
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Before the Third Test!

Edited by: Lazy_Cat#6384


Chapter 92: Before the Third Test!

Jutsu of the day:

<Killing Intent to set Genins straight>

Courtesy of Fuzzy.


6th July, Year 78

Central Tower, Training Ground 44



It was early morning in training ground 44.

But team 7 was already up and were on their way to grab their breakfast.

Though they weren't alone, as with them was a red-haired girl walking beside Hinata.

"Are you sure everything will be okay?" Karin asked Hinata, still feeling nervous about everything. She had been nervous since she heard she would meet the Hokage.

"Yes, Karin-chan, it was Mitsu-Kun who told us to look out for you. So, I am sure you aren't in any trouble… But… Are you sure you are fine?" Hinata asked worriedly.

Of course, she was worried. Because after she and the boys saved the girl, it was her who checked her for wounds... And to say that she was horrified would be selling it short.

Karin was practically malnourished. Her hands were filled with bite marks, and there were signs of being abused.

When she confronted the poor girl, she spoke as if being bitten was the norm…

Hinata was really angry when she saw how normalized it was for Karin to be bitten. And she finally understood why her boyfriend wanted them to save the girl…

'Mitsu-Kun probably discovered about her and wanted to help.' She thought.

Hinata also promised herself that she will make sure Karin isn't sent back to those monsters.

Karin gave Hinata a shy smile, "I am fine Hinata-sama."

"Don't worry Karin-chan! Boss will make sure all those bastards that hurt you pay their dues!" Naruto interjected.

"Hnn." Sasuke only gave her a grunted nod.

But Karin was grateful.

After all, they saved her when she was about to be eaten by a bear while her teammates abandoned her.

"Thank you… Really… Thank you so much." Karin sobbed as she thanked them.

Hinata gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze to show her support, while Naruto gave her a toothy grin.

And Karin was sure… No matter what happens from now… She would be thankful to them forever.




"Only 4 teams have managed to reach the tower, but I am glad at least 2 of our Konoha teams made it." I sipped on my sake as I told the room.

"That's commendable. And about the number of teams, I would expect to pass the second stage. But even then… Each of the Genin of these 4 teams are impressive. Especially our very own. Hohoho." Sensei laughed before taking a swig of his smoke.

"Eh, don't count on it. I am pretty sure one certain Nara and his gang of happy companions will grace us with their appearance before the time ends." Mitsu. who was drinking tea nonchalantly, said with a smile.

And my eyes narrowed…

"What do you know? Speak!" I demanded.

"Aww, come on Nee-chan! What makes you think I did something?" He acted innocent.

But I smirked.

"And when did I say you did something, my dear otouto? I only asked what you knew."

But the brat didn't even flinch.

"Eh? Is that so? I guess my ears are going bad, Nee-chan. When can I make an appointment with you? Maybe you can treat me to a pizza after?" He acted horrified, and used his <Puppy dog eyes no Jutsu>… Tsk.

And one would think that kind of trick can only be used by women and babies…

"Tsk. I will be watching you, Mitsu… Don't even think about meddling with the exam." I scolded.

Before I added, "Anymore… Whatever you did already… I will look the other way... After all, it couldn't have been too bad."

He didn't answer and simply started sipping on his tea nonchalantly.

I sighed and asked, "Also… This Kusa girl that you told your girlfriend to kidnap… Please tell me she is worth the hassle…"

He gave me a hurtful expression as he started his dramatics, "How could you think that I would send my precious girlfriend to kidnap another girl?

That's preposterous!!

No! I sent all my friends and some more to kidnap her." He ended proudly, making me face-palm while sensei kept on smoking without even giving us another look.

He probably decided that he was too old to deal with Mitsu's nonsense… Maybe I should retire too…

"Just tell me why you wanted her, brat!" I was annoyed.

"Don't worry about it, and you will know when she gets here." He added mysteriously.

I figured that asking him more would be a waste of brain cells, so I started working on the letters I would need to send.

15 minutes later, there is a knock on the door.

*Knock Knock*

Before I could say come in, the door was quickly opened by an enthusiastic Naruto.

"We are here, Gramps, Granny, and Bossu!" He cheered.

He still calls me Granny… Can't he be more like Mitsu and call me Nee-chan? Sigh…

Why do I even bother with that kid…

"Good that you are here." I nodded at them.

"Hello Hokage-sama, Sandaime-sama, and Mi-Mitsu-kun." Hinata walked in and bowed to us before her eyes lingered on Mitsu.

