
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

First Fight in Hot Waters

Edited by: ShinBowlnoodles#3554


Chapter 66: First Fight in Hot Waters

Jutsu of the day:

<Aki style: Severing Wind>

Courtesy of Yours Truly.


[Previously on NaRUS?]


Mitsu-sama was still smiling, but I could see he was a bit… shaken?

He seemed to look in front of him for a second, seemingly at the air, he blinked a few times and looked again as if trying to find something.

Before he calmly looked back at me and smiled, "Well of course, why else would I call you a 'boy'. Hehehe…"

I felt relieved.

A tearful smile appeared on her face as she tried to hide her tears.

He was just like Zabuza-sama, he too told me to refer to myself as a boy so that they won't use me as a breeding mare, I am blessed with a kind master.

I will do my best to aid him!



7 Months Later

Location: Chisura high lands, Land of Hot waters



7 long months have passed since the battle of Kiri and many things have happened in this time, but none of the importance.

After Haku joined my merry gang of minions, I called Yukina back, she and Haku had a tear-filled meeting as they finally realized that they had family and Yukina also offered to serve me as a maid and cook.

I was going to offer her the job, but well she saved me the trouble by offering herself.

We stayed in my mansion in Kiri for 2 more months, going over all the changes and patching up the issues in the alliance properly, after that Mei-nee-chan and her entourage visited Konoha for a meeting with Tsunade-nee-chan during the joint Chunin exams.

Welp, Tsunade-nee-chan was Ummm… not happy that I didn't return… And might have promised to whoop my ass when I return… Oops?


During that time I decided to travel again with my party as we already had our boats and the sailors, we decided to travel a few places, like the paradise islands, Land of Whirlpools, well what was left of it at least, there was a fishing village near the shore, but we didn't go anywhere near the ruins of Uzushio.

I will go there later with Naruto and Karin. Those kids deserve to see their heritage, other than that, I visited the Land of Waves, the Daimyo there seemed to be afraid of me… I wonder why.

And finally, here we were in the Land of Hot springs. But this time we came without informing anyone.

After all,

At the moment, the land of hot springs was a battlefield between Iwa and Kumo. And as the country borders the land of fire. The borders were strictly guarded.

Iwa tried many times to get a rise out of Konoha, by starting skirmishes, but due to my letter, Tsunade-nee-chan has been very meticulous with the strategies.

As I said before, I was here for two reasons. One was to protect the innocents, which I sent my lovely minions to do, but they were now all wearing new uniforms that I designed.

It was based on Skyrim's nightingale armor set, but instead of the caped cowl, it was a regular masked hoodie.

I had to say they looked super badass, though kind of edgy and emo… Well, it suited my dark-haired minions and having an Uchiha wearing that, just made more sense.

And not to mention it was completely made out of lightweight alloy and Swamp Lizard chakra beast's leather, the gauntlets and boots were chakra metal, so basically, the whole body was meant to be a weapon.

The armor had many seals on them as I started using the seal knowledge that I got from one-eyed looney.

One of them is a version of the Chakra-Suppressing Seal which Jiraiya developed in the original story, sealing some of my chakra to make me able to have some combat experience, WOOHOO sealing for the win!

The seals proved quite effective in making their armor extremely study, elemental resistant, and almost weightless, not to mention it had massive storage seals on them.

That's me trying my best to give my minions the much-coveted Inventory!

Anyway, while my minions were saving and evacuating the villagers and civilians, I was looking over the battlefield wearing my armor… Mine was a bit flashy as it was done so on purpose, mainly to keep most eyes on me, letting my minions go undetected.

My minions had strict command of not engaging any enemies and even if the enemy finds them, they were to escape first, fight never but if they hurt little Haku, I gave Fuzzy permission to blast them to next Deadnessday.

As for me…

I was wearing a replica of the famous Suesenhofer Armor, my shiny armor was literally screaming for people to attack me.

