
Naruto: Reborn As An Inuzuka... Kinda?

Alex used to be your regular, run of the mill guy. He spent most of his time in highschool and on his club, playing football (or soccer). One day he had to go search for a loose ball on the street, and just when he was about to catch it, Truck-sama sent him on the path of reincarnation. Now in the world of Naruto, owning the body of a young Inuzuka, Alex is no longer himself. His new identity is that of Ryota Inuzuka, an orphan of the Inuzuka clan. What will he do to survive this dangerous world, while still trying to enjoy his new life? ----------- This story IS NOT a Harem, so don't even mention it.

WooingTheStars · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Everything As It Should Be

Everyone was, in my opinion, overly excited about fighting each other. Though it could've been just me, since I saw everything from a perspective belonging to a... more mature person. Though I was just as childish as Naruto when I wanted. My stream of thought was cut short by Iruka announcing the first pair.

"Ino Yamanaka vs. Shino Aburame!"

Both people stepped forward. I wasn't expecting much from this fight. If there was one thing I was sure of was that Ino, at this moment in time, was useless as a Kunoichi. And I was proven right when she was bashed by Shino.

"Next! Shikamaru Nara vs. Sakura Haruno!"

The result was... yeah, you guessed it. The same as the previous fight. Sakura was just as useless as Ino, and she would be even more useless in years to come. Ino would at least learn her clan's jutsus and be able to perform as an information gatherer, Sakura couldn't do even half of that.

"Kiba Inuzuka vs. Naruto Uzumaki!"

Poor Naruto. He also got bashed, even though I don't blame him for that. He just really had no way to be trained. Besides, Kiba had been training and practicing with me, so he was slightly stronger than he would've been had I not existed.

In such a manner, battle after battle were carried out. Even for those few civilian kids I didn't know anything about I was able to guess who would win, which created a bit of trouble for me. The attention that should've gone to Sasuke was now on me. Though I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy the attention.

"Last battle for today! Ryota Inuzuka vs. Sasuke Uchiha!"

Finally, what I had been waiting for arrived. I wanted to test myself against the best student in teh Academy, who had been training since he was nothing but a child. I didn't mean to say I wasn't a child but.. you get me. Anyways, as I walked forward to the "stage" of our mighty battle, I heard Sasuke muttering something. I couldn't helo but think that he was already seeing me as a stepping stone in his thorny road towards revenge. Not like I cared.

Once we were both in place and we both saluted each other, Iruka gave us the sign to begin.

'He's still a child and it is noticeable...'

The reason why I was thinking as such was that Sasuke rushed at me without much thought. In his mind, he probably wanted to bash me and be done with it. Prove that he was the better ninja. Pitifully, his wishes were denied before he could even visualize them.

I hadn't spent the last four years doing nothing and being a lazybum. I had trained in Taijutsu and, thankfully, my senses were strong. A little perk that came with being an Inuzuka. As he got closer to me, I relied on instinct alone to dodge his punch, which was quickly followed by a kick I also dodged.

*sigh* 'I'm... somewhat disappointed'

Sasuke wasn't able to land a single hit on me. I was using nothing but my instincts to dodge his attacks, and it proved to be more than enough. So many hours of trying to dodge the Ninken in our Clan's grounds proved effective. I had developped a sort of sense for danger, similar to Naruto's when he went into Sage Mode, just that a lot weaker.

Still, it was more than enough to dodge the attacks of a kid that was slower than me.

"Ok, I'm tired of this"

When I said that, Sasuke glared at me with a confused shine to his eyes, but he still proceeded to send a kigh roundhouse kick towards my head. Dodging the kick right before it touched me, I grabbed his leg and threw him to the ground. Not wanting to give him the time to get up and send more attacks my way, I got on top of him and put my fist in front of his face. He struggled for a bit, but eventually he gave up.

"The winner is Ryota! Well done kids, now make the Unison Sign!"

It was when we were about to make the Sign that Sasuke tried to attack me again. I simply grabbed his punch and threw him over my shoulder. I had been working on merging moves from normal Martial Arts into the Inuzuka Beast Style, and this was one of the moves I first though of: the Seoi Nage, better known as the shoulder throw.

One again, Sasuke found himself on the floor with me on top, but this time by fist wasn't in front of his face, but beside it. I had punched reflexively, so I avoided his head and punched the floor. Spoiler alert, it hurt.

"Sasuke, that is improper behaviour for a Konoha Shinobi!"

After the earful that Iruka spouted at us about companionship and sportsmanship, we were all alowed to go back to our houses. Sasuke left the Academy in a hurry and, even knowing full well that I was going to get more trouble for doing so, something inside of me yelled at me to try and help him.

"Oy, Sasuke!"

"Uh? What d'ya want?"

"If you want to train with someone, just come to the Inuzuka compound! I'll be waiting!"

He didn't answer me and just began walking towards the Uchiha compound once again. I tried, so I felt no guilt now.

"Oy Ryota! Hurry up or we'll be late for lunch!"

"Me hurry up?! If I arrive first I'll eat half your meat Kiba!"


"How was your first day, Ryo?"

The one who asked was my mother, who was preparing dinner for both of us. She had promised to prepare and extra serving of meat to celebrate my first day in the Academy, and she hadn't had the chance to ask me before since I began training after Kiba and I arrived.

"Excellent mom! I am at the top of my class and Shika, Cho and Naru are there with Kiba and I!"

"I'm glad to hear you had a good time, how did Guremaru behave?"


I patted Guremaru after he barked, while telling mom that he behaved like the best puppy out there. Ok, perhaps I was more childish than I liked to admit. But so what? I wasn't sure I'd get a third life, so I was going to enjoy this one, deadass.

After a sumptuous dinner, I went to sleep. I was able to sleep with peace of mind, knowing that everything was the way it should be. No stronger Sakura, no daring Hinata and no genius Naruto. It was the regular world I knew, thank god for that.