
Naruto: Rebirth! Avoid [bad end]

Nana Tachikawa died laughing. She awakens in the world of Naruto as a reincarnation of the cursed Utsuri Nikko--a descendant of Ichikashima-no-mikoto. With the help of her perverted guide Aponi, can she break the Utsuri clans curse and give Ichikashima-sama the happy ending she never had? *Reverse harem, R18+, pov changes* ••••••••••• (Story follows Nikko and Gaara, occasionally others)

frozenrose99 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

[47] The Wedding Ceremony Deceit!

❕If you're sensitive to rape, please skip this chapter.



Nikko pried open her crusty eyes at the sound of people talking. It was now morning and the harsh glare of reality sank into her eyelids and brought with it a headache from hell.

"Ugh..." The girl groaned.

The pain medicine has definitely died out, Nikko thought. She sat up and glanced around the room, not seeing anyone in it. Just a simple hotel room with old wood floors and minimal furniture. The girl looked to a chair beside her bed and noticed a tidy pile of clothing. She took from the chair a clean black shirt, swim trunks and straw sandals. "It will have to do," Nikko said with a wrinkle in her nose.


"Come in!"

Naruto Uzumaki burst onto the scene. "Nikko! You're awake! Yeah!" He dashed over and spun her round and round the room, kissing her like an overly affectionate grandmother.

"Hehe...that tickles, Naruto." Nikko said before snuggling into his sweaty arms.

He booped her nose and grinned, saying, "Sorry sorry. It's just...I've really missed my super pretty girlfriend. Hey what a minute...you're still hurting aren't you?"

It was true. Nikkos' shoulder and arm still throbbed like a toothache, but she smiled and replied, "...I'm fine."

"Hmmm." He peered at her up and down and said, "So anyway, Kakashi-sensei is here now huh?"

"Mhm, he is."

Naruto could tell Nikko felt bad. Her normally peachy cheeks weren't so peachy today. He frowned and scooped her up into his arms and sat her down on the twin sized bed. "Just rest for now, k? We won't be leaving until after breakfast to catch up to the gang."

They sat together for a time before Naruto saw Nikkos' eyes droop sadly. She reached to his hand and grabbed it. "Naruto...can I talk to you about Sasuke?"

"S-Sasuke-kun? I mean...yeah."

Nikko looked into his blue eyes and told him about her dream, ending with, "I'm worried about him, Naruto...what if...what if..."

He pulled her to him and breathed in her ear, "We don't know what's going on with him, but I'll bring him back to the village. After I stomp his head in a time or two. You don't need to worry about a thing with me around."

"Oh, Naruto..."

They swapped spit for a time.

Nikko believed in Narutos' words and in his faithfulness. If anyone could help Sasuke Uchiha it was him. Nikko curled to Naruto and allowed herself to dream of the future. A future by his side as well as Gaaras' and their combined force overcoming anything the world could throw at them. She warmed at the thought of their unity and delved her hands beneath his shirt top, pushing him to the bed before mounting him. "Naruto?" She asked shyly, "Can we...have some time together?"

"Y-Yeah, totally. I was just thinking myself what a great idea."


Lady Tsunade sat behind her desk, sighing at all the bills that had once again piled up. As soon as she'd taken over the role as Fifth Hokage, the work had never ceased. All she wanted to do was--

Her hand reached for her desk drawer, pulling out a small bottle of sake. "Just a taste..." she said with a lick to her lips.

One, two, three quick swigs Tsunade drank, just as a knock was heard at the door.

"Come in."

It was Jiraiya. He looked over, "Hitting the jug already huh."

"Can it. I know you're not here to nag about my drinking." Tsunade replied.

Jiraiya nodded. "Not quite, no. I've heard a little rumor about the Akatsuki."

Tsunade snapped her drawer shut and folded her hands across her nose. "Okay. And what did you find out?"

"...Well, here's the thing. They're after the nine tailed fox for sure."

"We already know that." Tsunade said.

"Yeah. But the latest news is that they want that girl you're harboring."

