
Naruto: Red Death of Konoha

I'm not the best at writing intros nor am I any good at writing in general, this is but a project of mine to pass time by from my monotonous life. ------------------------------- We all know the Yondaime of Konohagakure, Minato Namikaze and the Princess of Uzushiogakure, Kushina Uzumaki had a son named Named Naruto, however, what if they had another 4 years prior? What if this child had the powerful and ancient genes of the Uzumaki but the brains and personality of his father? Read on and follow the tales of Akuma the Red Death of Konoha. -------------------------------- Cover art and Naruto are not mine I only own the MC

ImaChildOfGod · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Training begins!

AN: Please check out my other fanfic, Naruto: Return of the Uzumaki. This novel will NOT be updated as regularly as this one, and chapters will slow down due to going on holiday and the school semester starting back up.

WC: 1,347


1 week later,

Akuma spent the remainder of his birthday coming up with a routine that he would follow until his training began next year, for now, he would have to self-study with his father's library. The Namikaze compound was much smaller than that of the Hyuuga's or the Uchiha's, however, considering only three people lived there it was much bigger than needed. The main house had five bedrooms, three bathrooms and three living rooms, it had a big front garden which was viewing all of Konoha. The back garden was much bigger than the front, there was a forest with multiple targets for Shurikenjutsu practice. There was also a sparring ring with wooden dummies to practice your Taijutsu. However, the one room in the house he was most intrigued, by was his father's study.

It was by far the biggest room which was put on the third floor of his house, the room was decorated full of bookshelves. Thousands of books littered these shelves varying from Jutsu scrolls to theory book knowledge, there were no books that weren't helpful to a shinobi as those could be found in the public library of Konoha so his father didn't find them necessary.

In the middle of his room was a desk and a chair, this is where Minato Namikaze would spend most of his time in the village if he wasn't with his family. On the desk was lots of paper, a note that was stated to Akuma.

Akuma out of curiosity picked up this note and began reading it, it was just his father saying to make the most of his use in the study.

Akuma wasn't a foolish not impatient boy he was much like his father in that department, otherwise, he would have immediately started on the Uzumaki Scroll to reap the rewards. However, he knew he wasn't ready yet. So for now, he would start with the basics, chakra theory.

Akuma looked around for a while, taking books off the shelve before not finding what he wanted and hurriedly moving on to the next.

A few minutes later, he pulled out a book called chakra theory for dummies, he was unfamiliar with the author but he quickly read the book and half an hour later he had finished the book.

Chakra is created when two more primal energies, known collectively as one's stamina, are moulded together. Physical energy is collected from each of the body's cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise. Spiritual energy is derived from the mind's consciousness and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience. These two energies becoming more powerful will in turn make the created chakra more powerful. Therefore, practising a technique repeatedly will build up experience, increasing one's spiritual energy, and thus allowing more chakra to be created. As a result, the ninja is able to do that same technique with more power. This same cycle applies to physical energy, except the ninja needs to increase their endurance instead. Some unique individuals have substantial potential that enables them to exponentially increase their chakra reserves in a relatively short amount of time.

Akuma knew that practising when he was younger was a good idea as his chakra coils are still growing so he could keep on expanding them. Also, Akuma was well aware of the talents that the Uzumaki have so the crimson-haired boy knew that Akuma found the next book he wanted which was about chakra control. One of the downsides of being an Uzumaki was the insane amount of chakra you possess so controlling it early was a great idea.

Because chakra takes time and a great deal of training to gradually build up, the key to its use is not actually having large amounts of chakra but instead being able to sufficiently control and conserve it. This is called chakra control. In order to have good chakra control, a ninja should only mould as much chakra as they need to perform a given ability. If they mould more chakra than is needed, the excess chakra is wasted and they will tire out faster from its loss. If they don't mould enough chakra, a technique will not be performed effectively, if at all, likely creating problems in a combat situation. Because chakra consists in part of spiritual energy, the user is more easily able to mould the correct amount of chakra by remaining calm and focused.

General training methods for improving one's moulding and manipulation of chakra are the Leaf Concentration, Tree Climbing, and Water Surface Walking exercises. A good way to build up chakra in the body is to spin it into a tight spiral; Whether to spin the chakra left or right is dependent on the way the user's hair grows. Hand seals are often used to manipulate chakra more easily, allowing shinobi to execute their techniques faster and more effectively. Shinobi who are extremely skilled at chakra control often specialise in genjutsu or become medical-nin.

'Hmm,' Akuma hummed. It appears I need to now research the leaf concentration exercise. Akuma found a small scroll, he read it and hopped out of the third-story room, he gracefully did a roll and ran to the forest behind the compound. When he got there, he got a leaf and went to the lake.

The four-year-old sat down taking up a meditative stance. He searched for his chakra until he felt a pulling sensation he grabbed hold of it and pushed it up coating it around the leaf, due to the large amount of chakra Akuma had he overpowered the technique and the leaf blew in his face.

'This is going to take a while.' The young Uzumaki thought to himself.

The scroll stated that the training method is done by placing a leaf over an individual's forehead and having them direct all their chakra onto the leaf, using it as a focal point.

[A few hours later,]

Yatta! A loud scream boomed across the entire village.

Finally, the leaf stuck to Akuma's forehead leaving him mildly exhausted for using up so much of his chakra to complete the exercise.

Akuma went back to his room and took out the book he got from his godfather.

In Fuinjutsu there are ten levels and once you've completed your ten levels can get a permit to be tested for a Seal Master, However, there are only three seal masters alive in Konoha. The first two were his parents. While the last was Jiraiya of the Sannin. It was as if it was his destiny to become a seal master.

Akuma picked up the book and started reading.

Fūinjutsu is a type of jutsu that seals objects, living beings, chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object. Fūinjutsu can also be used to restrict movement or unseal objects either from within something or someone. The presence of a seal is marked by the appearance of formations of technique formulae, kanji, or else other kinds of symbols. In a similar fashion to genjutsu, fūinjutsu can be undone by combining specific seals with a Fūinjutsu: Release command.

Normally, it would take a lot of money as you need to purchase a plethora of sealing papers and ink. Akuma would do that until he believes his calligraphy was good enough. However, this can be bypassed once you learn the finger carving seal, which is practically ink from chakra. He remembers his father stating how important it was for a user in Fuinjutsu to have impeccable calligraphy as the slightest scribble or the wrong kanji could lead to the seal blowing up in your face and not working at all.

So Akuma got some paper and ink from his father's study and began practising his calligraphy.



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