Who chuckled before getting up to give his girlfriend a hug, who seemed to melt into him.

"Hnn." Sasuke being Sasuke only grunted and nodded at us.

It was then the fourth member of their little group walked forward with her head down as she bowed low.

"Greetings, Hokage-sama, Sandaime Hokage-sama, Kaneko-Oujisama, my name is Karin. It's nice to meet you."

I nodded at her before turning to Mitsu.

Seeing my gaze, he gave me that infuriating smirk, before he gently patted on Hinata's back to release their hug, which the girl did with a red embarrassed face.

He chuckled before returning to his seat on the sofa, as he took a sip of his tea.

My patience was running thin, and I could tell that the Genin were feeling a bit awkward as well.

But sensei asked before I could shout at Mitsu.

"Mitsu-Kun, can you please tell us why did you want to see the girl?" Sensei looked at the girl and tried to figure out something.

Mitsu smiled, and delayed us no longer.

"I am surprised you and the furball can't tell even when she is so close, Nee-chan." He started, making both me and Naruto baffled, while the girl in question looked afraid.

But he continued, "I mean, her hair was one thing, but her Chakra is a dead giveaway no?"

Did he mean? I tried to sense her chakra… I had to admit it felt… Familiar… Red hair… Grandmother?

Naruto was looking confused and a bit anxious.

But Mitsu went on, "Karin, was it?"

The girl nodded.

"Is that your full name?"

She nodded once more though a bit more nervously.

"Do you know about the Uzumaki's?"

This got a visible reaction out of the girl. She started shaking and looked at us in fear.

I didn't need to know anymore.

I stood up and walked to the scared girl.

'Sigh... She must be terrified... Uzumakis were hunted once... And just from looking at her... I can tell she didn't live a good life.' I sighed as I approached.

She closed her eyes and started sobbing.

What have you gone through…

I took her into a hug. She stiffened at first, but she leaned into the warmth… And started bawling her eyes out.

Naruto was gaping at us, still looking confused.

Seeing him, Mitsu stated to clarify the situation,

"If you are still having trouble understanding Naruto, then she is an Uzumaki like you. She is part of your clan."

"I have… more family?" He asked in a whisper.

To which Mitsu and I nodded gently as I brought him in the hug.

I then looked at Mitsu, who was giving us a gentle smile.


I owe this brat a lot…




It was 4:00 PM, and all the teams that passed were standing inside a giant hall, with a statue on one side doing a hand-seal.

In front of the statue stood all the Examiners and the Hokage, her advisor the Sandaime Hokage, and the prince of Fire Country.

And on the balcony-like viewing stage stood the Jonin instructors of the teams that passed.

The Genin's were gauging their competition.

Naruto spoke softly to Hinata, "Hinata-chan… It seems Kiba and the others lost… It's only us and Shika's team."

Hinata nodded and frowned a bit.

She then looked at her cousin, who seemed to be hurt and looking serious. But she said nothing.

Other than Team 7, Team10, and Team Guy, the sand siblings and the Kiri team passed the test.

Making the number of Genin to be 15.

The Genin's weren't the only ones checking each other out.

Guy smirked and told Kakashi, "Your team isn't that bad Kakashi. But as long as my team is around, getting further is impossible."

It was Asuma that answered him, "You do realize that your team came to the tower almost half death, yeah? The Hyuga boy was almost unresponsive, the mini you have a few scars that will never fade. The only one still okay was the girl. And they were done in by a tired Team 8…

Honestly… If that is the case… Then…" Asuma didn't elaborate further. But his meaning was there.

But Guy didn't seem to be listening as he continued on, "Since from now, it's all about abilities. Well, you can't always win them all, now can you Kakashi?"

But to his surprise, Kakashi turned towards him, before looking clueless, "Huh? You said something?" before turning his bored eyes towards the sand siblings.

Guy felt tears flowing down his cheeks. 'Heh, not bad from my rival! You are cool in that way, but my students will beat you! YOUTH!'

But before anyone could make any more subtle comments, Anko declared, "The second test is now officially over! Hokage-sama will now explain the 3rd test!"

Tsunade walked forward, wearing her Hokage haori, as she started, "Before anything else. I want you all to understand the true meaning of this exam."

Some of the Genin's looked confused, while Mitsu only smiled.

[A/N: This whole speech from this point on is canon from the manga. Just in case someone who has been reading too much fanfic, have problems with this.]

"Why do we have all the allied countries taking the exam together?...

'To promote friendship among the countries.', 'to raise the level of shinobi?'…

I don't want you to be confused about the true meaning of THIS exam.

