


Chapter 82: Home!

Jutsu of the day:

<Returning Home no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Everyone. Being home is the most wonderful feeling, after all.


3rd April, Year 78

Location: Konohagakure



­­­­­It was a beautiful spring morning in Konoha. It was lively, with all the hustle and bustle and the sound of children playing.

With the increase in businesses, the gates of Konoha are now typically filled with traffic.

Today was no different.

Kotetsu and Izumo, the two record keepers, were busier than usual. The usually lazy duo were now packed with work, due to the constant influx of merchants and visitors.

After recording and registering yet another merchant's information, Izumo slumped down on his chair. Seeing no other group near the gates, he decided to take a breather.

"Man… Ever since the alliance with Water, Honey and Spring, the visitors keep on coming… I miss those peaceful days where we could simply relax… What about you Kotetsu?" Izumo rolled his arms as he asked his partner.

"Tell me about it… But I am glad our village is growing so rapidly. Though yeah… a little more rest would be nice… Sigh." Kotetsu said with longing for his much coveted rest.

*Sound of wheels and horses*

"Sigh… Here comes another one… Let's go Izumo. Back to work."

Izumo simply sighed, but got ready to receive the newcomers. But when they saw the Ninjas guarding the carriages, their eyes turned wide.

Because, they knew the ninjas very well.

"H-hey, Kotetsu…"

"Yeah, Izumo?"

"Isn't that?"


Soon, the carriages stopped in the designated place outside the gate.

One of the Ninjas guarding proceeded to open the gate of the first carriage. And from inside came out a boy with light brown hair, dazzling golden eyes, and adorned in a Golden Haori.

Kotetsu and Izumo's eyes widened, and they both stepped forward and bowed respectfully to the boy.

"Welcome back, Mitsu-sama. You have been sorely missed." They greeted in unison. There was a smile on their faces.

Mitsu smiled at them, "Ah, Kotetsu and Izumo right? It's been far too long, thank you. Can you please send someone to Tsunade-Neechan? Please let her know that I will meet her in the afternoon after I settle in and meet my family."

"But of course, Mitsu-sama. As you command." Kotetsu replied, before turning and giving out some hand signs for a hidden ANBU to deliver the message.

Mitsu nodded and then looked inside and said, "Come Suzuran, we are already here. You will meet my family soon. Are you excited?"

Kotetsu and Izumo curiously looked on to see whom the Prince was trying to escort personally.

'Don't tell me… The prince found himself a girlfriend? Wasn't he really close with the Hyuga Heiress?' Such thoughts were going through the heads of the two guards.

But to quell their curiosity, a young girl of no more than ten, walked out of the carriage, holding Mitsu's hand.

'So young…' The two stooges thought. Different thoughts going through their mind.

But their fantasizing was cut short when the girl opened her mouth.

"Thank you, Mitsu-Niisama. I can't wait to meet Shijimi-Obasama and Hakune-Anesama!" The young girl said with a sweet smile, earning her head pats from Mitsu.

Kotetsu and Izumo got out of their fantasizing after hearing that, and understood that this little girl was probably from the royal household. So they kept their respect and stopped their evil thoughts.

Though they felt someone's jealousy filled stare from the side.

'Isn't that the Yamanaka Heir? Why is she and Team 10 with Mitsu-sama? Did something happen?' Kotetsu thought.

This time Mitsu addressed Asuma, "Weird Beard, you should go and report to Neechan." Asuma nodded.

Mitsu then turned to Fuse, "Fuzzy, you settle everything with the old man. I will lead everyone back to the mansion."

"As you wish, Mitsu-sama." Fuse bowed and went to find Hisashi to settle their belongings.

Mitsu then looked at Itachi and said, "Go. Your family must be waiting."

Itachi smiled and disappeared.

While Mitsu, with his party, entered through Konoha's gates uninterrupted.

"I am finally home." Mitsu said to himself with a smile.



Location: Hokage Tower, Konohagakure



Tsunade was going through some of the higher ranked work. She wasn't particularly in a good mood.

The reason was two fold.

First being the Raikage, requesting a meeting.

He had requested to come during the next Chunin exams. He wanted to make an alliance with Konoha and the Land of Fire, like all the new allies. She knew that there were more to it.

She knew that the Raikage and his adopted brother are both injured. So they are probably looking for medical help from her.

But trusting Kumo was the same as trusting a pack of hyenas with your back open.

If she wasn't in a position of politics, she would deny them right away. But alas, she couldn't outright refuse them… So she was having a headache.

But the issue didn't end there, because of Kumo's movement. Iwa was getting stirred as well.

