momentarily halted in front of Naruto, and continued, "DON'T EVER COME HERE AGAIN!"

With his hand raised high, he shot down with injurious intent, to which Naruto closed his eyes, attempting to firm the push. Hayato, who watched from atop had eyes widened with wrath slowly seeping into him.


The faces of the villages flinched, their eyes widened, and mouths agape. The outcome they predicted in their minds hadn't played out, deviating from the everyday norm!

Naruto had his eyes shut as though attempting to firm the push... but it never happened... Rather, he heard a slight 'thud' sound. This was the very sound he would find himself victimised as a result of the ostracisation of the people around him. As such, while he fell to the ground, everybody else would hear this 'thud' sound, but today was the oppsite; Naruto heard it. 

The impending pain of firming the assault was something he had not only grown with, but was as though it was destined to happen, marking almost every single day in the calendar. Almost every day, he would find himself forced into one of the villager's obnoxious antics and firm himself against their disputes, whether it was verbal or physical.

However, as of this moment, there was a fluctuation today, beckoning the youth to open his eyes. Absorbing the view, his pupils constricted and also glimmered.

In his line of sight, the vendor seemed to be sprawled on the ground, clambering his arms on his head in apparent discomfort. Raising his eyes, Naruto noticed an imposing figure standing before him. The man's facial features remained elusive, his focus fixed ahead, exposing only his striking crimson hair, neatly tied in a ponytail.

"Ugh, you brat, how dare y-"

The vendor of the store paused, eyeing a new individual responsible for this scenario. The person had crimson hair, deep vermilion eyes as though peering into the soul of those who looked upon it, and donned a navy blue, baggy upper tunic, tucked in white trousers.

Beads of sweat formed by the vendor's temples as he gazed directly into the eyes of the perpetrator. Hayato's crimson cold gaze squinted, fixed only on the vendor who frowned.

- Who is he? -

- I've never seen him before. -

- Is he helping... that good for nothing kid? - 

- No way. - 

Confusion circled the domain as the citizens watched the scene unfold. 

Hayato remained firm. He was angry at the vendor but decided not to press the matter further. The anger he felt should be directed at someone else, and Hayato didn't like the idea of confronting this said person.

'What was Lord Third even doing?' Hayato thought. 

Hayato turned his gaze back to Naruto, who had his mouth agape and stared back. A smile graced Hayato's face, the coldness in his eyes ebbed, replaced by fatherly warmth.

He crouched down to meet Naruto's eye level, and Naruto stared back into his eyes. It was the first time someone had stopped any abuse from being inflicted upon him, and the youth didn't know how to feel. Moreover, the look in the man's eyes... They were warm. Nobody had ever looked at him with such warmth, except Ramen-guy and Iruka-sensei. 

"Kid, which one do you like," Hayato asked in a questioning, enchanting tone. 

Naruto, overwhelmed by the unexpected protection, pointed to the golden kitsune mask, and stammered, "Th-That one."

Following the finger, Hayato saw a golden Kitsune mask with red engravings. It was very much like the ANBU mask, its only difference being golden.

Approaching the vendor, who gulped, Hayato proceeded to take the mask his nephew desired, scrutinising it, where there appeared to be a price tag:

- 1500 RYO - 

He tossed a 1000 Ryo note at the vendor and made his exit.

The vendor observed the retreating figure, glancing at the money, and pondering, 'It costs 1500.' However, fear restrained him from questioning the benefactor.

Hayato gave the mask to Naruto, to which Naruto gracefully accepted.

Naruto's expression morphed into a delicate grin before he expressed his gratitude, "Th-Thank you so much mister."

Waving his hand in dismissal, Hayato assured amicably, "Don't mention it kiddo."

Glaring into the pure blue eyes of the innocent child, Hayato couldn't help but ruffle his hair, to which Naruto giggled. The youth's reaction unconsciously cast a warm smile on Hayato's lips, and he hinted, "Your uncle will be coming home soon." 

Hearing this, Naruto stammered, "W-What?"

Deliberately leaving Naruto in suspense, Hayato turned around from Naruto and voiced, "I'll see you later kiddo, take care."

The man's warmth was replaced by a subtle coldness, signifying his heightened rage as he cast a gaze full of resentment upon the Hokage mansion that loomed far in the distance. His eyes became bloodshot, and his lips twitched. His very being now emanated an aura of coldness, and a chilly breeze swept the terrain as his clothes billowed, and his blood-like hair whipped wildly.

Hayato had forgotten about his hunger moments prior, and right now, he had a new mission in mind...

Confronting Hiruzen!

'I have truly failed you nii-san,' Hayato thought, before vanishing from the spot.

Hayato vanished from the scene. 

To these people, it merely seemed like he had moved fast, like any other ninja, but no; he had teleported! 

The residents of this street were left astonished by this ordeal. The vendor from earlier stood up from his daze, seeing Naruto stare at the former location of the red-haired man. Considering what had transpired, the vendor chose not to pursue the matter while Naruto stood in amazement. 

Naruto, expecting to fall into the billowy snow, found himself defended for the first time. The impactful words from the red-haired man echoed in his mind...


"Your uncle will be coming home soon."


Naruto remained standing, his eyes glimmering, recalling his memories as he traversed memory lane...


In a flashback, a younger Naruto struggled to read a scroll-shaped letter. Lord Third, understanding his difficulty, offered assistance.

"I'll read it for you, Naruto." A deep voice insisted, as though understanding Naruto's difficulty.

Naruto turned his head, meeting the gaze of Lord Third, and handing him the scroll.

"Ahem," Hiruzen recomposed himself while Naruto sat cross-legged on the ground exuding an aura of curiosity.

Hiruzen continued; "Hey Naruto. How have you been? For starters, I am your uncle, and I just wanted to let you know that I will come home in a few years since I'm on an important mission. I'm sorry I'm not there for you. Take care and stay strong buddy. I'll try to write to you as much as I can, and I hope to see you soon."

"Uncle?" Naruto questioned.

Hiruzen replied, "Yes, he's your uncle on a faraway mission."

His eyes widened, revealing a slight sparkle as he claimed in ecstasy, "Woah, I have an uncle!"

Hiruzen could only warmly smile at the ecstatic child, but deep in his eyes, lay a deep sorrow.

"That's right," Hiruzen replied.

And so, Naruto would often get letters from this mysterious 'uncle.' Because of this, though initially he had difficulties learning, he learned to read the letters his uncle gave. The exchange of letters between Naruto and his uncle became a source of joy and solace, fostering a unique connection despite the physical distance.


With a bright smile, Naruto exclaimed, "Uncle!"

The uncle he had replied to in his letters, was returning! 

The time had finally arrived!

"YOOSHAAAA," Naruto cheered, which irked the villagers, but they did nothing. The vendor dared not approach Naruto, and due to what had transpired, nobody dared to.

The moody Naruto of earlier was replaced by a spirited one, unaware that his life was about to take a positive turn. He happily skipped along the snow, humming in delight.