
Naruto: Reincarnated Zeus

Over the years of ruling over other gods, Zeus had grown bored. Nothing brought him any joy. Love, death, music - nothing. That's why Zeus decided to do something unheard of - to strip away all his divinity and reincarnate as a mortal. - Hello! This is my first fanfiction, so any reviews or power stones are deeply appreciated. Everything happens in Naruto. There is not a lot of emphasis on romance, so don't expect it here. There is no system as well! P@treon: https://www.patreon.com/Zerga3 Discord: https://discord.gg/djq6WyTrUW Note: Zeus reincarnates as a baby, so we are going to explore everything from that age.

Zerga3 · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs


"I have come back to report." Black Zetsu, a member of the Akatsuki, sprung from a wall, cursing under his breath. In the darkness of the building was another figure, leaning against a throne made of bones. An orange mask hid the man's features, but just his presence alone made the darkness shiver.

"Speak, Zetsu," Obito stated with a deep voice.

"The Hidden Mist Village was attacked, as you have predicted." Black Zetsu lingered in the air, for he was stuck in the wall. "A white-haired man going by the name Zeus confronted those people we have fought with earlier, engaging in a battle beyond what I thought was possible. Their power was... unimaginable."

Obito's mood couldn't be judged. "A white-haired man going by the name of Zeus. Interesting. To think that kid survived after all."

"You know him?" Black Zetsu raised an eyebrow.

"Indeed." Obito lingered in silence for a few instances, deciding not to expand further. "How did the battle end?"

"That white-haired man put up great resistance. He has almost killed that big man, yet he regenerated in an instant. Then, Zeus was simply overwhelmed by their number." Black Zetsu continued with his story. "However, in the end, another figure appeared in the air, creating volcanos that disrupted the enemy and saving Zeus. I have never seen jutsu like that."

"Zeus fought both of them and held his own? To think that kid would grow up to become so powerful." Obito's fascination couldn't be hidden from his voice. "But why would Zeus fight them? It appears that he went to that village on his own."

"It seems that they know each other." Black Zetsu revealed his full figure, hopping onto the ground. A frown formed on the black creature's face. "However, that's not the main thing that I wanted to report."

Obito didn't say anything, prompting Zetsu to continue.

"Along with that bulky man and that woman, there was another figure. A golden-haired man with a bow that never misses. Apollo, the one who joined us a few weeks ago." Zetsu talked with a hiss. "I knew something wasn't right with that man. He had power beyond what he has shown us, and he appeared like he was a friend of those two."

Obito still remained silent, putting a hand on his mask. A few months ago, their Akatsuki base was stationed in the Village of Hidden Mist. However, they were attacked by two figures, who completely overwhelmed them. Obito has completely lost to them, and Yagura has fallen in the battle, releasing the Three-Tailed Beast for reincarnation.

And now, it turns out that the new member of their crew was actually a friend of those two. And, according to Zetsu, he was also a monster that could probably overpower even him. These were bad news. From where the hell did such a monster pop out? Just their appearance alone forced them to change their plans.

"That's an interesting conversation that you are having." An angelic voice resounded throughout the entire place, causing Zetsu to glance around with a frown on his face. Obito remained silent, yet his hand grabbed the handle of his bone throne. They knew whose voice was that.

Steps sounded from the darkness of the room, as Apollo walked out from there with a casual stride. Red clouds of the Akatsuki painted his coat, which made his golden hair stand out even more. Nobody moved, whilst bright light suddenly materialized in the air, taking the form of a chair. Apollo took a seat with pleasure, leaning against it with a smile on his face. "Would it be possible to enter your conversation, fellow Akatsuki members?"

"Apollo." Obito's handle crumbled from his pure strength. "What are you?"

"Such an insightful thing just when I got here." Apollo nodded to himself, a smile on his face. "Well, I can be many things at the same time, yet also nothing at the same time. I am Sun that shines in the sky, and I am the light that enables you to see. However, at the same time, I am a lack of darkness."

"What are you talking about?" Obito stood up from his sitting position. "I will repeat my question: What are you?"

"Alright; Alright, there's no need to get heated, you know." Apollo raised his hands in defeat, also standing up. Suddenly, tremors shook the entire place, and the ceiling above broke into minuscule parts, creating an avalanche of rocks. Obito disappeared from the spot, whilst Zetsu moved through the walls.

Once the dust settled, both of them appeared on the unbroken parts of the rooftop, and both of them stared upwards. Apollo was levitating in the air on a platform made of light, staring down at them like they were insignificant creatures.

Apollo put his hands in opposite directions, closing his eyes. "I am a God."


"This should be good enough," Hephaestus mumbled, his hand on the chin as he stared at Zeus's armored body. He had created a few pieces of armor, including a breastplate, in order to give Zeus better defense. The equipment was made of the finest materials he could find and had a few special enchantments that could give him a hand over his foes.

"This feels nostalgic." Zeus contemplated, feeling the weight of the equipment on his body. It was not restrictive, for Hephaestus knew how to do his job better than anybody else. The memories of the times he had fought in Heaven resurfaced in his mind, and a seed of excitement grew within him. These gods were stronger and more powerful, but Zeus craved to battle them after understanding the situation.

Who did they think they were to try to defeat him?

"Let's go, Hephaestus." Zeus turned around, his blue armor shining in the sunlight. Zeus hopped onto Hephaestus's carriage, taking a seat in the corner, later followed by the burly man. The man had also put on armor and had a hammer ready at his disposal.

They were ready to take care of that Three-Tailed Beast.