
Naruto:Reincarnated As Naruto(AU) {{DROPPED}}

A man dies accidently by Space Rift and because of this the GOD give him the chance to reincarnate but it is decided by 'SPIN THE WHEEL' JUST SO YOU GUYS KNOW THIS MY FIRST FAN FIC AND I DONT KNOW IF I CAN REGULAR FLOW OF CHAPTERS BU I WILL TRY MY BEST SO YOU MY ENGLISH IS SECOND LANGUAGE IF BY CHANCE THERE ARE SOME MISTAKE IN SPELLING OR GRAMMER SO JUST THINK OF THAT AS NOOB MISTAKE NO HAREM OP MC SINGLE FL SYSTEM Disclaimer : i am not original author of NARUTO or NARUTO SHIPPUDEN. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic. Disclaimer : I do not own the Cover Pic it belongs to the its original creator

zethmen69 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs



After walking for some time, I reached the forest on the outskirts of Konoha and found an area near a river. After making sure that no one was here, I removed my clothes and jumped in the river for a much-needed bath. I was stinking after leaving the alley, and I don't know how long I was in that stinking alley. After thoroughly cleaning myself to remove the stink, I return to the place where I have kept my luggage, and then, after changing into fresh clothes and sitting in a meditative position, I sort out all the things from memory.

"Hmmm, mostly all the events are going according to the plot, and my parents also died in the Nine-Tailed Attack, and mostly all are in accordance with the plot, and if there is some difference, then I have to find that in Konoha Library," I thought out loud.

'Didn't I ask for a system?' I thought.


[System initiating.....]

[System progress.....10%.....40%....60%.....95%.....100%]

[System successfully bound to host]

[Hello! host this is the sign-in system that the host wished for God, and the system is only loyal to the host.]

Naruto became excited as he heard the system in his mind and immediately asked the system, "Hey system, what are your functions?"

[Host the system can allow the host to sign in each day, and the system has an inventory that the host can use to store items or any other things he wants to store in it except living things. The system also has a status function that shows the host's current strength and progress.]

[Host can also access your personal dimension through the system.]

"Sweet! Now that I have this, I can finally begin my journey in this world!" I exclaimed.

After that, I want to see my current strength,' Status.'


Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 6 years


Str: low-level academy student

Dex: low-level academy student

Int: normal level chunin

Cha: special jonin

Cha Control: 5%

Affinity: Wind

[SKILL]: None

[JUTSU]: None

"Well, better than I thought, I am already at the strength level of the low-level academy students, and I think the academy starts in some months, so this is good." I nod at my current status.

'Hmm, I have to train my chakra control for now, and I also don't want to show my true strength, right? I can show that I'm a genius, so Hiruzen will try to protect me from that cyclope root's ninja.' I decided to try asking the system the important questions.

"Hey system, can my past-life memory and our talk can be heard by Kurama?" I asked the system in my mind.


[No host, your thoughts, or your past life memory cannot be seen or heard by Kurama, nor can our talk with each other; he also cannot see or hear from his seal; he is pretty much isolated from the outside world.]

"Hmmm, good. I don't want to explain to him the whole story, which should always be safe with me alone." I said to the system.


[Yes host]

"Well, let's sign up for today's chance." I said to the system


[Yes host]


[Congratulations, host, for completing the first sign-in; you get the Tarakudo's ring.]

"Huhh, system, what is this Tarakudo's ring? Shouldn't it be Tarakudo's mask?" I asked the system.

[Yes, host, it used to be a mask, but for your convenience sake, it has been changed to the form of a ring, and all the shadows are loyal to you, and even if the ring is removed by someone, it will eventually return back to you, and ring outside of your finger is just an ordinary ring with no powers.]

"Wow! This will be really useful for my intelligence and spy network, and I can also keep the root and enemy ninja far away before gaining appropriate strength." I said it happily.

After wearing the ring and summoning ten shadow ninja to spread out in Konoha and gather information, I summoned another ten to protect me in the shadows, and I went to my makeshift bed to get some much-needed sleep so I could start my training tomorrow.

"Good night, System," I said to it, and I went to sleep.


[Good night, host.]

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