Watching the battlefield, where the strategic points were, I marked down the commanders and stronger Jonin as I was going to attack and fight with the people that can help me learn, rather than me just killing mobs.

I wanted to kill the Raikage and maybe even Bee, but I knew that my actions will have heavy repercussions, I will simply settle for beating their ass to the ground and maybe make them both bald this time.

Pretty sure when the Kumo ninjas see A's shiny bottom as well as his shiny head, they will retreat… Hehehe~

As for the Iwa front… Midget Grandpa wasn't here, but his son-in-law was and if my sources aren't mistaken, Han's here as well as they are keeping Roshi back in the land of earth just in case someone attacks them directly.

So it's decided I guess, I will first fight the commanding Jonin from each side to lower their fighting force and then challenge both their leaders and Jinchuriki to fights, Hmmm… that should end the war and get me some much-needed experience.

Closing my eyes, I started taking deep breaths, my demeanor changed instantly, I still don't understand how <Gamer's Mind> works. After having it for the last 10 years, I was pretty sure it wasn't the same <Gamer's Mind> as The Gamer Manwha.

[E/N : jihan, the original gamer's gamer mind had him always view himself as a game character hence him not being able to feel strong emotions as a gamer wouldn't be attached to his "avatar" and wouldn't be hit with mental attacks

tl;dr : makes him see everything as a game even himself

While mitsu's gamer mind protects him similarly, it doesn't detach him emotionally from reality completely, mitsu being detached before was due to him being reincarnated hence him not taking the naruto world as his new life but a new joke and not his gamer mind skill]

But, instead, it seems to help me when I need it rather than all the time… Hmm… Need to think about it… I mean, if it worked all the time, I don't think I would have enjoyed reading Icha Icha at all!

As I was about to start another mental banter, I forcefully calmed again.

I knew it wasn't the time to fool around here… I need to take this seriously from now on… I can have my fun after…

I took out a mask from my storage scroll, it was a red Hannya mask with glowing eyes, I nodded in appreciation and put the mask on, my whole existence started to feel threatening…

It was done through some delicate seal work, to make the mask come alive, not gonna lie.

Taking another deep breath, I picked my first target.

This time I wasn't going to cut off their common sense, because this was for battle experience, my target was an Iwa ninja who was currently slicing through Kumo chunin and genin-like butter, and so, I jumped.


My body flicker was better than Shisui's simply because of my gamer's mind and the superior reflex I had due to my skills and quickly, I was in front of the target.


My sword of Iwanaga made a perfect <Iaido>, but unlike most cases where I dumb them down with my skills, I slashed at the jonin who somehow dodged it only to sacrifice his arm, whether it was luck or skill, I was not sure.


The battles near ours simply stopped as everyone was gaping at my ghastly entrance.

My target, whose information I finally appraised looked terrified but still vigilant as he took a defensive stance, ready to fight.

I quickly looked over his stats, only the important stats.

After my blunder in Kiri, I had learned how to manipulate what I want to see on the appraisal screen and it worked like a charm.


And in my head, I heard the ding sound and a good deal of information came up.

|Name: Kamiya Rokuro

Title: Fissure of Iwa

Bloodline: None

Level: 52 Rank: A (Elite Jonin)

- Speciality: Def, Destruction

Chakra: 71, 142 Chakra Affinity: Earth (60%), Fire (5%)

Jutsus: (B rank and above)

<Earth Release: Earth-Style Rampart, Rank- B. Lv. 4

Earth Release: Rock Clone Jutsu, Rank- B. Lv. 4

Earth Release: Fissure, Rank- B. Lv. 7

Earth Release: Opening Earth Rising Excavation, Rank- A. Lv. 6>

Weakness: Weak left liver, Right leg went through surgery and hasn't fully recovered yet.|

This was the result of my research on the Appraisal technique.

I can appraise any part of someone or something, as long as I think of it, so for fighting, I have made my appraisal to only show the most important information.

And this is what I have come up with, it showed me the target's chakra nature, level, chakra amount, overpowered Jutsus, and finally their weakness.

