
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs


Edited By: Jetstorm


Chapter 41: Decision!

Jutsu of the day:

<Quiet game no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Yours Truly finally shutting Tobi up...


Time: The morning after the Raikage incident

Mitsu's Bedroom



"Please tell me that this thing is empty and you use it as a bed…." Mitsu asked Tobi with a scrunched up face.

He was already getting a headache, and after seeing the casket,... It only got worse.

"Nooo! Tobi sleeps with the flowers! I don't know who is inside. But it's someone with the same aura as you and me. Hehehaha~" Tobi replied while dancing.

The concept of gifting someone, a dead body wasn't anything peculiar to him…

'Someone who has the same aura as him and me? Hashirama? Where the frick did he get Hashirama's body from? The hell? Sissy's laundry?

[E/N: 2 things- The purelands only have souls and Sissy does her laundry?!]

Wait, I can just Appraise the casket.

Invoke <Appraisal>.'

In Mitsu's mind he heard,



Item: Coffin

Value: 12000 Ryo


A coffin made of Mahogany wood, slightly damaged. Has kanji carvings and kanji seal marks. Houses the body of Senju Hashirama.

Giving off the aura of vitality.


Damn Sissy's saggy titties!

This is nuts… He actually brought Hashirama's body here… Did he raid the snakey bastard's lab or something?

Where is the snakey bastard anyways?

Shouldn't he have made a move by now? I mean, his secret lover, Danzo betrayed him. So his hatred for Konoha should be at its peak.

Maybe he was hit pretty hard by Danzo and is still recuperating.

That is probably the case. Maybe I should send some clones to gather info. I don't really want my clones to slither down an ickie snake den but oh well.'

As Mitsu was thinking of what to do, Tobi happily said, "Miichan, should we take the body out of the coffin? Maybe it can dance with us too!"

[E/N: Onii-chan!]

Mitsu's temples started throbbing. He'd decided to give up getting angry a while ago. So he tried to reply in a defeated voice,

"I told you to call me Mitsu-sama… not Miichan… And… HOW THE FRICK CAN A DEAD BODY DANCE, YA LUNATIC?!"

But he still unknowingly raised his voice.

In his head, he started thinking, 'Should I give this idiot common sense? Will his personality change though? I doubt it really…

I need to think about it.'

"Ehhh~ booo, it can't dance? Then it must be defective. Should we fix it?" Tobi said worriedly.

"It's not defective… It's dead… ….



Hey Tobi…

Lets play a game. Whoever can keep silent the longest wins. Okay?" Mitsu proposed with deadpan eyes.

"Alrightyyyy~ I will win. I will be the quietest Tobi alive. Now, shhhh~" Tobi went mum and started dancing in the corner….

'Should've thought of that earlier… Now, what to do with this?' Rubbing his temples, Mitsu thought hard.

After thinking a while he created a Wood Clone

And gave it some orders.

The clone nodded in understanding, picked the coffin up and took it away.

[A/N: You might ask, why didn't he take Hashirama's skills from the dead body?

Well for one, Mitsu simply doesn't yet know that he can do that xD! Like how, he didn't know the reason his Cut skill wasn't leveling up. He was simply enjoying everything instead of delving into his skills. And I did raise a flag on this wayyy before. But dw our golden boi will surely figure it out soon and will cry an ocean.]

'That should keep it safe for now. I will look for that snakey bastard and the Akatsuki as well…. They had the guts to target this prince for money…


I will drown them in it…

I think I need to think about a few things now. I have already shown my face in Kumo…

And after that humiliation, there is no way in hell, Unruly A will keep quiet. He might even seek out the Akatsuki themselves.

But he won't directly accuse me or Konoha. I mean there is no way he would admit that he was beaten by a nine-year old's clone. Hehehe~ I think he will have nightmares of that night for ages.

But I think I need to break some of Akatsuki's plans as well as Obito's…

I guess it's time to graduate! I don't need the academy as an alibi anymore. And I need to travel a lot as well…'

Mitsu thought as he looked at the black jacket he always wore and the pressed flower tags on his study table.

'Hina… I really miss her…

I will give her a visit tomorrow.'