Because, if Kumo does end up allying with Konoha and her allies, then it will spell disaster for Iwa. As then, it will be 4 great lands with 7 other smaller lands against Iwa and its allies.

That will simply break all balance, and Onoki couldn't have that, so the old fence sitter has requested a meeting as well.

In paper, this could be an actual alliance between the elemental nations for the first time, ending all prejudice and start working towards true peace.

Or, it will all go down the drain and start a whole new war…

This was giving her a great headache. And for some reason, she had an inkling feeling that Mitsu needed to be blamed for all this…

Well, he was to blame in a way... the new allies joining the Land of Fire and Konoha were all due to him, after all.

Now, the second thing that bothered her… was directly related to Mitsu and the crowned prince…

The first prince has offered her something that simply made too much sense… which she would have easily agreed to… But the idiot also made it complicated by involving the Wind Daimyo…

The first request she would easily accept, but she knew Mitsu… The moment he learns that it was his brother that set the ridiculous proposition with the Wind Daimyo…

The Koneko Dynasty might lose a member…

Tsunade had thought the problems between the brothers will develop further in the future… But alas… The idiotic crown prince simply had to stir up the dragon's den.

'I will pray for your soul, you idiotic brat.' Tsunade prayed mockingly.

It was then an ANBU arrived and gave her a paper slip.

Reading it, a beautiful smile graced her face.

She muttered as she grabbed a sake can and looked out the window.

"Welcome home, Mitsu." The smile never escaped her face.


Similar time.

Location: Uchiha Clan



Mikoto was serving tea to a young guest.

"It's been so long since he came home… I pray for their safe return." Said a young girl with deep brown hair.

"Ara? Is little Izumi-chan missing her Itachi-kun?" Mikoto teased as she took a sip of her tea.

Izumi blushed hard and spluttered nonsense words to defend herself.

"Hahaha. Calm down Izumi-chan. It's so easy to tease you. You still feel shy after dating my son for 6 years." Mikoto laughed. Watching Izumi get embarrassed was always fun for Mikoto.

"Mou! Mikoto-san… Please don't tease me so much…" Izumi grumbled.

"Hai, hai. But Izumi-chan… When he comes back this time, you should finally make him put a ring on you…" Mikoto said in a singasong tone.

Izumi again got flustered, but this time Mikoto was serious.

"Well, if you 2 are going to go at it at a snail's pace, then I might as well go look for Mitsu-sama to make a decree. I want to be a grandmother before I die!

And I for one know that, most of the dates my idiot of a son took you on were due to Mitsu-sama's pushing. So if I don't push him, I might never see my grandchildren. Boohoo~"

"W-wha? He did?" Izumi didn't know about this.

"That he did." Mikoto smiled. "That boy has done so much for us… And Itachi becoming one of his guards was already considered an honor in the clan… And yet, he is continuously pushing my boy further up.

From Itachi's letters, I have seen his respect and adoration for his master.

He talks about, how much Mitsu-sama has changed his and everyone's lives for the better. He could never be more thankful for getting his post.

Hahaha, he even wrote about how Mitsu-sama beat him good for not sending you a birthday gift. That boy really cares for his people... He will be a wonderful leader for our future."

Izumi smiled at that.

She knew about that last incident.

Itachi had sent her a gift for her 17th birthday a week late, but explained that he actually completely forgot about it until his master pushed him to send it.

Itachi was can be an idiot sometimes after all.

'But he is my idiot.' Izumi felt proud in her thoughts. Mikoto noticed this and laughed to herself, thinking of her 2 sons.

While thinking of their fond memories of Itachi, they heard a knock on the door.

Mikoto was going to go check, but Izumi beat her to it.

Opening the door, Izumi was about to greet the guest, but she froze on spot.

Because on the other side of the door stood a handsome young man looking tenderly at her.

He smiled lightly and opened his mouth to say what he had been waiting so long to say…

"I am home."


Location: Kaneko Mansion, Konohagakure



Madam Shijimi and Princess Hakune were having tea as they discussed the new movie they watched.

"I still can't believe that Princess Gale and Mit-kun know each other. She looks so dazzling in her movies! I am so glad Mit-kun got me her Autograph!" Hakune gushed.

"I know dear. Mit-chan surely has made so many new friends. Sigh! I remember he didn't have a single one till he came to Konoha for the academy." Shijimi sighed, remembering the past.

Hakune giggled at her mother's words.

"Hahaue, you know as much as I do. Mit-kun hates those snobby noble kids. It's not that he didn't have friends. He didn't want to be friends with them."