"You mean...Nikko Utsuri?"

"That's the one. Only, my sources say they want her dead."

Tsunades' spine chilled. "...Why would they want her out of the way?"

Jiraiya looked over at her and replied, "Beats the heck out of me. But it must have something to do with that Time Jutsu she's capable of. Think about it."

Tsunade did think about it. "I see. So, they're scared that with her ability to go back in time...she could undo all their hard work. It makes sense."

"We've got two years before they're a real threat. Only, I don't think they'll wait that long to come after her."

"Right. Because she'll only grow stronger, like her grandmother Hana. So...that leaves me in a pickle. I can't just sit and wait for the Akatsuki to come to the Leaf. I gave my word to Gaara that I'd protect that girl."

Jiraiya paused to think, before saying, "..Then send her away."

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"You'll think of something."


Nikko leaned away from rubbing Narutos' firm chest to ask him a question she'd been thinking about heavily. "..If I had a child with you, Naruto...then....would that be bad?" She asked him.

"Woah--a-a kid? N-Nikko---" Naruto swallowed. He smiled with his eyes shut, "Course it wouldn't be bad, goofy. Having a little me running around? That's both of us? Count me in!"

Nikko giggled. She loved Naruto more and more, and nuzzled his nose, brushing his pectorals with her lavish breasts. "...I love Naruto so much."

"Heh. But what's with the sudden question?" He wanted to know.

"Well...I'm the only Utsuri left, you know...and I can't help but think of the future." She smiled sadly, "I want to restore my clan, you see."

"Hm hm. I get it." Naruto grinned and pulled her down, the two hidden beneath the white sheet. He claimed her mouth as his hands fondled her womanhood down below, making the girl cry out in pleasure and spread her thighs apart.

"N-Naruto~ Ah...everywhere you touch is so wonderful....ah...ha..."

Thus the two wrinkled the sheets, slowing time as they became one. Naruto creamied her full, hoping it was answer enough.

The rest of the mission went by in a flurry of events.

After Nikko and the rest caught up to Shikamarus team, Nikko switched places with Neji who was more than glad to be rid of his disguise, and they set off for the daimyos' palace, centered within the village.

Upon entering Nikko was whisked away to see the daimyo, who wanted to meet his future bride. He was an older male, overweight, and had a cruel look in his eyes. When he caught sight of Nikko he smirked and bid her to sit with him alone in his tea room. The door slid shut and he lifted his tea cup, bidding Nikko to do so as well. She looked at the liquid, remembering Nejis' warning, but didn't want to be rude. She slowly sipped the tea.

"You are quite beautiful...and youthful," said the daimyo.

His eyes strayed from her made up face to her exposed cleavage as though undressing her with his eyes. "Thank you," Nikko replied with a forced kind smile. She motioned to the city, "The Land of Rice is impressive I must say."

"It will all be yours, my dear. But first I must...check on something." He smirked deeply and took another drink of his tea.

Nikko's vision swayed. She dropped the tea and it splayed across the tatami mats, darkening it.

Her body failed her.

She fell to the tatami mat and found it hard to see, hard to breathe. "What...was in...that tea?" She demanded.

The daimyo took his time in walking over. He leaned, "A special paralization tea. You see, I've been told that you've been chaste. I wish to see this for myself. It's...imperative that no illegitimate children are brought into my domain. A formality, if you will."

"...I..." Nikko paled. She tried to lift her limbs but they were heavy and unable to budge.

With a perverse face the daimyo lifted her legs, pulling away the many layers of kimono. He found what he was looking for, and as his gross hand invaded her womanhood, Nikko cried out. "...Don't...!"

"My. There's no hymen, I see."

He pulled away his hand, dripping her liquids. He licked them off. "Then I suppose you'll need a proper punishment."

"...What...are you planning?" She gasped.

The daimyo chuckled. "Do you take me for a fool? I can see that you aren't Yuki Mizu....girl, you'll pay for trying to trick me."



