
Naruto: Rebirth! Avoid [bad end]

Nana Tachikawa died laughing. She awakens in the world of Naruto as a reincarnation of the cursed Utsuri Nikko--a descendant of Ichikashima-no-mikoto. With the help of her perverted guide Aponi, can she break the Utsuri clans curse and give Ichikashima-sama the happy ending she never had? *Reverse harem, R18+, pov changes* ••••••••••• (Story follows Nikko and Gaara, occasionally others)

frozenrose99 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

[42] Man’s Best Friend Nikko x Kiba ❤️


Nikko scrubbed her body as thoroughly as she could. "His smell---" she sighed, "I can't get it off!"

Having sex with a dog was humiliating.

She laid back in the water. "I need to talk with Kiba-san. Maybe he can keep Akamaru away from me." But she sure as hell wouldn't tell him that Akamaru had stuck his dick into her--she'd rather die.

After an hour of making her silky skin red with scrubs, lotions, and serums, Nikko exhausted everything to get the dog smell away. With a sigh of defeat she put on her bath robe and left the unisex bathroom, seeing Shikamaru Nara outside. "Glad you're out. I'm busting to piss." He said with a laugh.

"Sorry! It's just...t-the makeup. It was hard to get off." She lied. Her face began to burn, knowing the true reason--and remembering Akamaru's tongue devouring her pussy.

Shikamaru quirked a brow. "You're all red." He grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. "Relax. You're stressing out about something. Don't."

"...Shika-kun..." Nikko curled into his arms. "Thank you."

He leaned in and Nikko met his lips with hers, immediately feeling all sorts of perverse and excited. Her pussy began to throb even harder. "..Ah..Shika-kun, it's been...awhile..." she murmured in his ear.

"I know. My right hand just doesn't cut it," he joked.

"When the mission is over..." she said, "...let's...do something."

"Oh? I like the sounds of that."

With a little more kissing they parted ways. Nikko's cheeks were still red, so red she could feel them burn like steam were rising off. For some reason she was completely horny--and could only think of being fucked roughly like a dog--like Akamaru, if only he were bigger. With a groan she realized how truly perverted she was, wanting a dog to fuck her.

At last she entered her bedchamber. It was crafted with high workmanship. The walls were covered in floral green paper, wooden halfway down them, and had a large window with golden curtains. There were two beds, western in style and loaded with pillows. As for furniture there was an end table with an oil lamp on it, and a long dresser with a mirror.

Sakura was dressed for the night in a gown and was combing her pink hair on the bed. She looked up. "There you are. Thought you might have drowned or something."

It was a joke but there wasn't any sign of it in her eyes, and Nikko's narrowed. "...Yeah. The makeup...was hard to come off."

"I'll bet it was."

Nikko knew Sakura didn't like her. She could feel it, like every girl can, sensing her jealously a mile away. The girl bluntly asked, "Why didn't you come to the hot spring?"

"About that..." Sakura sighed and tossed her brush down, "Something came up! I forgot me and Ino had plans."

"I see."

Nikko went to her backpack and pulled out her teeth floss, giving herself a good cleaning. She then took her wooden hair comb and began undoing the knots from all her harsh scrubbing. With a casual sniff, she still detected dog odor. "....Still didn't come out," she muttered.

Her mind kept thinking of Akamaru---how dirty it was, how she'd been at his mercy--but was interrupted by Sakura. "Hey, I had us some tea brought up."

On the dresser by their four poster beds was a tray with two tea cups. Nikko grabbed hers and sipped it quietly, thinking on what to do about her situation. She drank it down without seeing how Sakura smirked behind her.

Nikko yawned.

"I'm tired too," Sakura said, "Maybe we should go to bed."

"Yeah. I just need to use the restroom first," Nikko said.

She left down the hallway and towards the end of it, but heard a woman laughing. Nikko paused. It was coming from her left, to a wooden door, and she leaned her ear to the crack of it. The voice said, "She has no idea..! How long I've waited for my moment."

A male said, "...You are the rightful heir. She shouldn't have gotten that title. It's a disgrace."

"So glad you agree with me....my Tengu."

Nikko's eyes widened. If what she heard was correct, Tengu was helping some unknown woman try and steal the Baroness' title. Fearing that she would be caught she backed up but ended up making a loud noise. Her robe's belt had been caught in the frame, and she tugged but it was too tightly bound.

"Did you hear something?" The woman asked.