So that I can appraise them when in battle and not get distracted, "W-what in the name of…? Who the hell sent you?!" Questioned a Jonin.

Unlike the cheap movie villains, I didn't grace my opponent with a reply

as I dove in, knowing that his right leg was weak, I used <Aki style: Rend> with minimal chakra towards his right, which he avoided with the best of his abilities.

"Dammnit! Who are you? You don't seem to be one of Kumo's nin! S-st" Before he could finish his sentence I sent chakra enhanced kick to his left side, hitting him just above his hip.

"Goah…" He groaned in pain, but he was still okay as he somehow reinforced that area with earth armor.

So this is what it likes to fight an actual opponent, who hasn't lost their common sense… Hmm…

I wanted to press the attack on but found myself under a rain of shuriken and kunai.

I clicked my tongue seeing his subordinates are getting involved.

I started using my new and improved move <Double Team no Jutsu> which was Continuous Shunshins on an area, God, I need to change that name… It's lame like Minato's naming sense… Though… I did steal the idea from Pokemon…

But it worked like a charm. It was a watered-down version of Obito's Kamui as everything just passed through my after images.

I mean Shisui learned the Bodyflicker to the level of after-images, yes, but mine looked like solid clones and it didn't dissipate. JUST… JUST! MINE IS BETTER!

The Kunai and shurikens simply passed through me, though I still got hit by stones and pebbles one or two times due to the explosive tags…

Damn… Self-developed skills need me to train and experience them myself for them to improve… Such a drag.

But this was good experience nonetheless. '

"W-wha, what is he?"

"Did you see that? All those weapons just passed through…"

"That's a demon I tell you, A DEMON!"

I didn't bother satisfying their curiosity, as I looked for my target. Who happened to be doing many hand seals…

I groaned…

"Earth Style: Opening earth rising Excavation" The Jonin shouted.

Was this guy desperate? What if he hits his allies?

I questioned in my head as I looked around to see that there was no one else near me.

Duly noted.

Earth started rising from the ground at rapid speed.

They weren't spikes but a full-on hill that launched me in the air, now, what the hell was he trying to do? It's not like he has any technique to throw at me… My thoughts stopped right there as I watched all the ninjas throwing kunai with exploding tags at me…

Well wasn't that rude!

If it was any other person, they would be completely vulnerable in the air and bound to die from the explosion.

And the Jonin knew this as I could tell from the smirk on his face.

Well, damn you and your dead cat, I was annoyed, So I did what any good annoyed OP ninja dude would do.

I attacked back.

Sending my chakra into my blade to transform its nature to wind. I prepared my attack.

<Aki style: Severing Wind>

I swung my Katana and a massive slash of wind chakra condensed out the blade as a crescent energy slash accompanied by massive wind pressure forced itself down.


None of the kunai could stay afloat as the wind was so strong they changed directions and pointed back at the attackers and was accelerated with the new wind and force.

"Oh no…" That was the last thing Jonin said before.

It was at this moment that Jonin knew, he fucked up.

numerous explosions rang out.

The ground collapsed, unable to handle the pressure.

First, the explosion of the tags hit almost killing everyone, then my Slash hit which decimated the ground, making it collapse…

My wind attack also protected me from the blast as I got a lift from the backdraft while the explosion couldn't move upwards due to the vacuum the attack created.

Soon I gently landed on the destroyed ground and looked around…

Oops? I was just here to kill one Jonin… How did it turn into… Well, this… Maybe I am tagged with some bad luck… Sigh… Honestly thought it would be… Harder?

I shook my head seeing as I got ahead of myself.

I then looked towards the other side of the battlefield and noticed another target but from the Kumo faction.

Well, better keep things balanced, yeah?

Thinking so, I body flickered towards my new vict- I mean worthy opponent.

Hopefully, I will leave at least a body to steal some good Just or bloodlines…


[A/N: Hey there beautiful people!

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

Mitsu gonna fighto!

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts