
Naruto:Reincarnated As Naruto(AU) {{DROPPED}}

A man dies accidently by Space Rift and because of this the GOD give him the chance to reincarnate but it is decided by 'SPIN THE WHEEL' JUST SO YOU GUYS KNOW THIS MY FIRST FAN FIC AND I DONT KNOW IF I CAN REGULAR FLOW OF CHAPTERS BU I WILL TRY MY BEST SO YOU MY ENGLISH IS SECOND LANGUAGE IF BY CHANCE THERE ARE SOME MISTAKE IN SPELLING OR GRAMMER SO JUST THINK OF THAT AS NOOB MISTAKE NO HAREM OP MC SINGLE FL SYSTEM Disclaimer : i am not original author of NARUTO or NARUTO SHIPPUDEN. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic. Disclaimer : I do not own the Cover Pic it belongs to the its original creator

zethmen69 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


After several minutes, I looked at God and said," I am ready to make my wishes."

GOD then looks at me and nods. I took a deep, nonexistentential breath and said, "My first wish is to have unlimited body, mind, and soul potential that cannot be copied, taken, sealed, or passed on hereditarily except for my Uzumaki bloodline and a small amount of Kurama's chakra. " Then I looked at God just to see if he was okay with it, to which he just nodded while I sighed in relief, as this would help me in this can or cannot Narutoverse.

Then I continued to mention my second wish: "My second wish is to have a personal dimension in which there are all types of energy and it can produce its own energies, and I can be the god of this dimension and no one can enter, interfere, see, or observe me or my dimension, whether I am inside or outside the dimension, and I can also change time dilation inside the dimension and it is connected to my soul and it grows as my soul gets stronger. " Then I once again look at him; he just nods and doesn't say anything.

Then I mention my final wish:" I want a signing system, and the system should have an inventory with infinite capacity. No one can control me with this system, and the system should also be loyal to only me and no one else." I finally say my last wish and look at him with an expectant gaze, to which he stares at me, which makes me shiver unconsciously. After an unknown amount of silence, he speaks: " Well, those were some overpowered wishes, but they are still acceptable if there are some restrictions on them. " While he was staring at me, I just nodded at that, as I also knew that this was one of overpowered wishes. Hack, the first wish is more than enough for the Naruto AU or not. While I was thinking this, he just nodded at that. 'Damn that mind-reading ability! ' Well, I cannot do anything to him because he is 'THE GOD', to which he just smirked at me, to which I shook my head at that. Well, whatever I get, I get a new life in one of the best and most dangerous worlds with wishes as a protagonist, so I can accept this restriction.

After GOD said, "Okay, the first wish can be accepted as it is more or less just potential and not the get-go overpowered ability, the second wish is acceptable only if it cannot get all the energies from the start; you have to first generate that said energy inside your body and then it will generate in your dimension. Then your third wish, is that the system is acceptable, but the inventory will only store non-living things, and if you want to store that, then store it in your dimension. And your system will be loyal only to you, and no one will find out about its existence unless you want them to."

I just nod at things he mentions that I still consider overpowering and also gave me so that no one can find out the system's existence, which was not in the wish, as well as being able to carry living beings in my dimension, for which I am very grateful as I forgot about it. Sensing what I was thinking, he just said," Consider it as a small gift to you." I look at him gratefully.

After all is said and done, he once again lifts his hand and waves in front of me, which creates a black vortex, and says," Well, my child, this is the goodbye. Live a fulfilling life, and beware, my child, even though it is a different world from your previous world, keep in mind that it is a real world, and all the things that are shown in anime and manga are for kids to watch, so keep in mind that reality is much more dark and cruel, so never ever think that the people in that world are just characters and die uselessly." He said it in a grave tone, to which I finally realized what I was going into, which I was very grateful for.

After that, something pushed me into the black vortex, and God said, "Goodbye, my child," to which I just shouted from the bottom of my soul heart, "THANK YOU VERY MUCH, GOD, I WILL CHERISH THIS OPPORTUNITY AND LIVE A FULFILLING LIFE," and I entered the vortex and vanished from the white space, and everything went black for me again.

3rd Person POV

After John vanished from the white space, it descended into a peaceful silence, and God spoke to himself, "Well, things are going to get interesting." After saying that, he vanished from space, and the black vortex that sent it to its destination continuously grew in size and consumed the whole white space, turning into the void from which it came.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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