
Naruto: Reborn as a specialist

This is a work in progress book that I'm writing in my freetime. This book is not my original Idea, and is actually based on a dnd I'm doing with a couple of my friends. I don't know all the clans, lore, special names, or anything like that off the top of my head, but I will try to use the ones I know when I can. A friend of mine is doing a similar type of story based on the exact same dnd so please check him out here: http://wbnv.in/a/85hxWRD He got me into using this app to finally start writing, so it's only fair to include him. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the book! Feedback, good or bad is always appreciated as I'm trying to learn.

D243 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Getting Ready For School

I had 4 months to train. That makes 122 days which equals out to around 17 and a half weeks. 

"I can get a lot done in 17 weeks, I just need to maximize my time. I could go on more runs, If I run around the village every morning, and evening, I could build up my endurance even further along with my errands. 

I could work on my kunai and freerunning once a week so I don't get out of practice. What else can I train now that I have these down... I never used shurikens before, so I could pick up some of those. 

After that I could work on my bodily strength. If I strengthen my body, I'll be able to take more of a hit. What are some techniques to do that that I've heard of... 

Well, there's punching sand to strengthen the knuckles, then driving your fingers into the sand to strengthen those too. After that, there's punching trees that get progressively harder and harder. After that tie a bunch of smaller green trees together and drive my fingers through them. That'll take care of my hand's strength, but what about my legs... 

My shins are my only real concern, the rest is pretty solid... I could wrap some wrags around a tree to soften the blow when kicking it, and over time remove them making me kick harder and harder due to there being less and less cushion. While I'm doing my shins, I could also kick with the tops, bottoms and toes of my feet... Actually I could just combine that with my hand strengthening... What about the rest of my arms, I may need to strengthen my forearms so I can block heavy blows... 

Eh, I'll just combine my forearms and elbows with my shin training. 

I could do 5 weeks of sand training, while simultaneously doing the wrags on a tree. I'll add 5 wrags to a tree, and remove one every week. 

I will need to not overdo it though, I need to be able to walk the next day so I can do my errands. It would suck if I let down the vendiers for selfish reasons like training... I mean, I'm using them for training my endurance by running deliveries around, but that's besides the point... It would still be rude. 

Okay, hang on, what was I thinking about again... 

Oh yeah, after the 5 weeks I'll move to another 5 weeks of training at the next stage up with the green trees, and hit harder and harder trees. 

After that I have 7 and a half weeks to do what? 

Ooh, I could do waterfall training. I could sit under a waterfall, and even do stances to strengthen different muscle groups and work on balance. I have no idea where a waterfall is though. 


I'll write all this down and make some food. Should it be soup or salad, coin of fate, do your thing! 

*I flip a coin*

Heads for soup, tails for salad... 

And... IT'S HEADS! Time to maks some soup with these new spices I got!"

I jumped out of bed exitedly, ready to test all these new spices I got. As I landed a board creaked, I heard something run past my window. I ran over, ripped the pelts off and frantically looked around to find nothing. 

"That's weird, why would someone be running past my window... Maybe they're off to a mission or something and took a shortcut. I hope they come back all right, they seemed to be in a hurry. 

Well either way I have a mission of my own, a mission that's gonna be real spicy... Onwards, to cooking!"

I spent the next half hour whipping up a pot of soup and setting out a bunch of bowls. 

"Okay, so I have salt, pepper, oregano, cinnamon, and sugar. I've got plenty of soup to mess around with, so let's see what these spices can do! Ooh, if I figure out a good mixture for the soup, I can pre make it and just throw it in. That'll make it consistently delicious... I hope."

I mixed and matched the spices for 45 minutes and made a mixture that was pretty darn good. Since it was in a bowl though i would like to be able to add the spices straight to the pot instead if every time I make a bowl because I'm lazy. So I poured out as many even bowls I could and multiplied the spices I put into the bowl bt the total ammount of bowls. Then I premade a mixture based on those measurements, that way I'm ready for the next time I make a pot of soup. 

Then I added the spices to every bowl, and dumped them back in the pot to eat later. I can always reheat the pot, andmow I can just pour it in a bowl and it's ready! 

After I was done eating, I got a bag of sand, and took it into the woods. I ended up going back and forth getting 5 total bags, and setting them up in a pile, and also in a big jar. The jar is for my hands, and the pile is for my feet. 

After I got all that set up, I got the wrags wrapped around a small tree, tied them off and went off to check my traps because training starts tomorrow. 

The traps only caught a single squirrel, but that's fine. The soup and veggies make the squirrel last a couple of days. I then reset the trap, and headed back to the village. 

On my way I passed my new training equipment and decided

"You know what, no more procrastinating"

I went over and started training my body, but taking it slow. Because I'd rather not break anything just yet. I started by punching the sand. I punched lightly at first until I got more and more comfortable in knowing I wasn't gonna hurt myself immediately doing it.

After my knuckles got sore I switched over to my fingers. I was really worried about this one because sand can be really hard, but apparently if it's fine sand and not wet it's fairly easy. The only thing is to keep your fingers as stiff as possible. 

A lot of sore fingers later I moved to kicking the tree. I decided to kick super lightly because the shin is an extremely sensitive part of the body. The rags did a good bit of work, but since they're thin they only did so much. That's what I was hoping for though since this is training, not a kids park. 

I stopped before I couldn't walk, and started on my firearms. They could take a hit, but it still hurt. I also incorporated the occasional elbow with every 5 forearm strikes. 

After my arms got tired, I moved onto my feet. I started with my heel, and found out the heel cushions a lot, but multiple hard strikes wear it down quick. I git my heels to be pretty tender, then moved to my toes. I was not looking forward to this. All I can do is hope it doesn't hurt like stubbing your toe. I went for the kick full force, closing my eyes bracing for the impending pain, but surprisingly it never came. 

Turns out the sand did the same thing it did with my fingers. I was honestly surprised, I figured since the toes are fairly weak it would hurt extremely bad. With this knowledge I continued drilling my feet into the sand, and pretty soon it was beginning to get dark out. 

With feeling happy yet sore with my new training, I went to bed, and felt extremely accomplished in all I did toay.

"I got a hell of a lot done today didn't I? Let's see, I got signed up for the academy, ran my errands, made a training regiment, got new training gear, set up the training gear, got the traps fixed up, and got some training in. Oh, I also made a pretty fine bowl of soup if I do say so myself! Not bad, not bad at all!" I thought out loud feeling very happy with myself before curling up, and falling asleep.