Shit shit shit, Nikko thought.

After another attempt she gave up and pulled the robe off and left it in the floor, running down the oil lit hallway as fast as she could. She turned the corner of the left wing and heard a door open. Nikko peeked, seeing Tengu Yokai bend and pick up her robe. He sniffed it. "...Lavender. So it's her."


Nikko dashed down the next hallway and away from Tengu, spotting on the left wall a wooden square. It was one of the escape routes--she quickly turned the latch and the door lowered. With the sounds of running coming from behind she climbed into the darkness.

"Hak!" She coughed century old dirt from her nose.

It was black. The walls were smooth, like a wooden slide, and she nervously began crawling through the unknown. At the bend of it, leading up to the fourth floor, she crawled through spider webs and rat nesting. "Yuk," she hissed. So much for the bath. Finally the tunnel ended with another wooden door, and she turned the latch horizontal and practically fell out of the wall.

"I have to...tell someone!" She said aloud.

Nikko ignored the dust, rat droppings and sticky web on her to look for help. She thought first of telling the nearest maids, which oddly enough were gone from the hallway, but knew she didn't have proof, and worse, she was an outsider here. Without evidence it would be pointless.

The sounds of boy laughter came from one lit doorway. She dashed over to it, turned the knob and bolted in.

"Haha! Your balls still need to drop--" Kiba was in the middle of saying. He and his leaf village comrades stopped talking altogether when Nikko burst into the room, naked. She fell down to her knees, shaking. "--Naruto! Shika-kun--"

You could have heard a pin drop. It was that quiet. The group looked at one another, then back at Nikko. It was every guys dream for a beautiful naked girl to just burst into their room, and here she was.

"N-Nikko!? W-What're you doing here?!" Naruto shouted.

She lifted her head. There were frightened tears in her eyes, and she let loose a string of explanation that none could understand. Neji Hyuuga was the first to snap out of it. He grabbed the sheet off the four poster bed and jumped to her, wrapping it around her shoulders. Nikko curled into his chest. "Neji-kun, this man is after me--!"

That got everyone's attention. Naruto pulled out his kunai knife. "Who is it?! I'll slice his arm off!"

"It's Yokai Tengu," she said. "I--I overheard his conversation...he's planning to help someone take away the Baroness' title."

As she spoke Neji was removing the web from her hair. Shikamaru stood up and began walking back and forth. "This is bad. Do you have any proof?" He asked her.

"No. That's why I came here."

"What a drag."

Naruto walked over to his girlfriend and pulled her into his arms. "It'll be okay. We won't let him get his dirty hands on you."

The girl calmed down in her lovers arms and buried into his neck. "Naruto...he knew it was me. My robe got caught, and I had to leave it behind. But he said he knew my scent."

"Knew your scent?" Lee asked. "We cannot let this man harm you."

Neji nodded. "We won't. He'll have all of us to go through."

It was that moment Nikko realized he might go to her room and find Sakura. "No! What about Sakura-san! He could hurt her!"

All fell silent in thought. Shikamaru got into his thinking pose. After a few moments he opened his eyes. "Okay. Here's what we're gonna do. Naruto, I need you to transform into Nikko and go to the girls room and catch this guy. When you do, make a sound or something. Neji-kun, Lee-kun and I will be looking for him on the other floors. Kiba-kun, Akamaru, take Nikko and hide her with your smell."

Everyone nodded. Naruto grabbed Nikko tightly and gave her a kiss. "...I'll protect you."

"Thank you, Naruto. A-And everyone."

They nodded.

The party split up. Kiba, Akamaru and Nikko were left. "Alright. We've gotta find some place to lay low."


Nikko hopped on Kiba's back so they could travel faster, still wrapped in the sheet. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, shaking at the cold air. "I hope everything will be okay," she said.

"Don't forget who we are. We can do anything." Kiba said, giving her a fanged smirk.


"Now...what room should we borrow? I just hope whatever room we pick isn't already in use..." Kiba said before stopping outside a door. He turned the knob, seeing it dark and empty. It was a small bedroom, probably belonging to a servant or something, and they entered it quietly. "This one should be okay. Don't worry; I can smell anyone who gets close," he said, sitting Nikko down.

She swayed a bit on her feet.

Kiba grabbed her wrist, "You okay?"

"I'm...fine," she yawned, "Just really...really tired...all of a sudden..."

