
Naruto: Rebirth! Avoid [bad end]

Nana Tachikawa died laughing. She awakens in the world of Naruto as a reincarnation of the cursed Utsuri Nikko--a descendant of Ichikashima-no-mikoto. With the help of her perverted guide Aponi, can she break the Utsuri clans curse and give Ichikashima-sama the happy ending she never had? *Reverse harem, R18+, pov changes* ••••••••••• (Story follows Nikko and Gaara, occasionally others)

frozenrose99 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

[20]♥Sasuke's Decision-?!♥



The bound fake Naruto scoffed. "As if I'd tell the likes of you!"

Sasuke smirked and tightened his cording. One could see his bonded foe struggle to breathe. "Huk--!"

Nikko's hands were still shaking with adrenaline. When Sasuke had suddenly came from nowhere and shouted at her, she'd thought he was going to instead attack her, not this Naruto. She bent and picked up her otafuku mask from where it had fallen and placed it back on. Through the slits in it's ridiculous eye holes she watched the faker crumble in on himself a little. "F-Fine! Damn you! I was hired by--"

He didn't get to finish his confession, for a blade sprang forth from his back. No, wait, it was a katana, and Nikko looked at where it'd flew from, seeing a hooded figure hop onto the roof. "That shut him up. Hmm, Sasuke Uchiha and Utsuri Nikko. Pleasure to meet you...my name is Ken Uwata." The figure bowed politely, walked over to his ally and yanked the katana from his chest. Blood gushed out and the Naruto look a like changed in appearance to resemble a youth of perhaps fifteen years, with straight black hair and non remarkable features. His dull green eyes were wide as life began fading from them.

Nikko took a shaky step towards Sasuke who cut his cording, grabbed the girl and placed her behind him. The Uchiha knew Nikko wasn't much of a shinobi despite her kekkai genkai and would likely only hinder his work. "Stay behind me if you know what's good for you," he said over his shoulder.

She was too scared to think of a snappy comeback so she merely mumbled, "Right.."

Both faced the hooded figure who moved his covering away. He was an adult male with tall legs, short brown hair and narrow, cold grey eyes. He smile pleasantly. "You escaped the hands of fate back in the Land of Tea," he said to Nikko.

The quivering girl gulped and grabbed Sasuke's shirt, tugging him closer. "S-So you were one of those---those samurai who k-killed Idate-kun!"

His grin widened. "Indeed. It was quite an impressive display you put on, Hime....sama."

Nikko's eyes widened. Whoever this guy was clearly knew way too much about her background. "H-How do you k-know that!"

Sasuke glanced at her over his shoulder and said, "Stop pulling my shirt. I can't move if you're tied to me."

She let his shirt go but remained close by, hoping that Sasuke also had plot armor. Ken Uwata laughed a little and replied, "I know all there is to know about the Utsuri clan. You see, we are bound to exterminate your kind." His smile slid from his face and those gray eyes narrowed dangerously, "Considering you are an abomination!"

"Abomination?" Sasuke repeated.

Ken flicked the hilt of his sword, "Of course. Ichikashima-no-mikoto was a fallen angel, who fell in love with a hapless monk! It's no wonder your plagued all of your days, marked by birth as a creature of disguise! Your beauty ensnares innocent men, all the while slowly killing each of them! Anyone who falls for you will die! We, the Genbashi clan, will rid the world of this deceit!"

Nikko gasped as Ken vanished. She didn't even see him move. "Sasuke-san!" She shrieked.

"What, no Uchiha-san?" He asked quietly before shouting, "Sharingan!"

He could see Ken's movement. It appeared like he was clones of himself, circling his prey. Sasuke counted ten at least. But which was the real one? He frowned in thought. "If that's how it is, then...I'll need to take you all down at once!"

Sasuke moved from the girl who whimpered at the loss of her protector and pulled shuriken from his pocket. Expertly he threw blade after blade at his enemies, noticing that they went right through. Not a clone, then. Just what were they?

"Ha! That trick won't work on me," Ken said from seemingly nowhere, "Think again little boy."

"Shut up," Sasuke retorted. He did hand signs before calling, "Fire Style! Fire Ball Justu!"

Yet not even that landed. Which left...only one reason as to why that Sasuke could think of. "Dammit...we're in a Genjutsu," he said to Nikko.

"Clever deduction. When I readied my blade you were already inside it. But how will you escape?" Ken taunted. "There is no escape! You're both going to die here on this roof!"

