
Naruto: Reduce All Creation to Ash

Kaen Tsurugi died. He doesn't even know how he died, just that he died. He also didn't meet an all-powerful being that guides lost souls to reincarnate for their own amusement either. He thought he got reborn in the past, but that notion was crushed the moment he saw someone running on a wall. Or all the people with ninja headbands. "Sh*t. At least I got a system though. Inventory!... Inventory?... Status? Skills?... Sh*t." Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bleach.

Palpable_Banana · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chunin Exams

It's been 1 month and the chunin exams are finally about to begin. I maxed out my jutsu and practiced my Shikai as well. My real gains were in taijutsu this time, as I finally passed over 50%.


Skills: [Flash Step, lvl 28], [Academy Taijutsu, lvl 5 (max)] [Hakuda, lvl 25] [Ikkotsu, lvl 3].

Progress: 52%]

I unlocked one of Yamamoto's signature punches; Ikkotsu.

It is literally just an uber-powerful punch. And that's all it needs to be. I can punch through several trees and boulders with just one punch, much less a squishy human being.

But that's enough about me. It's time I left for the chunin exams. After gathering up with Isamu and Ayame, we headed to the exam building.

We entered the building and started walking up the stairs. Once we stepped off the second flight of stairs, sure enough, there were two chunin guarding the way up and a genjutsu over the floor number.

Now, I'm not an expert in genjutsu outside of dispelling them, but this was pretty damn obvious.

"Get lost," said chunin number 1. "You brats aren't strong enough to take the exam. Maybe try again next year when you're less green."

I smirked and released some of my chakra. The chunins in our way immediately paled.

"Still think I don't have what it takes?" I asked.

"Che. Fine, the first exam is that way," he pointed to the door behind him.

Ayame piped up for once, "No, it's that way." She pointed up the stairs.

The chunins just grunted and moved out of the way, allowing us the walk up the next flight of stairs to our actual location.

"Well, that was something," Isamu added, "If that's what they consider a challenge, this is gonna be a breeze!"

I wouldn't be so sure. I guess no one really knows about the invasion yet, though. It's not like I could tell anyone about it and have them believe me.

We entered the room to see a couple teams from Ame, the sand siblings, a Grass team, and Orochimaru's minio- Ahem, the team from Oto. We decided to make small talk between ourselves as we waited for more teams to show up.

Soon enough, the room got louder as Team 10, Team 8, and Team Kabuto entered the room one after another. Kabuto went around to other Konoha shinobi, trying to get them to look at his information cards. Team Guy also entered, shortly followed by the famous Team 7. Well, famous in the anime. They're kind of unknown to everyone else right now.

Naruto immediately caused a scene.

"Hah, watch out for Team 7! Because we're going to wipe the floor with you, believe it!"

I had to stifle a chuckle as he immediately got the attention of every genin in the room and was elbowed by Sakura. As most of the genin glared at Team 7, they started catching up with Teams 8 and 10.

I noticed Sasuke looking at my team curiously.

"What?" I asked.

He just huffed and turned away, "Nothing. Just didn't expect you guys to be here."

That caught Naruto's attention, "Wait, you guys know Sasuke? Then, why have I never seen you around?"

Sasuke sighed, "It's because they're senior genin and are too busy to be playing around with the dead last."

"Hey! I'll kick your ass, bastard!" And the conversation ended there as they started bickering.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Kabuto approaching them. He introduced himself as a veteran of the chunin exams, saying he failed like 6 times or something, which was a weird thing to be proud of. He finally got down to business and presented his information cards.

"I have just about everyone's information here, so give me some names," Kabuto offered.

Sasuke spoke up and asked for information on Rock Lee and Gaara of the Desert. Kabuto gave them some information and continued talking until he inadvertently insulted the team from Oto, earning him a sound attack that caused him to throw up.

That got all the Konoha teams defensive, including my teammates.

I gotta give credit where credit is due; if I didn't know that he was a spy previously, I would've fallen for his act as well.

Just as a fight was about to break out, Ibiki entered the room and blasted his killing intent.

"No fights before the exam, or you'll be disqualified immediately!" He barked.

