
Konoha Crush

Chaos was erupting everywhere. I looked over to check on Isamu, but he had snapped out of the genjutsu.

"The hell!?" He exclaimed.

I went over and picked up my mom. She was just a normal civilian and would probably be in more danger if I woke her up.

"We are getting attacked by Oto and maybe Suna. I don't know the details. I'm going to take Mom to a safer spot; go check on Ayame if you can," I said.

I hopped up down the stadium and moved towards, the medical rooms, laying my mom down in one of the beds.

"I'll be back." I turned and left, locking the door behind me.

I was wracking my brain for answers on how to handle this situation. I could run after Gaara, I could go help out Isamu and Ayame, or I could protect the Uchiha kids, not knowing if Danzo would take the chance to gather more sharingan. Without the third, the youngest, Hana and Haruki, were still young enough for brainwashing.

Wait… Without the Third…

I palmed my forehead and laughed bitterly.

"Looks like I've still been worried about canon changing this whole time… I'm such a dumbass."

Who the fuck cares about canon!? I will make my own future! No more assuming how shit is going to go down. This isn't a story anymore; this is my life. And I'll be damned if I let some knowledge of a stupid anime ruin it for me.

I grit my teeth and looked up towards the purple fuinjutsu barrier. It's time to change some shit.

I started utilizing flash-step to its fullest, dodging the incoming Oto shinobi that tried to stop me until I reached the roof where the fight was taking place.

I approached the barrier when one of the anbu already present spoke up.

"It's useless," he said, "We've already tried everything. We'll have to trust Lord Hokage to pull through."

I smirked, "Have you tried punching it?"


I ignored him and took a stance and a deep breath in.


I shattered a three-meter hole into the barrier and dived through before it could repair itself. The anbu outside just gaped at me. But I had no time to take in their expression because it looked like Orochimaru had just summoned the two dead Kages.

I flash-stepped over to Hiruzen, "I'm here to assist, Lord Hokage."

He grimaced, "You shouldn't be here. This fight is above your level."

"We'll see about that."

He sighed in exasperation, "You might as well make yourself useful then. Stall the reanimated Nidaime and Shodai if you can; I'll take on Orochimaru."

He glanced over at me. "And don't die."

I grinned at that, "Yes, Lord Hokage."

Orochimaru hissed, "One genin isn't going to make a difference."

He looked at the Hokages he resurrected, "Kill the brat first, then assist me against your successor."

The Shodai and Nidaime sighed and started making hand seals.

I grinned and activated my Shikai as Hiruzen engaged Orochimaru.

The Shodai slammed his hands onto the ground, sending multiple sharp tree branches at me, while the Nidaime spit three fucking water dragons.

"Oh boy," I muttered, "This is going to be rough."

I gathered the strongest flames I could muster onto the end of my sword.

"Taimatsu!" I said as I released a wave of flames, evaporating the dragons and stopping some of the trees. I flash-stepped toward Hashirama as I dodged the tree branches. I slashed toward him, hoping to decapitate him to stall for some time, but he transformed his arms into tree branches that shot towards me.

As I abandoned my attack, my instincts screamed at me to jump, and right as I did, a jet stream of water carved a trench into the ground where I was just standing. I tried to back up, but they left me without reprieve as darkness covered my entire vision.

Shit, I forgot about that stupid jutsu.

I found myself with only my other senses to keep me company before a barrage of punches landed on my chest. I flew back and skidded across the ground.

"Shit!" I shouted as I created some flames to stop a water jutsu I heard coming.

'Ok, stop panicking.' I took a deep breath to calm myself, 'Just let your instincts take over.'

And I did. The next time Hashirama moved in for an attack, I was able to defend with my sword, slicing straight through his wooden arms.

I heard the sound of rushing water as another water jutsu flew at me. I heard where it was coming from, though, and used a move that I wasn't sure would work or not.

"Onibi!" I yelled as I simultaneously thrust my sword forward and flash-stepped in the direction of the water.

I stabbed straight through the water and into Tobirama, creating a circular hole in his chest. The darkness receded. I took some damage from the water jutsu, but nothing a good night's sleep wouldn't fix.

