
Naruto : Raijin

Ken is your average 18 year old lost and unsure what to do with his life. He watches a lot of television and one of the show he watched was Naruto. He really thought nothing of it, great show to pass the time. What happens next shocked him to the core.

MorbidCuriosity · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chunin Exams 1

With all the experimentation and his prowess increasing, I was fully prepared for the Chunin Exams. I had on a black robe cloak adorned with a seal that could expel paper bombs. My attire consisted of loose-fitting black trousers and sturdy sandals. On each hand, I wore gloves adorned with intricate seals. If you looked closely, you could spot the seals decorating both gloves. Additionally, I wore a ring over the gloves. Delicate, intricate seals adorned the ring, barely noticeable unless you paid careful attention.

I had gathered with my team to discuss the upcoming Chunin exams. "Yuki-sensei, I heard the Chunin exams were coming up," I spoke up.

"Yes, they are. I've recommended you attend already to Lord Third," Yuki-sensei replied. "You guys have great teamwork, and each of you compensates for the others' weaknesses."

Aya and Takeshi, my teammates, had big smiles on their faces. "Yes!" they blurted out in sync.

"There are two weeks before the start of the exam, and in these two weeks, I will see how far all of you have come since we've been a team," Yuki-sensei announced.

During those two weeks, we trained and honed our skills as much as we could. While the progress might not have been significant, we were fresh and focused, anticipating the challenges to come.

"The two weeks have come to a close," Yuki-sensei said confidently. "I have faith in you."

"Yes, sensei. Thank you for everything," Aya said, her voice carrying a hint of emotion.

Yuki-sensei nodded. "Meet the exam instructor at the designated area tomorrow."

"Yes, sensei," we all spoke in unison.


The following day, as I arrived at the academy, the entrance was crowded with genin from almost every village. The anticipation in the air was palpable.

The sun hung high in the sky as genin from various villages converged at the sprawling arena, the designated location for the Chunin Exams. Among them was Tasumi Rai, a young and determined leaf shinobi, standing alongside his teammates Aya and Takeshi. The air buzzed with excitement and tension, each participant eager to prove their worth.

As my team and I went through the registration process and received our identification badges, my sharp gaze scanned the crowd. I noticed teams from other villages, each with their distinct qualities and abilities. The Sand shinobi exuded a desert-hardened demeanor, while the Cloud genin had an aura of determination that mirrored my own.

The first phase of the exams was about to commence - a written test designed to assess the participants' strategic thinking and analytical skills. The genin were directed to a spacious room filled with rows of desks, each with a scroll and a set of questions. The atmosphere was tense, the room filled with the whispered rustling of papers and nervous glances.

As I began reading the questions, my mind worked quickly to analyze the scenarios presented. I had always excelled in strategy and problem-solving, traits that had been honed during countless training sessions with my team. My eyes darted across the room, noticing other genin deep in thought or scribbling furiously.

Amid the silence, I sensed a sudden shift. The subtle bristling of chakra, the narrowing of eyes, and the undercurrent of tension - someone in the room was emanating killing intent. My posture remained relaxed, my expression unchanged. I knew better than to show alarm; my years of training had taught me the art of hiding my true emotions.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a group of Kiri genin. Their leader, a tall and imposing figure, locked eyes with me for a brief moment. The intensity in his gaze was unmistakable - I was being assessed, evaluated as a potential obstacle or threat.

As the written test progressed, I couldn't shake off a growing suspicion. The questions seemed oddly simple, as if the answers were being spoon-fed. I glanced around discreetly, noticing the majority of genin scribbling away with confidence. But something wasn't adding up. My analytical mind sensed a pattern, a dissonance between the complexity of the Chunin Exams and the apparent ease of the questions.

I urged my chakra and indeed, a genjutsu. A smirk formed on my lips.

Later that day, as the sun began to dip below the horizon, the genin were gathered for a briefing by the exam instructor, a charismatic jonin with a reputation for unorthodox methods. His grin was as sharp as his kunai, and his words carried an air of challenge.

"You've survived the written test," he proclaimed, his voice carrying to every corner of the arena. "But remember, the road ahead is treacherous. Only the strongest, the smartest, and the most adaptable will triumph."

As the instructor spoke, my attention was divided between his words and the Kiri genin's leader. The antagonist's voice cut through the crowd, his words dripping with arrogance and disdain for the Leaf Village. My grip on my identification badge tightened imperceptibly. I wasn't one to back down from a challenge, especially not from someone who looked down on my village and my comrades.

As the tension in the air intensified, my suspicion grew. It was as if a puzzle piece had clicked into place. The questions' simplicity, the genin's sudden confidence - it all pointed to a subtle manipulation, a genjutsu perhaps. My training in genjutsu awareness kicked in, and I discreetly scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of illusion.

The instructor's grin widened, his words taking on a mischievous tone. "And just to keep you on your toes," he continued, "I've made sure that those 'easy' answers were part of a little genjutsu of mine. Call it a test within a test."

My suspicion was confirmed, and I suppressed a knowing smile. The instructor's genjutsu had indeed tricked most of the genin into seeing straightforward answers where there were none. My training in genjutsu resistance allowed me to perceive the subtle distortions, and I had managed to navigate through the questions without falling into the illusion.

As the night settled in and the stars emerged, my determination burned brighter than ever. The exams had already thrown a curveball, and I was ready to rise to the occasion. The hidden challenges, both seen and unseen, were just beginning, and I was determined to face them head-on, proving my prowess and adaptability as a leaf shinobi. Aya and Takeshi passed with flying colors. "This is a piece of cake," I stated, glancing at the genin team that looked hostile. My smile seemed to only further fuel their anger.