
Naruto: Reborn As An Inuzuka... Kinda?

Alex used to be your regular, run of the mill guy. He spent most of his time in highschool and on his club, playing football (or soccer). One day he had to go search for a loose ball on the street, and just when he was about to catch it, Truck-sama sent him on the path of reincarnation. Now in the world of Naruto, owning the body of a young Inuzuka, Alex is no longer himself. His new identity is that of Ryota Inuzuka, an orphan of the Inuzuka clan. What will he do to survive this dangerous world, while still trying to enjoy his new life? ----------- This story IS NOT a Harem, so don't even mention it.

WooingTheStars · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Tenten Hiden: Absurd Day

Tenten Hiden will be a series of short chapters that will appear sporadically whenever I see it fit. They will be perhaps 800 to 900 words (if I manage) and will explain whatever is happening with her when Ryota is far away for too many chapters. This is my way of making her a more insteresting character for everyone, since I honestly agree with most in the fact that she isn't really showcased a lot and her personality, as pleasant as it might be, isn't properly shown. It will also serve for me to explain the kind of changes that Ryota's existence brought to everyone around him and a few other things. I will also expand on the lore of my own take on the Shinobi World. Now that the explanation is over... Enjoy Tenten's Adventures!


Today a full week passed since Ryota left on his mission. I had been without seeing him for up to a month, but for some reason, this time it felt a lot worse. I knew I had a crush on him for a long time now, and I was sure he knew and felt the same way. I wasn't brave enough to talk to him about it and he seemed uninterested in doing so, at least for now. Looking at the Panda designed pin he gifted me a year before, I sighed.

'I wonder when will he come back...'

It was at that moment that I saaw something extremely weird walk by the training grounds that Ryota had given me access to. It was a panda. It had an unbuttoned waistcoat with a design that looked a lot like my own, just a lot more decorated and luxurious. At first I was happy to see it. I loved pandas and it was my first time seeing one directly I had thought I'd never see one, since they lived in lands far to the north, passing the Land of Iron. Alas, all my excitement was drained when it did something that shocked my spirit out of me.

"Hello there, deary. Would you perchance have a moment to talk?"

A. Freaking. Talking. Panda. I knew there were animals that could speak, since Tsume-obasan's Ninken did so. But hearing an adorable looking Panda speak with a voice that did not fit its appearance certainly weirded me out.

"A-A Eh Y-Y-You t-talked? YOU TALKED?!"

"Please refrain from screaming, missy, I have sensitive ears, you see. And that indeed I did, I talked"

I felt like I was a bout to faint, there was no way I wouldn't. The last thing I expected was to find a talking panda that wanted to talk with me.

Barely managing to keep myself together, I answered its first question.

"I do have time to talk... I was just about to be done with my training anyways"

"That is most nice to hear, yes it is. You see, we have heard that the wolves have made a move for the first time in centuries. Us pandas can't stay still"

I understood absolutely nothing of what he meant by that. As such, I asked. And let me tell you, I was rather surprised at how far behind Ryota I was. If what Mr. Panda said was to be trusted, then I had to begin working my ass off even harder, or else he would go too far away. Somewhere I wouldn't be able to follow.

"Sorry for the curiosity but... why are you here anyways, Miss Panda?"

"My name is Bailian, dear. And to answer your question, I was looking for you"

Once again, I felt extremely weirded out. Looking for me? Why would a race of contract creatures look for me? I just couldn't grasp the situation and i was beginning to get a headache. Luckily for me, Bailian saved me the trouble of asking more questions.

"You see, we wanted to find someone to give our own contract scroll to, but not just anyone would do. And strangely we feel a good connection with you. That is why I was sent here, my intent being that of passing this message on to you and, were you to accept the offer, give you the contract scroll"

I was shocked for a few moments, unable to think or talk. I felt extremly confused until suddenly what she said downed upon me.

"I am more than willing to accept! I can't keep lagging behind Ryota and this might be just what I need"

"I am glad to hear that. It has also come to our understanding that you aren't the strongest around here, so I wanted to offer a helping hand with that. After all, we can't have a weak girl being our contractor"

I felt hurt and insulted, but I knew she was right. Even if I was stronger than, say, Sakura, she could do what I never could. Ino had her mind reading and Hinata had the Byakugan. I was stronger than before training with Ryota, but I still lacked a lot. It hurt to accept it, but reality didn't forgive. That was something I learned during the invation.

"Then I want... no. I need your help, please"

I wasn't one to rely on others but much like Ryota, Bailian was someone who made me feel comfrotable and, now that I thought about it, I also felt a weird connection with her. It was as if we belonged to the same place, even though I knew my place was wherever Ryota was.

"Please inform whoever you should of this. I'll take you with me to our lands, there we will train you"