The Nidaime tried to react, but he was too slow as I separated his head from his shoulders.

I knew that would just stall for time and he would reform soon enough, but that was okay. I just had to hold out until Hiruzen chased Orochimaru off.

Luckily, I didn't have to re-engage Hashirama, as both he and Tobirama started to fade away.

The Shodai looked at me and said, "Not bad, kid," before disappearing entirely.

I looked over to where Orochimaru was just in time to witness him regurgitate, well, himself again.

God, I did not need to see that for a second time.

"Konoha will fall eventually," Orochimaru spat out, "Even if I'm not the one to do it."

He called to the sound four and the barrier dissipated as they made their escape.

Both me and the Hokage were too tired to make chase. My Shikai dissipated and I flopped onto the ground. Hiruzen just let out a breath.

"I'm getting too old for this shit." He said.

Anbu rushed onto the scene and started to check on the Hokage.

No one even glanced at me. I guess I wasn't very important compared to the leader of the village. Fair enough.

After a few minutes to catch my breath, I got back up and looked down at the village. Currently, it looked like the other Konoha nin took care of it for the most part. Suna had retreated and Oto had been decimated.

The Hokage walked over to me.

"Thank you," he said gratefully, "You fought well. I will see to it that you are rewarded for your efforts."

I bowed slightly, "Thank you, Lord Hokage. May I be dismissed?"

He nodded and I bowed one more time before flash-stepping down to the medical area where I left my mom. I got there and unlocked the door. Thankfully, she was still there, peacefully sleeping. I sent some chakra through her system to disrupt the genjutsu.

She opened her eyes and yawned, "What happened? Where are we?"

"In the medical area under the stadium."

I proceeded to explain the invasion of Suna and Oto and how she was put under a genjutsu.

"It's all over now, though."

She just smiled, "I'm glad you weren't hurt, then. What about Isamu and Ayame? Are they ok?"

I just sighed, "I don't know yet. I came straight here from the fighting."

She looked worried at my admission, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go find out!"

She got up and dragged me by the arm out of the medical facility and started walking towards the exit. I could've stopped her, but with the invasion over and how tired I was after fighting two Kages, I let her drag me along.

We ended up walking around the arena before finding Isamu, who looked a little scuffed up but overall fine.

My mom didn't pay attention to that and immediately rushed over to check him for injuries.

Isamu was embarrassed but at the same time, I could tell he appreciated being worried over by someone.

"I'm fine, Auntie, Just a couple of scratches." He said.

I patted him on the shoulder, "Glad to see you're okay. Do you know what happened to Ayame?"

At this, he frowned, "I think she went to chase after that redhead from Suna with Sasuke and a few others."

I felt a pang of worry wash over me.

"Which direction did they leave in?" I asked urgently.

He pointed to the farthest exit. I nodded.

"Alright, I'll be back in a minute," I said.

"Wait, if you're going take me with… You…" But I was already gone.

My flash step was now significantly faster than a body flicker, so I was out of the village in a matter of seconds.

I started following the trail of destruction and sand through the forest until I came upon the fight. Or, the remnants of a fight.

The entire area looked like it got hit by a hurricane, and in the distance, I could see Naruto saying something to the sand siblings before they picked up Gaara and retreated.

I scanned over their group and spotted Ayame, who was sporting a good number of cuts but nothing life-threatening.

I sighed in relief. All the people close to me survived.

"Hey, Ayame!" I called out, "Can you walk?"

She just nodded her head.

"Alright then. What do you say we head back and meet up with Isamu and my Mom?"

"Hm," she muttered in compliance.

Then we left, pretty much ignoring the rest of the genin who were there.

A few minutes of tree hopping later, we were back in the village, where I could spot Isamu and Mom waiting outside of the stadium.

My mom got worried again after seeing all the cuts on Ayame, but she calmed down after a few minutes of fussing over her.

She pulled us all into a group hug.

"I'm so glad you guys are ok."

"Yes, ok, Mom. Now let go!" I said, my face going red at the public display of affection.

She did eventually let us go after squeezing the breath out of me.