"Really? I figured you'd be wide awake from all that." He led her to the bed, "Well, just sleep. I'll be on guard."

Akamaru jumped up on the bed and curled near her side, firmly asserting his position as he laid his head onto her chest. "Ruff!" He barked.

"Akamaru said he'd protect you too."

So Nikko slept. As her mind dozed off, she began to dream of many things. Mainly of Naruto and Gaara, and the three of them together once more, taking turns with her body. It was wonderful; her body was blazing with excitement as if truly feeling their mouth on her clit.

Kiba sighed. He could smell her again, dammit, and in this confined space it was torture for his nose. "Man...figures she'd have a sex dream. Must be a good one," he mumbled. His position on the floor was pointed to the door, ready to spring up at a moment's notice.

"Agn--ha..." he heard.

"By the way Akamaru, what's your deal with her?" He asked his dog companion. The pooch didn't answer. "Hey. I'm talking to you," he said, looking back--

The sheets were moving.

Kiba jumped up and yanked it from Nikko, seeing Akamaru lapping her tiny pussy. Nikko was fast asleep, but her face in the moonlight was clearly getting pleasure. Kiba froze. It was his first time seeing such an act. Her legs were spread, inviting his canine pal to have at it, and Kiba's dick began throbbing. "No way...w-what are you doing to her?" He finally asked, swallowing. His heart was thumping so hard he couldn't hear anything else.

"Ha..ha...." Nikko panted, arching her back.

Kiba grabbed Akamaru, who immediately turned and bit his arm, hard. "Cut it out, Akamaru!" Kiba shouted, trying again. Once more he was bitten, and Akamaru growled, "Grrrr"

"She's not your species in case you haven't noticed!" Kiba hissed.

"Ruff, Ruff," Akamaru said, looking down at her. (She smells of canine. I can't help it, I'm a simple dog.)

"Idiot..." Kiba sighed.

Akamaru turned back to his meal. Nikko turned, flopping onto her stomach. Kiba watched as his dog sniffed her asshole, licked it, and Nikko moaned, "Ngn..."

"T-That's enough. Get away from her, Akamaru," Kiba ordered. He heard another growl. Knowing he'd be bitten, Kiba had little choice left. He quickly performed hand signs, saying, "Ninja Art of Beast Mimicry: All Four Jutsu."

Kiba dropped down into a feral squat. He growled warningly at Akamaru, who turned and growled back. It appeared he'd have to fight his dog. Of all things. Akamaru leap toward him and Kiba retaliated, knocking Akamaru into the wall. With his speed enchanced it was easy to out manevour Akamaru.

He pup cried out before charging towards Nikko. Kiba leapt over her body and growled. Finally his dog got the hint and settled, whimpering. It was about time he got that hint, Kiba thought. He looked down, seeing Nikko's green hair swept to one side. Her creamy neck was there. Kiba leaned and gave it a sniff. Another sniff.

The thing in his pants was burning now. It almost hurt, and he leaned, licking her neck, back, spine, until sniffing her pussy. It smelled of Akamaru, and Kiba really, really needed it to smell like him. He stuck his nose to her ass before pulling her legs apart. She grunted in her sleep, as if sensing what he was going to do. Her ass lifted--

And Kiba inhaled her delicious pussy like he was snorting a line of cocaine. She was ripe, ready for him.

After giving her a few good licks to get rid of Akamaru's smell, Kiba lowered his pants. His dick was free at long last and stood at attention, awaiting the moment to shine. He mounted her back and probed around until feeling her pussy give. As his dick thrust in he groaned--and bit down into the back of her neck, growling.

"Hyah~" She called out, head falling forward as he pumped himself in as hard as he could, as fast as he could. With the enhanced speed he'd acquired, well, it was quite ferocious.

There was loud smacking sounds as their pelvis collided. Her pussy was tight already, yet it squeezed around his cock, begging for more. He bit down harder into her backside and rode her savagely--until she cried out loudly.

Kiba could feel her womb opening, letting him in, and as his senses distorted he claimed her womb. His dick throbbed and tensed until it spurted his seed inside Nikko's fertile pussy.

"Agn..." she collapsed to the bed but he wasn't done with her yet. He had to be sure his work was successful, so he continued to fuck her until his semen was leaking out the sides of her vagina.

Finally it was done.

Nikko would be pregnant, he knew, and he leaned back to howl up at the ceiling with a mating call only Akamaru could understand.