After scaring a couple of genin shitless, he explained that he was the proctor of the first portion and led us into a room, where each seat already had a piece of paper set out. Once we all settled down into our seats, Ibiki addressed us again.

"Alright, brats; here are the rules. First, you'll have to answer the nine questions within one hour, or you'll be disqualified. Second, each of you has ten points. You will lose three points each time you are caught cheating. If you run out of points, you and the rest of your team will be disqualified. Am I understood?"

We all nodded.

"Good. Your time starts now!"

At that, everyone turned over their paper and started wracking their brains over the problems. Except for me, of course.

Information gathering is not my forte. Not that I care to, anyway. I mean, I'm here to light things on fire, not to be a spy. Leave that to the losers who can't just blow up their problems.

I leaned back in my chair and kicked my feet up on the desk, which got me a few incredulous glances from the other genin. If Ibiki cared, he sure as hell didn't show it.

So for the next hour, I waited for everyone to either get disqualified or find out the true purpose of the test.

Ibiki spoke up, "Time's up!"

Some people, including Naruto, groaned in despair.

"Ok, there is one last question. But this time, there's a condition. If you decide to attempt this question and fail, you will never be able to take the genin exams again." He announced.

"You can't do that! It's not fair!" Some random Konoha genin yelled

Ibiki just smiled cruelly, "My test, my rules. If you can't take it, get out."

A couple of people did. Some were just nervous, while others thought they would have better chances next year. Just as Sakura looked about to give up, Naruto spoke up and gave an inspiring speech that I pretty much ignored.

'Just encourage the competition to stay, why don't you? Eh, whatever. It's not like he's doing it on purpose.'

After his speech, everybody that looked indecisive firmed their resolve.

Ibiki just looked on, "Alright, you are all going to attempt the tenth question? Good. You all pass."

The rest of the genins looked surprised at that. Ibiki undid his headband to show his scars and did his little speech about the risks of taking missions and explaining the purpose of the tenth question. Right as he finished, Mitarashi Anko burst through the door.

"Hey, brats! Your next examiner, the sexy Mitarashi Anko, has arrived!"

She then looked around the room.

"Why so many? You might be losing your touch, Ibiki."

He just scoffed, "This batch is just made of tougher stuff."

"Oh, well," she smiled sadistically, "I'll cut that number down by at least half!"

She started walking out the door. "Follow me, brats. We're heading to the next stage of this exam."

A couple minutes later, we were all gathered up a the edge of the Forest of Death.

Anko started handing out forms.

"Sign these if you want to enter the next part of the exam. These are just some insurances in case you die."

A lot of genin paled at that. Naruto, being himself and all, boasted about how easy it was going to be. Causing Anko to throw a kunai at him and employ some intimidation tactics. Then the 'grass genin' handed Anko her kunai back with their tongue.

It was super gross. It's one thing to watch it on a screen and another to see it in real life.

After that was done, Anko grabbed our attention again.

"Alright, I'm going to call out each team to a designated entrance to the forest. Once there, you will each be given a scroll, labeled heaven or earth. To complete this portion of the exam, you need to obtain both scrolls and reach the tower in the center of the forest." She grinned as she said the last part, "Killing is allowed. Also, a quick warning; don't open your scrolls. Ever. You have seven days to reach the tower with both scrolls. If you don't have your whole team together by the end, you will be disqualified."

With that said, we were each sent to a different gate, where my team was handed an earth scroll by one of the chunin assistants.

I glanced over at Isamu and Ayame, "You guys ready?"

They both nodded with determination.

"Good. Let's create some chaos, yeah? And maybe light some people on fire." I smiled evilly at that last part.

Isamu and Ayame just chuckled. "Never change, man. Never change."

The chunin at our gate alerted us, "Alright, your time starts now." He said.

He opened the gate and we all ran in.

////// A/N ////////

Alright, guys. I have seen some people saying that he is too weak compared to Yamamoto, which is true. Not in terms of pure power, but in skill and experience. He still has to master all the techniques he unlocks. Also, Forest of Death next chapter! Lots of exciting action and stuff. Will they meet pedomaru, or not? Will canon be derailed, or stay the same? So many things I still need to decide. Anyways, leave a review, please!