I looked over to Ayame and Isamu, "Hey, let's go check on the Uchiha brats."

They both immediately widened their eyes before dashing off, leaving me somewhat confused.

There's no way that slipped their mind, right? Right?...

Thankfully, we arrived to find the Uchiha compound relatively untouched, with the kids all hiding inside the main house.

When the kids caught sight of us, they all immediately started sobbing. Haruki, the youngest, latched onto Ayame's legs. "Big Sis! I'm so glad you're okay! I was so scared…"

I just sighed at the sight. I guess it's good they didn't evacuate. They probably would have been in more danger if they were wandering the streets alone. Though, that did bring up the question of why they weren't being watched.

They are the last of the Uchiha clan, after all. The most likely scenario is that Danzo had them isolated so he could either bring them into Root after the invasion or take the eyes of the older kids since both Yuko and Ren had a one tomoe sharingan. It could also just be negligence, I guess.

No need to worry about it anymore. We comforted the kids for a while before Isamu and I went our separate ways to see if anyone needed help. After all, the village did get messed up pretty badly in the invasion.

After going around the village for a while and helping out wherever I was needed, I decided to take a break to check out my stats. I should have gotten a good amount of progress considering I fought the Nidaime and the Shodai at the same time.


Skills: [Flash Step, lvl 31], [Academy Taijutsu, lvl 5 (max)] [Hakuda, lvl 29] [Ikkotsu, lvl 5 (max)] [Sokotsu, lvl 1].

Progress: 62%]


Skills: [Tanto-wielding, lvl 15 (max)] [Katana-wielding, lvl 50 (max)] [Onibi, lvl 10 (max)]

Progress: 70%]

[Fire Release

Skills: [Shikai, lvl 13] [Itto Kaso, lvl 1 (max)] [Haien, lvl 1] [Soren Sokatsui, lvl 15 (max)] [Ennetsu Jigoku, lvl 10 (max)] [Sokatsui, lvl 10 (max)] [Jokaku Enjo, lvl 5 (max)] [Taimatsu, lvl 5 (max)] [ Fire Release: Two, lvl 5 (max)] [Fire Release: Ember Clone Technique, lvl 15 (max)] [Fire Release: Mythical Fire Flower Technique, lvl 15 (max)] [Fushibi, lvl 10 (max)] [Fire Release: Flame Spread Technique, lvl 5 (max)] [Shakkaho, lvl 10 (max)] [Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique, lvl 20 (max)] [Fire Release: Heat Detector, lvl 5 (max)]

Progress: 58%]


Skills: [Leaf-sticking, lvl 5 (max)] [Tree-walking, lvl 10 (max)] [Water-walking, lvl 15 (max)]

[Clone jutsu, lvl 15 (max)] [Transformation jutsu, lvl 15 (max)] [Substitution jutsu, lvl 20 (max)]

Progress: 79%]

Progress was good. I unlocked Itto Kaso, which was a forbidden move in Bleach because it used the wielder's body as a catalyst, usually destroying it in the process. It's a pretty powerful last resort, though.

After checking my progress, I started heading home. Luckily, my house was pretty isolated from the invasion, as it wasn't near anything of value. I arrived to see Isamu waiting outside the door.

"Where's Ayame?" I asked.

"She couldn't make it. She's too busy taking care of the kids."

"Meh, her loss. We can check on her tomorrow," I said as I walked into the house, smelling the wonderful scent of barbeque.

"Ah, honey, you're just in time!" My Mom said.

We sat down and enjoyed a large dinner, chatting all the while. After cleaning up, Isamu crashed on our couch as he usually does when he stays over. I went to follow his example, but not before hugging my mom goodnight.

"Goodnight, sweety."

"Goodnight, Mom."

And as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

///// A/N /////

Hello all. I honestly didn't know what to do with this chapter at first, which is why it took me so long to post it. There were just too many directions I could take it. I decided to let Hiruzen live because I feel like it made the most sense in the end. I mean, why try to protect people from Danzo when you can just let some old man do it? Anyways, I think I'll have Kaen go on some solo missions, maybe even give him a promotion to special jonin. Leave a review, please.

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