
Naruto: Reborn in warring states as Indra Otsutsuki

in the world of Naruto, Akira gets Transmigrated as Indra Otsutsuki, were he follows on the path of recognition and survival in the Sengoku period

Ryughaa · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 17 "Moring Warmup"



multiple mini bomb's go off in the background of a battlefield

A huge white bright light erupts Indra's body, an extraordinary and horrifying scene

occurred. Indra 's blood, organs, tendons, and bones are all coming back in place.

If someone saw this scene, they would be horrified and shocked for what they have

just seen. The Shinobi of this era are never saw anything like this.

All they do is fight for rich families and kill for territories and land and destroy their

enemies' lands.

Their are still existing Daimyo, who pay mercenary and huge Clan powers for their

benefits. New Clans rise and Old Clans fall.

The two most powerful Bloodlines, and the two most powerful Clans in the world are

currently battling it out.

They are obviously the Senju and the Uchiha. The two have been fighting each without

a broker of peace in decades.

The two Clan Leaders are Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. These two are bitter

rivals and fight almost all the time.

The Senju Clan is the strongest Shinobi Clan in the world, the other Shinobi Clans call

them Senju, because it stands for love and their mastery of numerous arts of Shinobi.

The Uchiha is naturally the number 2 Clan in the world. They're known for their

Sharingan and how dangerous it can be in a fight.

The Uchiha with their Sharingan has killed and are slayers of many enemy Shinobi

Clans. Only the Senju of the Forest are stronger than them.


Huge Explosive Tags are currently all over the battlefield taking lives on both ends.

The Senju Clan with their battle prowess and natural talent have pushed the Uchiha

Clan back.

The Uchiha Clan set up an ambush, but the Senju Clan noticed a step earlier and were

prepared, after battling for hours on end, the Uchiha Clan is getting over-run.

The Senju with their naturally strong physiques and Chakra Pools can last much longer

in a fight. The Senju Clan know with the Uchiha Clan's Sharingan constantly on, their

Chakra will burn out quicker.

So they took this weakness to their advantage and started to fight, but consumes less

energy while doing so, the Uchiha Clan were confused about their strategy.

The Uchiha Clan are naturally prideful of their skills, and their Sharingan, but that

doesn't mean that they are dumb and knows when to respect the strong.

When the Senju Clan heard this, they said,' Their numbers are almost over keep

pushing them back and let's slaughter those Uchiha scums."

With these motivational words uttered by their Commander, the Senju Clan has fury

fighting spirit in their eyes.

"Long live Senju!

Indras pov

when Indra woke up he found himself in front of enemy's holding weapons shouting

"Long live Senju!

"Indra then wonders where he had just wondered off to he was just traveling looting for lost relics of Hagaromo then he ends up in a battlefield?" "Indra ponders"

Indra slowly walks out of his previous place, the wounds on his body were all healed,

looks like he was hit with a weapon when he was sleeping luckily it only hit his knee doing minor damage but what surprised him was that when he woke up it was healing so fast the eye can see changes

it seems like his body is full of strength and vitality.

Indra looks around the battlefield and saw corpses of his brethren laying in their own

pool of blood. The entire ground was scorched-red.

Indra Uchiha: Saving Land of Grass Bodies on opposite sides of the battlefield were everywhere arms, legs, organs, hell even heads were on the battlefield. Seeing this scene, most people would be traumatized for life. The battle is continuing, the Senju Clan is fighting back with full of fighting spirit. It seems like their leader gave them some encouraging words.

Indra smiled and his primal, battle instincts kicked in. He said,' All of your courage are

commendable, but it'll get you killed at the end."

Indra whispered seeing his clan members losing their lives at a rapid pace, a strong

killing intent comes from Indra directly to the Senju squad.

The entire Senju squad backs were covered with cold sweat. Their bodies went limp

and their eyes are shown with fear. They been to the battlefield since childhood, but they have

never felt killing intent this intense

They forcibly Turned their bodies and looked at Indra. Indra looked at them and


"Phew!"~ Indra disappears faster than what the Senju squad can see. Indra made

some hand signs.