Neji paced back and forth outside the tea room. But upon hearing Nikko cry out, he slid the door open and saw that she was being taken by force. There weren't words for how angry Neji was, as he interrupted the going ons and told the daimyo, "Let her go! She is a Hidden Leaf shinobi who is only following orders."

The Daimyo pulled himself out of her and put away his junk, smirking. "I'm aware. But you have no power here. Who do you think hired you, Leaf shinobi? It was me. Now stay out of this, if you know what's good for you."

Nikko couldn't lift her head to see what face Neji had, but she heard him growl out, "This isn't part of our mission. If you don't release her at once I will be forced to remove you myself."

"A threat? Ha...ha! You're too late, little boy. She's already been impregnated with my seed!"

Neji paled. "...No...you're lying!"

The daimyo licked his lips at Nikko who lay like a doll, and said, "Such beauty at such a young age. You can hardly fault me. I'm sure, given the chance...you would do more than I have."

"...You bastard!" Neji shoved the daimyo and hauled Nikko to his arms, glaring. He wanted to kill that fat bastard, but knew in doing so he'd not only fail his mission but likely start a war. Which is what the daimyo probably wanted--and most likely why he'd done something cruel like taking Nikko for himself, just to get the proper retaliation.

Neji stood with Nikko and turned away, gritting his teeth in fury. "...You're lucky it was me who caught you. My friends wouldn't be so lax in punishing you were you stand."

Nikko was numb by the tea but still cried silent tears, staring up at Neji's infuriated face as he brought her to a room and set her down on the bed. "He's a cold hearted bastard. Using you to insight war with the Leaf..."

Upon seeing how distraught Nikko was, however, Neji grabbed her hand in his. "Lady Tsunade will see to it that you aren't with child. I'm so sorry this...happened, Nikko."


He wiped her tears away solemnly. "You paid a terrible price to complete this mission. If you order me to, I will kill him this very moment."

Nikko's eyes widened. Nejis silver eyes were gleaming with angered tears, and she whispered, "....Don't...cause a war..."

"Understood. Rest. I'm going to send for a maid, and inform the others that our mission is complete." Neji stood.

"...But...Yuki-san...is marrying a terrible person..."

Neji shut his eyes. "That's not our concern. We were here for this mission and now it's been complete. You posed as Yuki just as he wanted, and now...now I see that it was truly just to cause an uproar. He's underestimating our capabilities."

"Neji...?" Nikko asked. He turned at the door, and she said, "Don't tell Naruto please. You...know how he is."

"Very well."

Neji left to let the others aware of the situation, and Nikko stared up lifelessly at the ceiling, recalling how vulgar the daimyo was, how his crotch smelled, and wanted to vomit. She would have if her chest could have risen to do so. A few minutes passed and a maid came in, cleaned her up, and told her how sorry they were, revealing that the daimyo was a perverted man and had taken all of the maids in such a way, too. Nikko felt sorry for all involved with that bastard and vowed one day to have her revenge.

Shikamaru was told of what had taken place, and Neji had done so in secret, so as not to expose too much information without Nikkos' consent. The genius was so angry his shadows leaked out and spanned up the walls, wanting to strangle the daimyo until his eyes burst from his head. Instead, he had to take time to himself before being able to face Nikko.

When the tea had faded from her system, Shikamaru walked into her guest room and sat on her bed. He was clenching his hands so hard they were bleeding. "...That fat prick..." he began.

Nikko leaned to Shikamaru. "H-He was so smelly---I...I feel disgusting. I'll never be clean again!"

"No, that's not true Nikko. There's nothing wrong with you. It's all his damn fault for playing with us! Dammit...I just want to kill him..."

Shikamaru held Nikko to him tightly, trying to calm down. Thinking of his beloved being taken like that caused an insatiable anger to swell within him. "Are you okay?" He asked, knowing the answer. In truth he just wanted to take his mind off of murder.

"...I've been better."

"Shimatta...that konoyaro will get his just desserts one day, mark my words." Shikamaru wrapped his hands around her head and kissed the top of her jade hair.

"Shika....can we just go home..." she whispered.

"Yeah. Let's go, Nikko."
