
Naruto: Reincarnating with Heavenly Rinnegan

[Fanon][Non-Canon Compliant][Canon Divergance][Wish Fulfilment][No Harem] A young boy, Shin, with barely any knowledge of Naruto, is reincarnated as Yahiko with the Heavenly Rinnegan. Will history be changed by him?

blade555 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 3 - New Companions

Since then, Yahiko and Konan would work together. He functioned surprisingly well with the girl as a two-person team, and their haul greatly increased over the last few weeks.

They had just finished eating dinner and were preparing to sleep.

"It's especially cold today. The rain's such a crybaby, seriously. Did it get spanked or something?" Yahiko said, and pulled a thin sheet over both their backs. "We have only one, so we'll have to share."

The girl nodded and they huddled up in one corner of the cave, in front of a fire that provided only a minuscule of heat.

Not long after, a gust of cold wind blew into the cave and hit him. Yahiko shivered as the flickering flame died out. No matter how he tried, he couldn't start it again.

"Sorry. I guess we'll just have to stick it out." He sat beside Konan, finding some slight warmth from the sheet that covered his back.

"It's fine."

The girl shuffled herself closer, pressing her body against his side by side, and Yahiko could feel her warm skin brushing against his. The girl had been getting bolder and bolder every time this happened. Surely it wasn't that cold all the time?

Konan then picked up a wrapper that lay on the floor and made a flower out of it. Then reached for another wrapper and did the same.

He took another glance at the origami Konan had made. The girl really enjoyed folding paper, and in particular flower origami.

"Flowers … you really like them. Don't you?"

"My mother said they are a symbol of peace. I hope one day our country will be a place where beautiful flowers can blossom." Konan spoke softly.

Yahiko simply kept quiet. Peace? In a war-torn nation like theirs. He also hoped for that too. But the reality was often a different story. True peace seemed like a fleeting dream.


(A few days later)

Yahiko looked on in shock at the two new visitors, a boy and a dog, that stood beside Konan.

"... and who are they exactly supposed to be?" he quizzed, demanding a reason for the new burdens that had joined them. More people meant more mouths to feed. The girl should have been aware of that fact.

"They were dying …" Konan's voice was soft and meek.

"This is the first and last time. We really can't afford to help others, please understand that." He facepalmed while the little dog ran towards the flower origami at the side of the cave and played with it, Konan joining in as well.

"So what's the name?" Yahiko asked the other new visitor, studying him.

The boy had red-hair, but what caught his attention was how strange his eyes looked - they were purple and ripple-patterned. He'd never seen anything like that before.


"That's quite the cute name … for a guy."

"No." the boy swallowed, visibly nervous. "It's the puppy's name. I'm Nagato."

"Oh." He looked at him, unimpressed. "I'm Yahiko, and the blue-haired girl over there is Konan. Anyways, get settled down. I'm sure you're hungry."

As he led the boy in, Yahiko heard a giggle, and he turned to see Konan enjoying her time with the little dog. She was petting the cute little puppy, and the furry animal stuck its tongue out in response, wagging its tail excitedly.

He grabbed a piece of bread from his stash and passed it to Nagato. "Since you're here. I expect you to join our partnership." he stole a glance at the playful dog cuddling in Konan's lap. "Chibi as well."

"Partnership?" Nagato repeated, a blank look on his face.

"That means you'll have to help us out in stealing food. These things don't grow on trees, you know."

"But isn't stealing bad?"

"Are you a baka? Like a big big baka?" he rolled his eyes. "These are times we have to fend for ourselves. We can't survive by holding on to our morals. It's not like we're killing or doing stuff like that."

"Morals …" Nagato's voice trailed off, then he nodded. "I agree with you."

And so, over the next few days, Yahiko quickly got their new team to start 'work'. They had to be more active and steal more food, now that the group was larger. Although he had accumulated a sizable stockpile; it wasn't wise to rely on it all the time. They had to keep replenishing it. He had long mapped out the escape routes they could take, and the unlucky store owners were never able to catch a whiff of their tracks.

Unexpectedly, Chibi had been their top performer.

"Did you train this puppy or something?" Yahiko said, counting the food they had stolen. "I can't believe we actually stole so much!"

"I met Chibi while wandering alone." Nagato said, giving the dog a gentle pet.

"Anyways, let's get moving. We don't want to get caught." he stuffed the food into his raincoat, and they were soon out of town, walking back to their hideout, trudging through mud and rain.

He looked on at the downpour. It was always so depressing, reminding him of the fateful day that the Iwa Shinobi invaded his village and killed his parents, especially what they did to his mum …

… he would never forget, nor forgive. It was God's role to forgive. His role was to send those damned shinobi to meet Him.

"One day. I'm gonna stop this moody rain for good." Yahiko said, his voice full of conviction. "Do y'all have any dreams?"

"Dreams?" Konan looked at him thoughtfully. "Peace would be nice …"

"How about you, Nagato?"

"I just want to protect those dear to me …" his friend's voice trailed off.

The only way to put an end to this dumpster of a life was to rise to the top of this world. Yahiko imagined the day when he would rule over everything, they would be living their life like kings, just like how the wealthy did in his previous world. But to do that he needed power, overwhelming power. He would have to become a god of sorts in this world to end the conflict in his country.

Sometime in his dreams, Yahiko hated how powerless he was. The so-called Heavenly Rinnegan was a scam. That goddess should be arrested for lying and giving him false hope. The only power he felt he had gotten was shitty luck.

"World domination. That's my dream." he crossed his arms and looked on at his companions. "If we rule the world, we can get rid of all the wars, and we won't need to starve anymore. If even that is not enough, then I'll become a god to make that happen."

Konan giggled. "That's so ambitious, Yahiko."

Nagato jumped in excitement. "Our nation won't need to suffer pain anymore!"

"Of co-"

An explosion happened right behind them, and Yahiko heard a bang so loud that his head rang.

The ground disappeared within his feet, and he found himself flying through the air and slamming onto the floor.

He stood to his feet, coughing, dust and mud stuck to his raincoat.

"Is everyone okay?"

Before he could hear their response, another series of explosions sounded in the distance, and a sudden gust of wind battered against his face.

A battle? He ran in the direction of the blasts, and took cover behind a rock, peeking atop the cliffs at the scene below.

In the distance, Yahiko saw a man standing proudly atop a Salamander, and three other shinobi facing him off. Around them, dead bodies littered the ravaged battlefield. It was clear the fight was reaching its final conclusion.

That person atop the Salamander, he had heard about it from his parents before.

It was Hanzo! The leader of Amegakure!

(1270+ words)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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