
Naruto: Reborn as Itama Senju

Transmigrated into the body of Itama Senju with some perks. Will he be able to escape his fate and create a new path for himself in this cruel era? Or will he succumb like the original? Some AU stuff going on here. I don't know who the creator of the cover is, but if they want it taken down I will do it. Just message me.

Sloth_Incarnate · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Back to Training 4/4

"So tell me everything you know so far about your 'Kinetic Release', and then we will go from there" Hatsuma asked while spinning a kunai in her left hand.

Itama tapped his chin for a couple of seconds, "Well, I know that the jutsu requires me to use the monkey seal to use. And when I do, a three-dimensional sphere appears that I use the jutsu through. There are three more separate jutsu's, that I can use based on my intent when activating the ability: Absorb, Store and Discharge.

I showed you the first two yesterday, and Discharge is just the opposite of Absorb. Absorb allows me to suck the energy out of moving things, and temporarily hold them in the Jutsu sphere. I have no idea how much energy I can absorb.

Store allows me to store the energy I've absorbed into my body and hold it there for longer periods. Though, I don't know how much energy I can store or what I can do with it outside just discharging it. Discharge allows me to use the stored kinetic energy and add it to other things.

Lastly, as far as I know, I only need a large amount of chakra to fuel the jutsu in the beginning and after that if I don't know. I haven't used it for an extended period." he explained everything he knew so far about his bloodline selection.

Almost all of it was stuff that he had innately known as soon as he woke up in this world, the only thing he truly didn't know was the chakra consumption.

Hatsuma digested everything the boy said and quickly came up with a few ideas that she could immediately think of. But before she could say anything, Itama spoke again.

"Oh! Besides that, I do have a few things I want to test out! Like what happens when I touch a living thing with the absorb sphere? Or if, I can absorb ninjutsu like I absorb physical attacks? Also, can I discharge the stored energy within my body? How big can I make the sphere and a bunch of other stuff? It's just I haven't had much time to practice it due to our training." he rambled on as he counted on his fingers the ideas he had been thinking of.

Most of these ideas had come to Itama late at night after their training. He would have loved to practice them before going to sleep, but he was always too tired at night. Even lifting his head was torture, let alone practicing jutsu. He was fortunate that his sensei had taken the time to implement this new training, now he wouldn't feel like he was wasting his time by not practicing his innate gifts.

After listening to Itama about the things he wanted to try, Hatsuma decide to use those ideas first. Afterward, she would branch off and develop a training plan based on what they discover from it.

"Alright, since you already have a few ideas on what you wanted to try with your ability, we will do those for today. We'll also determine the limits of your ability and try to discover any secondary abilities that you might have with it. First, you'll start with testing the limits of your Absorb, Store, and Discharge. Then move on to the other things you mentioned. Now, enough chit-chat let's get going. We'll see just how much energy you can absorb." Hatsuma explained before distancing herself from the boy.

Itama nodded and hurriedly activated his Kinetic Release: Absorb. The light purple sphere once again appeared between the palms of his separated hands, growing to about a foot in diameter.

"I'm ready, sensei!" he called out with the kinetic sphere hovering above his right hand.

'When I hold it like this, It kinda resembles the Rasengan. Cool.' Itama thought as he looked at his ability.

"Ok, I will start with one kunai first," without hesitation, she threw the kunai.

The kunai cut through the air, aiming at the boy's chest. Fully prepared, Itama brought the jutsu up to his chest to where he thought the kunai would hit. The kunai didn't take long to arrive and just as the boy expected it flew into the sphere before stopping all of its motion.

Itama looked at the ability with fascination, the kunai sat within the sphere like it was in stasis. All the energy that it previously had, was completely sapped away from it like it never existed, it just floated inside the sphere. It was almost instant how quickly it happened. It reminded Itama of those videos he would see in his last life of people dropping objects into jello, and similar material, from high up. Only much cooler.

Unlike the last two times he used the ability, Itama's focus was fully on the sphere. Allowing him to feel when the energy was sapped out of the kunai and absorbed into the sphere. This means saw when the sphere slightly darkened once the kunai entered it.