"Sigh… That only increases my worries, dear. After all, he is still a prince, and the most dazzling one among his brothers… Already many nobles are moving away from supporting your eldest brother in favor of Mit-chan…

While the rest are only trying to get benefits out of him and will surely betray him later…

But we all know the difference between him and Mit-chan…" Shijimi felt hurt. Being a political savant, she knew what was going to happen in the future.

"Hahaue… You know better than anyone that Aniue has no skill to lead, much less rule! He will be a terrible ruler!

And look at Mit-kun, he has forged so many alliances in just 3 years. We are for the first time, allied with the Land of Water, LAND OF WATER!

Mit-kun has so much support from the civilians that it's a foregone conclusion that if there is a choice, everyone will support him."

"I know my dear… But sweetheart, Mit-chan is the 3rd son… One simply cannot cut the line to the throne." Shijimi felt troubled.

She knew best how unstable her eldest was. He has already caused trouble with a few nobles. Not to mention the scandal with the commoner girl, which would've turned ugly, if not the Advisors handling it delicately and firmly.

Her eldest had no charisma, knowledge or even connections to rule… And yet he was the crowned prince, due to his earlier birth.

"I just hope Yashiro doesn't antagonize Mit-chan… Mit-chan loves us dearly, but I don't think he will forgive Yashiro after what he tried to do..." Shijimi felt a pang in her heart.

"… Hahaue… Did Aniue really try to set that up?" Hakune asked with worry.


Before Shijimi could answer, a maid rushed in.

"Forgive my intrusion, Shijimi-sama. But. But, Mitsu-sama. It's Mitsu-sama. HE IS BACK!" The maid shouted excitedly.

Hearing her, Madam Shijimi and Hakune didn't even wait for a second as they rushed out to greet Mitsu.

Shijimi has missed her baby boy way too much, as Hakune has missed her favorite brother.

When they reached the entrance hall, they saw a teenager with light brown hair and those all too familiar Golden Pupil.

The boy turned towards them, and with moist eyes, he smiled.

"Mom, Neechan… I am home."


"Oh my baby." Shijimi rushed and strongly hugged her son.

Mitsu was reminded of the name he gave his mother's hug when he was younger.

'Ah the <Death Embrace>… How I missed it.' He thought as tears built in his eyes.

"I have missed you, mom… I missed you all a lot." He hugged his mother tightly, pouring out all his feelings.

Many people were surprised to see their always strong and charismatic leader shedding tears in his mother's embrace, but no one thought less of him. Instead, their respect for him grew watching his love for his family.

With their own moist eyes, they kept witness to the beautiful scene happening before them.

After the tear filled reunion with his mother, sister and all the other servants. He was welcomed back properly with a big feast.

The servants loved Mitsu. Most had seen him since he was a baby, and adored him greatly. It helped that Mitsu wasn't a jerk like his brothers, and actually treated all his servants with kindness and like family.

Mitsu then introduced the new members to his family.

"Mother, this is Suzuran. Princess of the Land of Waves, as I had mentioned to you before. She will be in your care, till she can rule her lands."

"Well of course, dear. Suzu-chan is so cute, I got myself a second daughter." Shijimi chuckled as she hugged the girl.

Hakune instantly liked Suzu. After all, she always wanted a little sister.

"Please take care of me, Obasama and Anesama." Suzu did a perfect courtesy, earning squeals from the females in the room.

Mitsu chuckled and then indicated Yukina and Haku to move forward.

"And mom, they are Yukina and Haku, the Yuki sisters. Yukina is a great cook, and also growing strong with her training as my battle maid. And Haku is an exceptional Ninja and has been my guard for the past 2 years."

Shijimi and Hakune, commented on the Yuki sisters' beauty and how glad they were for taking care of Mitsu, making both girls embarrassed.

Shijimi though saw more, but decided to take a wait and see attitude. But she welcomed them with opened arms.

Mitsu always wrote every other week, and has talked a lot about his friends and servants, so she had a good idea on the girls already.

After the feast and some light-hearted conversation, Mitsu decided to rest a bit before meeting Tsunade.

'Well after I meet Tsunade-Neechan, I should go see Hina... It has been far too long.' Mitsu smiled at the thought... As he had longed to see. And finally he will.



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

This chapter reminded me of my time living alone in a different country. Oh how much I missed my family. Being home is truly wonderful, even though your mother naggs you for almost everything XDDDD.

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

Oh home sweet home.

Almost haven, my dear Konoha, Hokage Mountain, Naka River.

Life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze.

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts
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