"Not today..." Sasuke mumbled. "This will hurt, but you'll get over it." He said to the girl next to him, driving his kunai into her arm. Nikko shrieked as blood spurted out, "Hyah! What are you doing?!"

"Breaking free." He said before then shoving the kunai into his hand. He winced a little, but could now see clearly. The Genjutsu was broken. Ken stood singularly on the roof, an impressed expression on his friendly face.

Ken chuckled. "I underestimated my enemy. My apologies. I'll fight you without that now as a token of appreciation for your skills."

"Like I give a damn!" Sasuke bent down and began to circle Nikko. His speed was too fast for her to capture so she gave up and looked down at the blood flowing down her arm. It stung but not as much as when he'd bitten her. How silly she felt, relying on Sasuke Uchiha when he'd made it clear that he hated her. Even worse was that she now felt indebted to him.

Sasuke was finished charging his attack. Ken was the patient sort and waited calmly, almost eager to see what the boy could do. Sasuke held his hand downward and sparks began to fly, chirping noises a warning of his incoming, "Chidori!"

He sent the assault to Ken who grabbed his katana and began twirling it like a windmill. Wind came from his defense, enough that Sasuke's chidori was dulled. That dulling allowed Ken to dodge the attack slighty and make his own offense; slicing into the boy's ribs. The chidori faded and Sasuke fell forward holding his side. "Sasuke-san!" Nikko shrieked.

This was bad, she thought.

An image of Idate smiling down at her as blood dripped onto her face flashed through Nikko's mind. I can't bear...to let anyone else die! I can't! She nabbed some blood from her cut with her thumb and ran it over the masks' eyeholes. "Jikan henko no jutsu!"

Nikko pushed out her chakra and created a dome perimeter, encircling the three of them. She watched as every action reversed, even her own. At last she released it just before Sasuke attacked with his one thousand birds. Nikko shouted, "Jikan henko no jutsu!" and this time successfully froze time. She was panting slightly from the sudden withdrawl of chakra but continued on, going over to Sasuke and getting in front of him. "This has to work....!" She said, releasing the time alteration.

Sasuke's chidori almost landed again, and Ken countered as she'd expected him to. Nikko tilted the kunai in her hands and blocked his blade from slicing into the boy's sides. "My," Ken grunted, "You used the Time Jutsu."

"No matter," he added as Sasuke jumped back to catch his breath. The chidori had failed but at least this time Sasuke wasn't injured.

"Dammit.." Sasuke growled, "I didn't need your help!"

Ken's eyes shut with his smile as Nikko realized she was in danger. The girl jumped back; Ken's blade sliced her mask into half. It fell down and clanked onto the rooftop. Droplets of blood dotted across the bridge of her nose and stinging set in.

"You idiot," Sasuke said, yanking her to him and turning to jump from the roof. "I could have taken him."

The boy's Sharingan faded as he hauled her up on his shoulder and dashed through the city streets. His sandals tapped tapped quickly, Nikko's environment a tilted blur. "Too fast," she complained. "I'm gonna puke!"


Sasuke sprinted and wall ran, disturbing shop signs which were left swinging before rounding a corner, drifting around the side. Nikko squeaked and wildly grabbed his hair. He kept that same insane pace until reaching the Forest of Death, jumping over the fencing easily. At last he stopped and flopped Nikko down onto the ground, kneeling to pant. Sweat poured from his face. "Ha...ha...he knows now...that your chakra is almost used up, and so is my Sharingan."

Nikko's eyes swirled a bit before stilling. She sat up, "I...did the only thing I could."

"Tch! I knew he'd attack me, stupid. It was the only way to break his defense. But you ruined my counterattack." He frowned at her spitefully.

"Well excuse me! I didn't know you enjoyed being sliced! Maybe I should have just let you get gutted like a fish!" She crossed her arms in a huff.

Sasuke merely rolled his eyes. "Now we're at a disadvantage. He'll be here any minute. C'mon, get your sorry ass up and help me find somewhere to lay low."

"You sure know how to talk to a lady!" Nikko hopped up and stuck her tongue out at him. "Bleh!"

The boy grimaced and grabbed at his neckline, wincing. "D-Damn..."

Nikko watched as his coal eyes tightened in pain. She bent down, "Hey you alright?"

Her hand was smacked away. "Fine. Let's get moving."

"..." Worriedly, the girl followed his pace into pure darkness. The Forest of Death was a scary place.


Naruto's clones poofed one by one. He only bragged, "Hn! I've got plenty more where that came from!" More Naruto's were birthed from smoke and they all charged, kunai drawn outwards. "Let's do this guys!"