Then his eyes fell on a beautiful golden orchid. He froze and kept looking at it for a few minutes.

He held a complicated feeling towards the person who gifted him this… He himself didn't know what he felt about Ino.

He knew his feelings for Hina had already grown to a point where he couldn't deny them anymore. But for Ino… It felt complicated.

'Gah! I will think about it later… I can't believe I have girl problems without even having a girlfriend… Damn…'


Time: That afternoon

Daimyo's Mansion Living area



A plump woman and a young beautiful girl were sitting in the living room, having afternoon tea.

The girl was trying to convince her mother about something.

"Oka-sama, please! I really like that kitten. Can we adopt it?" Plead the girl.

"I don't know, Hakune. Do you really want to own a pet cat?" Asked the plump woman.

"Yes, I do! The kitten is so adorable! And Naho also has one. If she can take care of one, I can too." Declared the girl named Hakune.

The plump woman was thinking about it, when a young boy with bright golden eyes walked in.

"Mom, nee-chan, what are you two talking about?" Asked the boy with a smile.

"Mit-chan! Come sit here with onee-chan. I was telling mom that I wanted to adopt a cat." Answered Hakune enthusiastically.

She has 3 brothers, but she is only close to Mitsu, who is the youngest. She thinks her other brothers are too pretentious. They were similar to the Noble scions whom she hated so much.

But, she was glad to know that Mitsu turned out to be such a gentle boy.

She loved how her youngest brother carried himself. Even as a young child, he had good manners and a bright personality.

He always respected his family and never acted high and mighty.

She spent a huge amount of time with this brother of hers and came to adore him the most. That's why she also came to stay here in Konoha when her mother returned to take care of Mitsu.

"Cat?" Mitsu narrowed his eyes as he glanced at his sister…

He coughed lightly and asked, "Does the cat have brown fur?"

Hakune seemed surprised and smiled, "Yes! How did you know?"

Mitsu's eyes were twitching, "Does it have a weird mark on its head?"

This time Hakune was shocked, "It does! Mit-chan, are you a seer?"

Mitsu smiled a bit and shook his head. Then he looked at his mother and said, "Mom, let Nee-chan adopt the cat. I believe you will like it too."

Madam Shijimi looked at her adorable son for a second, then nodded with a smile, "If you say so Mit-chan. Okay Hakune, you can adopt the cat."

"Thank you, Oka-sama! And thank you Mit-chan, you are the best!" Hakune thanked her family and directly ran out of the living room.

Mitsu only looked at the departing back of his sister with a gentle smile. Then faced his mother to talk a bit.

After having a light conversation, Mitsu finally brought up the topic.

"Mom, I want to have an early graduation. I have achieved all I required from the academy. I want to travel after this."

Madam Shijimi looked horrified, "ABSOLUTELY NOT, YOUNG MAN! You almost got kidnapped on your last outing. There is no way, I will let you get outside till you are of age. And I will not hear no for an answer."

She directly let her stance known.

Mitsu already knew this was coming, so he calmly told his mother.

"Mom, I know that you are worried, and what happened on my last outing was unfortunate. But I assure you, nothing will happen to me. I will bring even more guards this time. And you already know how strong my personal guards are. Even the Hokage himself doesn't have such luxury.

So please mom, let me travel. I want to experience the world and leave my name out there.

And I promise to send letters every week. So will you trust me and let me see the world? Please mom?"

Mitsu implored his mother.

If there is one person in this world that Mitsu didn't want to argue with, then it would be his mother.

She was the first person Mitsu felt a sense of bond with. The day of the Kyuubi attack, almost nine years ago, made him realize the position of this woman in his life.

Madam Shijimi had a difficult look on her face. She didn't want her most loved son to go into the treacherous world and get hurt again.

Even though none of the incidents left a scratch on Mitsu. But as a mother, she was still worried.

But eventually, she gave in. She knew that she couldn't contain this little genius inside a small village.

So she sighed and said, "Sigh! You can travel. But, in disguise! You can't use your name or title as the prince. Travel as ordinary merchants so people don't get suspicious of you. I believe there is a Jutsu that lets you change your appearance. You better use that.