This is also a replacement for war!"

This caused the rookies to look surprised. But Tsunade continued,

"In order to prevent wasteful fighting between allied nations. The stage we choose for that is the Chunin exams.

To speak simply, this exam brings prestige to the nations."

"Prestige?" Asked Ino.

"For the third exam, you will be performing in front of influential individuals. Mainly the Daimyos, high merchants, and nobles of each allied nation and maybe even outside of the allied nations.

They are what makes up the clients of us Shinobis.

Also, your Kage's will be there to watch your battles. So, basically, if the strength of a country is clear, that country will receive more clients. Conversely, if seen as weak, they will lose clients.

Also, it will send a political message to the outside… Our country has this much power!

Remember, the strength of the country is the strength of the village, and the strength of the village is the strength of the shinobi. And a shinobi's true strength is born only through life risking battles." Tsunade finished with a clear voice. Her aura sweeping the whole room.

She let everyone take a minute to understand what she just said.

Seeing no one asking any questions, she continued,

"So before we start anything, I will only ask you once. This will be a life-risking battle, with your dreams and your country's prestige on the line. Do you want to continue to the third test? If not then you may leave.

Also from this point on, the exam is for individuals and not teams. Now decide, you have 5 minutes." She declared.

But to her and the Jonins' surprise and approval, not even a single Genin looked perturbed.

"Hohoho… We have a strong batch this time, don't we?" Smoking on his pipe, Sarutobi stated with a smile.

"Heh, the brats simply don't know fear. They are either brave or stupid." Anko said while licking her lips.

Tsunade smiled and asked, "Well, any of you want to quit?"

But no one answered, making the meaning clear.

She nodded at them, before turning to Fuse who was standing behind Mitsu.

[A/N: For those who forgot, Fuse is Fuzzy.]

"Jonin Fuse, the stage is yours."

The man in question first bowed to Mitsu before arriving in front of the Genin,s.

He started by releasing a bit of Killing intent making the Genin's flinch, as he started,

"My name is Fuse Daisuke, a Jonin of Konoha, and personal Guard of Kaneko Mitsu, the Golden Prince. And I will be your proctor for the third exam!"

The Genin's looked at him with bated breaths.

Even the ones that knew of him as the subservient guard of Mitsu were feeling pressured at the moment, as right now, instead of being the harmless guard, he was the S-ranked Ninja looking directly at their soul.

"Good that none of you fainted. That was sort of a pre 3rd test, as suggested by Mitsu-sama.

Anyway, the main third test will be held in 1 month's time, on August 5th, here in Konoha. The exam itself is simple. It will be a 1 on 1, knock-out tournament. Where you will be pitted against one of your fellow Genin.

And before you ask, no, you don't need to win the tournament to become a Chunin. All you have to do is give your best, show everyone your skills, mindset, and resolve to be a Chunin.

Show us that you have what it takes to be a Chunin, and you will be put under consideration even if you lose.

Any questions?" He asked as he finished his explanation.

It was Shikamaru who raised his hand, and Fuse nodded at him.

"Hokage-sama said that we will be risking our lives… Does that mean Death is allowed? How will one win a fight?"

"Good question. Yes, death is allowed, but we will do our best to prevent any unnecessary deaths. My word will be law in the field. So, when I say to stop, YOU WILL STOP. But you can win by either knockout, surrendering, death, or if I deem that you have lost. Any more questions?" He asked.

But there was none.

So, he nodded at them before returning to his post behind Mitsu who was still smiling.

Tsunade then walked forward again and said, "You may all return now, the Jonins will be guiding you back to Konoha. You are welcome to stay in the village for the month, or you can go back and return a week before the exam, it's your choice. Now Dismissed."

After that, other than the Jonin's and Genin's, everyone else left the room. Before leaving Mitsu approached Hinata and said, "I will meet you back at Hyuga clan estate. Then we can celebrate. Safe travels."

He kissed her cheek before leaving behind his tomato-faced girlfriend, much to the amusement of the Jonin's.

As they were leaving, Fuse asked his master, "Did I do okay, Mitsu-sama?"

"Mhmm, you used the right amount of killing intent to make sure all of them will take your words seriously. It was wonderfully done." Mitsu praised.

"Will you be fixing the matches?"

Mitsu only gave him a grin, "If I don't fix the matches… will it even be fun?"

Fuse only sighed and followed behind his master, muttering, "I pity those fools, who offends my master…"



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

Welp, see you guys in Sunday!

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