Shikamaru's shadow hand was slowly choking his enemy. He just needed to--"Tch. I'm almost done for," he remarked. Maybe five minutes before he lost control of his shadow. "N-Naruto, need you over here buddy."

The real Naruto looked over, "Yeah! Coming!"

"Not so fast..." Naruto's enemy drawled slowly. "Take a look around you."

The fox boy glanced around, spying chakra threads shining in the moonlight. "Shit!"

His hooded foe smirked and yanked the threads. They coiled around Naruto's body and crumpled him over like a worm. He wiggled to get free, "Dammit!" They were cutting into his bare skin.

"Ha ha ha! Such a fool you are," his enemy bragged. His large hands did some signs, "Fire style, Flamethrower Jutsu!" A large breath he took and blew onto the chakra lines, igniting them. Naruto watched as the flames grew closer. He smirked, "Fell for my trap, loser!"

Two Naruto's jumped from the roof with a swirling air ball circling in the left one's hands. The other Naruto was helping it shape the attack. They propelled towards the shadow figure shouting, "RaSENgan!"


His enemy spun through the street before smacking into the side of a fence, going through it, and through two more fences. Dust billowed up from the assault.

The Naruto on the ground yelled up, "Hey! Untie me already!"

Not too far was Shikamaru who was losing the battle of strength to his enemy. His cheek had sweat pouring down as he tried once again to strangle his foe. This guy's power is immense! If I don't win now, it's over.

Naruto was untied and he hopped up and ran over to Shikamaru. "Okay! I hear buddy. Just tell me what to do!"

Shikamaru sighed, "Defeat him. I'm almost at the end of my rope here."

"On it!"

Naruto pummelled his foe with his fists and bare feet until Shikamaru could no longer hold the shadow strangle jutsu. The figure's hood fell back to reveal a youth with incredible neck muslces, head barely containing it. He thrawted off Naruto like he was a plaything, sending the fox boy spiraling into the side of a business where his landing cracked the concrete. "Gwuh!"

"Heh! Little runt," said the muscular enemy. He turned his head and they could hear his bones pop. "Now it's my turn...!"


"Sasuke-san!" Nikko watched as he faltered forward and gasped for air, clutching his neck in pure agony. Blackness tinged with purple leaked out and down his neck and arm.

"Tch...now of all times...!" Sasuke grunted.

The girl swallowed nervously. If they were being chased, now was not a great time to stop and rest. She had to think of some way to help. The only recourse was to use the Time Altering jutsu again to gain some ground. She quickly did the steps necessary and said, "Jikan henko no jutsu!" Making sure to include Sasuke.

"You...using it again...at this rate you'll be useless," Sasuke grumbled from the ground.

"Then we'll match," she retorted, pulling him up and helping him stand. He winced in pain.

"Don't be..stupid, I've still got enough to beat him. Just need to...rest," he gritted out.

Sasuke's neck felt like pure fire was raging on his body and searing into even his bones. He seethed through clenched teeth, only slightly aware that Nikko had picked him up and was now carrying him in her arms. He groaned, throwing his head to and fro as even more pain set in. It was too much to bear. "Shit..." he hissed.

"It'll be okay! I'll help you once we find somewhere to go. You and Naruto hid within a tree during the Chunin Exams, do you remember where that was?" Nikko asked down at him.

"...B-Barely....maybe if it wasn't pitch dark..."

"Okay...then, I'll need to get us some light." Nikko sat him down, grabbed a broken branch, and told him to use the fireball jutsu. He performed the weakest version possible. A tiny flame cast orange hues to the dense forest. That simple technique made his pain even worse, he leaned over and puked onto the grass.

"Hang in there, Sasuke-san." Nikko wrapped her arm around him and tucked him to her chest. "I promise I'll fix you! We need to find that tree, and fast!"

"...ahhh....argh..." He clawed into her backside, writhing.


It was difficult to balance Sasuke and hold the torch out, but Nikko managed. She dashed through the forest, every so often probing the uchiha boy in her arms for directions. In that matter they eventually came upon the tree, split open at the bottom. Nikko hauled him inside it, collapsing on her side with fatigue. She released the time altering jutsu. "Okay..that should do it for now. H-Hang in there," she told him breathlessly.

Nikko moved aside his shirt to get a look at his curse mark. It had spread to most of his upper body and was radiating warmth. "Here we go..please work!" She performed the time reversal, zeroing in on the mark.

