
Naruto: Reborn in warring states as Indra Otsutsuki

in the world of Naruto, Akira gets Transmigrated as Indra Otsutsuki, were he follows on the path of recognition and survival in the Sengoku period

Ryughaa · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 16: leaving

"If you just give up your resistance sooner, you didn't have to suffer like this." Indra


If this weapon able to speak, I think that he will definitely say something like don't

understimate me or something like this before, like some people say 'don't judge a book

by its cover'.

---- ----

Immediately after taking the Scythe, Indra walked out of the underground basement

while holding the Scythe, he put the original long axe in the cabinet just like it there


As for the entrance to the underground, Indra had no choice but to find a piece of cloth

and cover it.

"Lightning Style: Instant Body Technique!"


Indra instantly turned into a line of lightning, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the next moment, he appeared on a roof of the certain house, just as he the appeared

there he startled Uzumaki Mito, who was waiting for him there.

In Uzumaki Mito's cognition, this type of ninjutsu has never been seen again, and shock

is a matter of course.

Indra didn't intend to hide it either. After all, it wasn't a big deal to say it, so he turned

to Uzumaki Mito and said: "Instant Body Technique?"

"The instant body technique? It's amazing, suddenly appeared beside me without a

sound and me knowing," Uzumaki Mito said, casting an envious look at Indra.

If Uzumaki Mito could learn this, she would be waking up laughing from her dreams.

After that moment, Uzumaki Mito, who thought he knew Indra very well, Indra view in

Uzumaki Mito mind refreshed again.

This seemingly ordinary child is actually too mysterious. Not only can he develop

ninjutsu by himself, but also this kind of mysterious instant technique.

After thinking for a while, Uzumaki Mito said again: "After you take so long, I thought

something happened to you?"

"Don't worry, I just encountered something along the way." Indra chuckled.

But for Indra, If he hadn't stepped on the entrance of the undergry basement,

otherwise, he would be holding the long axe instead of the Sword with life.

"You didn't hurt that uncle at the blacksmith shop, did you?" Uzumaki Mito asked.

If Indra hurt the middle-aged man at the smithy, Uzumaki Mito wouldn't or couldn't

blame Indra, but would only ended up blaming himself, because she led Indra to the

smith shop himself.

Indra smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, he's fine, he just passed out."

Hearing Indra say this, Uzumaki Mito breathed a sigh of relief. When she came back to

her senses and saw the Sword in Indra's hand, she was a little puzzled and asked:

"Didn't you go to get the axe? Why did you get this one?"

"I feel that this weapon is more convenient for me for the time being, so I don't need the

long axe." Indra said softly.

Indra didn't tell Uzumaki Mito the Sword matter either, just said a word and flickered.

Uzumaki Mito didn't think much of it either and nodded.

"Well, it's getting late, I should go too." Indra said softly.

He must have a good rest tonight, and he will leave tomorrow. For Mangekyō

Sharingan, he has to do a good job.

"Don't run away, remember to come back when you're done." Uzumaki Mito instructed,

of course, she said this more in the hope that Indra would come back.

Indra turned around, and while walking, he waved his hand and said softly: "Got it."

The Next Day:-

Early Morning.

Uzumaki Village.

When the smith ship owner woke up, he quickly reported what happened last night to

the ninjas in the village.

Although there was quite a stir.

However, these are irrelevant, because the Indra at this moment has long since left.

However, it was also because of the incident last night that it hit the ninjas in the

village very hard. What they could never have imagined was that the person who did

this was a child.

And since they didn't inquire more from the blacksmith owner , I'm afraid they still don't

know anythiny