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb!"~

A huge Dragon made of Flame-Chakra rushes towards the Senju squad with a

primordial roar in it's voice. The Senju squad was naturally ready for this kind of attack.


One of the Senju member snorts arrogantly and made some hand seals. Water Style:

Water Wall!"~

A huge Water Wall directly pops up out of nowhere directly confronting the Dragon

Flame Bomb.

The Senju squad thinks Indra is way in over his head, but they didn't noticed that when

the two Ninjutsu make contact, the Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb directly incinerated

the Water Wall.

The Dragon Flame Bomb cuts through the Water Wall like paper. The Water Wall

didn't have a chance. It's one of the benefits from Indra's memory and skill and with his pure Øtsutsuki bloodline, every Ninjutsu he learns is automatically maximized to the limit.

So, the B-rank Ninjutsu, Dragon Flame Bomb has been amplified by several times

which in theory or essence corresponds to the power of a S-rank Ninjutsu.

From beginning to end, the Water Wall didn't have a chance and there arrogance paid

the price. As the Dragon Flame Bomb is only a centimeter away, large

portions of Senju members were directly incinerated.


The Senju didn't have enough time to react and they paid the price for that

mishap. The Uchiha watched on with shocked and blankness.

In just 40 seconds, the unkownen ninja joins the battlefield with Uchiha cloths on and he's dangerous and fiery fighting power. A lot can happen in just 40 seconds and this happens they couldn't believe it, and

what makes them more shocked is that the B-rank Dragon Flame Bomb directly cuts

through the Water Wall like tofu.

Indra said,' All of you'll die tonight."

Hearing these words come of Indra's mouth, unbridled rage and a large sense of fiery

hotness converges in their chests. They never heard an Uchiha say this before.Hearing them say it makes them lose touch with reality and also very, very angry.

Some let their emotions get the best of them, they directly made some hand signs.

"You dare!"

"I'll kill you, Uchiha scum!"

Hearing the insults, Indra wasn't the least bit worried, having the his skills now, it wouldn't take long before he becomes the strongest in the entire world. Indra with a cold psychotic grin on his face walks slowly towards his enemies. The

Senju Clan can naturally feel the overall aura and pressure coming from Indra's figure. Indra

The original's emotions affected him more than he though, so having sense a loss of

powerlessness, Indra doesn't ever wants to feel that feeling again.

Indra with slowly runs towards the hundreds of Senju' the Senju were petrified but

forcibly swallowed their fears. They ran towards Indra .

War cries on the Senju side occurred, the lost fighting intent carried on, once they

realized the advantages in numbers, they regained their powers.


Indra runs and jumps high in the sky, landing with force on the ground. Almost 10

meters of the ground around the area where he landed was broken apart.


The huge impact visible to the naked eye spreads out all over the battlefield. A few

Senju were directly blown apart. The force and impact caused by Indra make them

blow their bodies apart. 1


Indra was killing people left and right with Taijutsu left and right. No Senju can get in his Way without being killed or seriously injured.

Indra senses someone from behind, and directly caught the Kunai and throws it back to

the Senju directly cuts his head clean off his body.


Indra is directly tearing apart the Senju limp from limp. Almost 75% of the Senju are directly being killed and beheaded.

Arms, legs, organs, intestines are all over the battlefield. The Senju Clan knew that

they couldn't kill this guy, so they all combined their attacks looking for a killing blow.

Five of the best Senju in the Clan directly under Tobirama and Hashirama are quickly

making hand signs trying to deal with Shin.

After Indra Taijutsu is just under might guy in his prime. The Senju in close-range and quarter combat are not Indra's match.

So they spread out and leads the other 5 Senju to comes up with a plan and directly

used 1 of their strongest Elemental Ninjutsu.

They made some signs.

"Earth Style: Golem Technique!"~

"Wind Style: Vacuum Blast Barrage!"~