Sasuke's body felt warm. He squinted up in the torchlit tree, seeing Nikko's purple eyes focused on him. He panted, "What...are you doing?"

"Be quiet."


Slowly his pain became less intense. It faded to a mild stinging before subsiding altogether. It was like some threads choking his consciencous had been severed. He grabbed her wrist and said, "It's fine now."


She fell onto him, breathing but too wore down to move. He sighed and rolled her off of him onto her side, blowing out the torch. Darkness enveloped the tree trunk.

"S-Sasuke-san, is it..better now?"

"Yeah." He frowned. "Thanks."

Silence. It stretched on until he remarked, "That Time Altering Jutsu...I can see why everyone wants it."

"Y-Yes. My clan has been hidden away in Sunagakure until now. I...probably should have just stayed there. But I...I want to break the curse..."

"And how do you do that?"

"Remember what Uwata-san said, about the monk and fallen angel?"


"Ichikashima-san's father placed a curse on her beloved. But she used the last of her powers to free him, you see. It cost her everything--and even then she was only able to put it on her instead. Her father...he was upset by that, and said that if her ancestors could find their true love, then the curse would be broken."


"The only issue is...I'm the last of them now. And..if I don't find him, then--! Then the princess will never rest, and she may even roam in hatred...devouring everything....seeking revenge for her pain.."

Sasuke scoffed. "That sounds like a fairytale. Probably passed down as some way to keep you in line."

"It's not!" Nikko shouted, then quietly, "It's...not a fairytale...I've been hunted since I was little."

"That's due to your kekkai genkai, not a curse."

The girl growled. "It's not! You heard Uwata-san! He was sent here to kill me!"

"Just a hired thug who knew the tale. Nothing more, nothing less..."

"Grr! Quit acting like you know everything!" Nikko shoved him, "You don't know how hard I've had it!"

Sasuke grabbed her hand and pulled Nikko to his chest. "Keep it down. We don't know when that guy will get here."

Instead of arguing, Nikko allowed herself to rest against him, burrowing into the warmth of his shoulder. It was getting colder in there. She shivered slightly at the air on her back.

"If you're cold then just say so," he mumbled, wrapping arms around her.



Sasuke didn't believe her story one bit. But there was truth in there somewhere, after all that's how those tales are made. Which part was folklore, and what was fact? He only knew that Nikko had a powerful jutsu at her disposal and that made the girl prone to getting into trouble. His shut his eyes, trying to keep ears pricked for any sounds while thinking more.

He'd be leaving at the break of dawn in search of Orochimaru. It was the only way he could grow quickly in strength, surpass Naruto, and avenge his clan. That's right. She's the last of hers, too, he recalled. That meant if she didn't birth an heir her clan's special jutsu would be lost forever, assuming someone didn't take it from her corpse.

Sasuke hadn't realized how dire her situation was. Probably due to his own problems...

But he didn't have the pleasure of staying around to see what became of Nikko Utsuri. He remembered proposing to her, albeit sarcastically. Inwardly the teen winced, recalling how he'd been turned down flatly. Most girl her age would have fallen over from shock, but not Nikko. It left him curious as well as wanting to know why he wasn't good enough for her. And why Naruto, of all people, was.

"You and Naruto...what's going on with you two?" He mumbled.


"You don't sound to sure about that."

"Leave me alone! What's it to you anyway?"

He sighed in annoyance. Clearly asking her anything was turning into an argument. What did it matter, anyway? It didn't---but Sasuke was burning with jealously, knowing he wasn't good enough for her but that knucklehead apparently was.

"...I was only asking you a question..."

"He said he'd protect me. Naruto promised Gaara, before Gaara left....and Idate-kun was killed."

"The Morino guy was killed?"

"...Yes. I guess you wouldn't know since you've been passed out the whole time."

Sasuke frowned. A lot must have happened. It made sense that Naruto would promise such a thing, Sasuke could picture that clearly. Which meant that Nikko wasn't really in love with him, then.

An image of the beautiful shinobi underneath him sprang to his mind. She'd looked breathtaking, glaring at him. How he wanted to just--


He smirked. It was a cruel tactic to severe the bond between him and Naruto, but Sasuke knew it could work, considering who Naruto was. He would use Nikko to aid his life's goal.

Sasuke lifted some of her silky hair and slowly played with it. She gasped, "W-what are you doing?"

"If you don't like it then tell me to stop."


His chuckled into her ear and moved her hair aside, running his hand down her pale cheek. He could feel that her body was tense. "Relax. I won't hurt you."