At the same time, Hatsuma was also looking at the ability in fascination. She had been around most of the elemental lands and had never come across anything similar to it. She had seen some interesting and, frankly, cool Kekkei Genkai in her time. The Senji boy's eyes immediately came to her mind.

But even his particular ability paled in comparison to the uniqueness of what was in front of her. As she thought about the Kinetic Release, her mind couldn't help but drift to a very big question. Were it and his other ability inheritable? This was something that would be vital for the clan to find out.

'If just one of them is inheritable, the clan will benefit tremendously. Add on the heir and the clan's future is scary' Hatsuma couldn't help but smile as she thought about the future possibilities. Ever since she became an elder, her mind had naturally focused more on the benefit of the clan than anything else. She was sure that the other elders were similar to her.

She still didn't know just how strong Itama's Kinetic Release was, but she had never seen a unique jutsu that was useless. It was always the opposite. The more unique the jutsu, the stronger it is. And as mentioned before, Itama's jutsu was special.

"I'm going to increase the speed now, prepare!" she told the boy as she threw the Kunai.


"You head home now, Itama. I will see you tomorrow. Cheer up, we didn't know that would happen." Hatsuma patted the crying boy's shoulder. They had just made it back to the clan entrance after finishing the boy's training. The sun had already set, and the only thing that allowed them to see are the lanterns periodically stationed through the path leading to the clan proper.

"Ok, see you tomorrow sensei" the boy nodded while wiping the tears from his face. He turned around and jogged down the path back home. His steps were visibly labored and his shoulders slumped. She wanted to comfort the boy, but she knew he would have to learn to get over things like this in the future.

'That boy will become a monster' Hatsuma thought as she watched the boy fade away into the distance. Her thoughts naturally drift back to the training they just finished.

'He can absorb attacks up to the low elite level, ridiculous. Not to mention the bullshit his Discharge can do when he throws a projectile through it. Its speed almost rivals a special elite. He still needs to work on managing his consumption, but that can be fixed with time.' Hatsuma began walking back home.

'From what I can tell, his stores should be about the same as a strong non-elite's chakra, since he wasn't able to store everything from the low elite level attacks. It's still amazing that he can absorb jutsu and physical attacks. Ridiculous, absurd even! But that isn't even the most insane thing. That Absorb truly is scary. I've never seen a bird die in such an eerie way.' she shivered at the memory of the disintegrated bird.

'We should have tried it on a fish or something smaller. I feel that I might have scarred the boy.'

"Haaah, I'll make it up to him somehow. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see what his internal release would've done." she sighed to herself as she stopped in her tracks. The last half of an hour they would've spent testing using the discharge internally was instead spent consoling the boy who had just killed for the first time.

Hatusuma pulled herself out of the depressing thought and looked around. She had already made it to the border of the residential area of the clan, she then looked at the quiet houses, sighed again, and turned her head to the sky.

"I wonder when they're coming back?" she asked the stars. But, like always, no one replied.

"No use in worrying anymore. I'm they'll come back safe. I'm sure of it." she continued walking before laughing a little, "Oh, Butsy. You're in for a surprise. Turns out the one you thought was useless is just as big of a monster as the heir. Maybe this time you'll show some emotion."

She continued to comfort herself with the thought of the Patriarch's surprised face when he found out about his third son.

A chapter every two days from now on, hopefully.

I hope, with this chapter, yall have realized just how OP Kinetic Release can and will become. If you're interested to see what type of abilities he could potentailly have in the future. You can check out the Kinetic Energy Manipulation page on the Superpower Wiki.

Also, I've made a grading system for the Warring Era Shinobi. I did this because it doesn't really make sense for there not to have been one. Humans naturally like to categorize and rank things. The tier ranking videos popped off on y**t**e for a reason

Something like Shinobi naturally should've been categorized and ranked. Way before Hashirama and Tobirama were even born. The system just would've been flawed and not something standardized. Things that Konoha's system fixed.

So that's what this system is, a flawed Shinobi grading system to fit the era. It should be in the Auxillary Chapter when this chapter comes out.

Thank you all for reading.

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