
Naruto: Rebirth in the naruto verse (NOT DROPPED ON PAUSE)

This is an English translation of a novel with the same title Synopsis: A man gets reincarnated into the naruto verse due to the soul of his parents also being reincarnated their Again this is not mine this was previously in Spanish and to the main author or at least the person who posted it on webnovel @lesliPw if you feel as if im fucking up your story let me know CashApp if your feeling generouse cashapp/$genesiss2xx I DONT OWN ANYTHING AT ALL, but if the author wants me to take this down i will

Null_Void223 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 5:Opening the chakras.

Time soon passed, with 6 months of continues training I already had the elasticity of a dancer, my endurance increased, and my muscles were already defined like a marathon runner. I started to eat more to help with development, I don't know where my father got his recipe from because i didn't see them in our family library. (TN:So he's a 3 year old with muscles)

in these months my father wasn't with me, he went out to do some missions. There were even times when he would spend months away from home. I don't know why my heart hurt when he left to do his missions. I also noticed, the concerns on my mother's face during those times.

My father and my mother would not let me go out alone or stay at someone else's home, I always went with her to the weapon store, which she managed.

On those occasions I would take my books to read and the notebook to write inside the office in the back of the store.

After more than a week, my Father arrived from his mission in the land of fire. When he looked at me he couldn't help laughing, while speaking, "I miss my Akira" with his affectionate brown eyes, while he opened his arms and bent down waiting for a long hug.

I looked at him with shame as I approached him a little embarrassed, with one, it was awkward i still thought of my self as an adult. Although I'm almost 4 years old. But my mind was still that of an adult. When I hugged my dad, I said, "Welcome back, Dad." And he replied, "I'm home."

Soon he went to rest, and promising me that he would continue to train me tomorrow. I just watched when he kissed Mom and went to the bedroom to sleep.

The next morning, we were in our yard while I listened to the explanation my father was giving.

- Akira, do you know what Chakras is?(Dad)

- Chakras, is the combination of the "Spiritual" yin and "bodily" yang. We can utilize or mold it through hand signs(seals).(Akira)

- hahaha ... you're right, but it's not just that. All living things are born with a system of Chakras to a certain extent, which you can control and shape by removing the coil of Chakras, which are mainly in the belly area, between the solar plexus and the diaphragm. We also have 361 points of Chakras "called Tenketsu". That I will help you unlock in these six months. Usually they do this when you start attending the ninja academy. But their are exceptions, like those children's of the clans they start unlocking their chakra veins earlier then civilians.(Dad)

'I felt as if something was wrong when he spoke the last sentences. It seems that he was hiding something. I say this because of the way he and mom behave inside and outside the house. It's like a mask to protect yourself from someone ... or something.' While I was thinking, my Father, saw that i was distracted.

- right son, now let's start, I want you to sit down and put your hands together, close your eyes and wait soon I'm going to start transmitting Chakra to your coils to unlock them.(Dad)

I closed my eyes while listening to my Father speak. As he spoke I followed his instructions, I felt a little burning sensation. I don't know how long I spent feeling this sensation but it started getting a little painful, it felt as if my insides were burning, it increased more and more as I tried to release my Chakra coil. Oh my God ... just releasing a part of my system is this painful, imagine the rest. As the hours passed, it was already noon. The pain slowly started to subside, coming as a cold and relaxing feeling when my coils started to rotate, I knew I had already released an essential part to start my ninja path.

No longer putting up with the fatigue, I slowly fell towards the ground, with my eyes slowly closing. my Father seeing this came forward and caught me. looking at me he couldn't help but start laughing. Rest well my son, you still have a long way to go to get strong.

(TN: I didn't use grammarly for this so theirs bound to be a few mistakes but eh ima get to it probably tomorrow)