"...Wouldn't be the first time..."

Sasuke put his index finger to her mouth and massaged Nikko's lips. She leaned backward a little, allowing his fingers to explore. Her skin was so soft...

"About before," he ventured, "I didn't mean to do that. And...for the record, I think you're beautiful."

"I-Is that so..?"

"Yeah. It is." He lowered to her thigh and rubbed it lightly.


"Tell me to stop," he whispered, "or I'll keep going."

When Nikko didn't respond his hand traveled further up her thigh and felt the warmth of her womanhood. She wasn't wearing underwear, he realized with a start. He felt the soft tuft of hair above her clit.

"Ngn~" She quivered.

Sasuke dick was swelling pleasantly. He had never had sex before, and didn't know if there was time for that or not, but wouldn't mind at that moment. He parted her pussy's lips with his finger and carressed up and down it, noting that she was leaking fluids.


His finger slid inside her. Nikko stilled as he delved into her body, wiggling his finger to and fro. She whimpered out, "You're...inside me--ah--hah!"

"Shhh.." he covered her mouth with his other hand while fingering her. She moaned against his palm, sweet vibrations traveling up his arm and teasing his senses. He could smell her pussy's lubrication.

Sasuke liked how wet and warm she was. His finger kept a sure pace, noticing how still she went in his arms, thighs tensing with every thrust. His dick was throbbing now almost painfully.

"Nikko..." he whispered, "...do you want me to stop?"

He removed his hand and she panted out, "I-It feels so good--don't--don't stop, Sasuke...!"

Sasuke smirked and bit her ear playfully. "Sit on it, then...we'll have to be quick."

He undid his shorts and slid them down a bit. Nikko moved on him, grinding across his manhood. She finally sat down on his dick. It's tip slid in--and he went slack with pleasure. Nikko gasped when he grabbed her arms and pushed her all the way onto him. At last his dick was being satisfied. "S-sasuke! Ah--!"

"Shh.." he covered her mouth again and felt saliva on his hand.

Nikko's tight pussy reacted to his dick by tensing, cervix quivering. She moaned as he smacked into her over and over. "Fuck," he moaned, "you're so wet, Nikko."

"Mhm!" She moaned into his hand and raised herself up, giving Sasuke easier access. He slammed into her pussy and the shriek she let out was muffled. His dick tingled and pulsed, so he repeated that action.


"You like me fucking you don't you, Nikko," he grunted. "Tell me--whose better, me or Naruto?"

He let her talk and she moaned, "Ah--Sasuke! Sasuke's dick is wonderful!"

"That's what I thought." His hand grabbed her hip meat and lifted Nikko higher, pounding into her so hard the smack echoed. He felt her pussy tightening, getting ready to explode. She arched her back and Sasuke parted her kimono, feeling for himself how developed Nikko was. Her breasts squished under his palms and he roughly grabbed them, even using them to lift her. "Hyah! Sasuke! Ah--I'm going to cum!"

"Do it. Give me all of it," he ordered harshly.

Nikko's pussy spasmed around his dick and sent with it a wave of intoxicating pleasure flowing into his dick and balls. Sasuke moaned and pushed into her as hard as he could, feeling Nikko's womb quiver. "Hyaahh~♥" She shrieked.

Just hearing her orgasm and feeling how much pleasure he gave to her, Sasuke's dick had enough. He bit down into her shoulder blade as he creampied her pussy full. His white frosting filled her womb and she fell back into his arms, panting, "Sasuke...fuck..."

Sex was amazing, he realized. Why hadn't he ever had it before?

Sasuke turned Nikko's face to his and tongued her salivating mouth. She moaned, pussy tensing around his exhausted dick. She played with his hair and he returned the favor, memorizing how she felt, how intimate and close they were at that moment. He could do this forever, the boy thought.

It dawned on him that he'd never feel Nikko like this again when he left the Hidden Leaf. What sweet torture that knowledge was. Sasuke licked the side of her jawline, careful not to disturb the bandage on her neck. He'd damaged Nikko, yet the girl had already forgiven him. Maybe she was into that type of thing, he thought numbly.

"Omm," she moaned as he tongue fucked her some more. Their spit drizzled down and she eagerly ate his mouth, fingers tightening into his dark hair.

"Nikko..." he breathed.

Sasuke was feeling emotions he thought were long dead. His chest ached, not wanting to part from her lest that feeling died. He felt a smile beginning as he said, "use your jutsu again."