And you can only leave after the Council meeting, this new moon.

Your father and the whole council will be in attendance. And the Hokage has requested your presence."

Madam Shijimi looked a bit confused when she said her last line. She still didn't know why the council would want Mitsu to attend it.

But on the other hand, Mitsu was smiling inside his head, 'Heh? I guess I have acquired enough influence to let my voice be heard in the council meeting.

And from what my clones working as my father's advisors have sent,

It seems like there will be a new Hokage. It's earlier than in the canon. But I guess, this makes sense.

The Oldie is way over his expiration date for being a Kage.

Welp, I will see how my father acts in the council room when he sees me. Hehehe!'

Mitsu then bade farewell to his mother and went to meet a certain bunny.



Place: Orochimaru's Lab, somewhere in the land of Rain



Orochimaru was breaking everything in sight. His rage was uncontrollable.

"How dare someone steal from me?! Hashirama's coffin was stolen from a completely sealed off room? How can that be possible!"

*Bash Thud*

He was about to start a killing spree when a small black hole appeared inside his lab, bringing out a humanoid figure with a mask.

Right at that time, something clicked inside Orochimaru,

'Appearing anywhere... without anyone noticing…


His eyes turned into slits. But, he did his best to contain himself.

He knew how injured he was. And even though he boasted his strength, he knew better than anyone else that the man in front of him was almost invincible.

He had already tried attacking him once, but failed miserably.

'I need to bide my time, stay patient and strike when the chance appears.' He tried to rationalize.

He asked the masked figure, "So what happened to the whole plan?"

Obito, or Madara, said with a hint of anger, "The plan failed completely. Even pain became suspicious of me. We couldn't even retrieve the rings.

And Black Zetsu seemed to be appalled by that child. It's as if the child is something of a nightmare for Zetsu.

I wanted to fight off his guards and then capture him. But…

There was a damn Uchiha among his guards… A prodigy of the clan, no doubt. So young and can already utilize his powers to a great extent.

He stalled me for a while.

And when I was about to go all out, Zetsu stopped me, looking at the direction of the child as if looking at the plague. He told me to run.

I didn't understand the situation properly, so I fell back as well. So the whole plan was a failure…"

"Heh. Don't tell me you were afraid of a…. Child." Mocked Orochi. But he knew that Zetsu, the Spy and Madara, the invincible would not run away without reason.

"Stop, you nonsensical snake! I only fell back because there wasn't enough information. And knowing Zetsu for so long, I at least know to trust his instincts.

But Pain wants the rings back as soon as possible. He has ordered your and Juzo Biwa's team to kill the brat.

Zetsu and I can't join this time. Pain wants us… elsewhere." Said an irritated Madara.

"I would love to help. But unfortunately, as you can see, I am not in my best state. I need a new vessel. And I finally found one, so I will be going after that." Said Orochimaru nonchalantly.

"Then you are in luck…

I know who you are looking for. And, here's a tip, that Itachi boy is one of the prince's guards.

So if you go after the prince, you will find him as well…" State Madara.

Orochi narrowed his eyes. He knew for a fact that the prince's guards were strong. They killed Danzo and Mori, and detained Kakuzu. Not to mention, warded off Zetsu and Madara as well.

The whole situation smelled fishy.

But Madara assured him by saying, "Don't worry, you are just two of our teams that will go after that kid. Kumo is really not happy about the prince either. Apparently the child has something to do with the recent upheaval.

I have no clue how. But it's good in a way. The more chaos this creates, the better.'

Orochi thought about it for a while. His instincts were telling him to not go. And he always trusted his instincts.

'I guess it's almost time to leave this shit hole. But I will still go on this little… excursion. Just you wait, Uchiha Itachi, your body shall be mine!

[E/N: Oi! What happened to trusting your instincts?]

[A/N: When did instincts ever stop a pedo?]


[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!!!

If you want to join the discord! The link: ht tps://discord .gg/RcZZjnKnwx ]

Hohoho! Procrastinating life gets u all a 2.5 k chapter.... it's basically 2 chapters, I think?

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