
Naruto : Pure Blood

This is the story of a boy who gets transmigrated into the body of Naruto when he is on the trip with Jiraiya, the boy gets the chance to meet the god and get some wishes. after meeting the god the boy wishes to be bloodline purification and Gojo's six eyes what to expect -Smart MC -Check -mastering all elements -check -creating flashy jutsus- check -creating kekkei genkai -check -no hiding his true strength -check -lovable characters -check -yandere girlfriend(Hinata)-check -small harem (4-5 members)- check -incest -check -time travel -check -R18 scenes(after 100 chapters) -check - bullying the weak -check -not evil not so good MC -check -killing Danzo in cold blood- check -- -naive mc- not check -trying to help everyone -not check -pushover-not check ----------- the story is slightly slow-paced at the beginning, but after chapter 70 it picks up the pace this will be fun just read it. I know you have read many MLT stories on this site, so just shut off some of your brain cells and read the story, there may be some grammatical mistakes so turn your mind on autocorrect mode and enjoy the story. and no one is allowed to call the romance cringe, I know some of you will find it cringe so bear with it. the story will not be as canon there will be major changes in the story and characters.

Devils_hand · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Naruto walked into the dense forest in order to find some bandits. He was in no hurry.


his hands were in his pockets, his hair swayed in the wind, and his black cloak fluttered behind his back.

He had activated his Kagura's Mind Eye, allowing him to sense chakra signatures within a range of 10 kilometers.


He quickly detected a group of bandits in his vicinity.

As he walked, he soon found himself standing atop a hill.

Below him, he sensed the presence of the hidden bandit group.

Although they were imperceptible to the ordinary observer, they remained within Naruto's grasp.


He placed his hand on the surface of the hill and infused it with earth chakra.





The wind blew as a result of the chakra pressure, causing the hill to split open into two parts, revealing the bandits who now appeared foolish.


There were five men of chunin level standing together.

Suddenly, they noticed that the roof above them had disappeared, splitting open to reveal the bright sky above.

They looked upward and saw a shadowy figure gazing down upon them.

the cloak behind him fluttering in the wind, and his red eyes glowing like those of a predator.


When they met his gaze, chills ran down their spines, and they shivered.

They couldn't explain it, but they felt an overwhelming sense of inferiority under his stare.


Naruto had no quarrel with them; they just happened to be the nearest living beings to him.

He extended his hand, and a chain shot out from his palm.

Before they could react, a chain wrapped around two of them.

Apart from these unfortunate souls, everyone else remained unharmed.


Naruto raised his hand, causing the chain to gradually shorten, pulling the two men off the ground and positioning them behind him.

Helpless, the two men were unable to even shake their heads, bound by the chain from head to toe.

Naruto turned his gaze toward the remaining bandits.

Chills ran down their spines and their hearts sank.

Were they to meet their end like this? They had merely been enjoying their solitude in the cave after looting some merchants


"Consider yourselves lucky that I require only two of you alive," Naruto spoke, and then he vanished from their sight.

They heaved a sigh of relief, having narrowly escaped death.

They didn't know who that man was, but they thanked God for sparing their lives from his hands.

Their hearts were beating rapidly. After Naruto vanished, they collapsed onto the ground.

'Thank God we are safe,' one of the men spoke, and upon hearing him, all of them nodded.

Naruto walked towards an empty space in the forest, with two of his captives chained and being pulled along by his clone.

In reality, Naruto only needed one person to perform his jutsu, but he had taken another along in case something unexpected were to happen.


Naruto soon found an empty space within the dense forest, surrounded by tall, imposing trees.

Naruto retrieved a scroll, and with a puff of smoke, the scroll unfurled, revealing a set of fuinjutsu materials on the ground.

He examined the ink and brush, then began to meticulously draw the necessary fuinjutsu seal on the ground. In just 15 minutes, he had completed the intricate seal required for the jutsu.

Naruto glanced at his clone, receiving a nod in response.

The clone lifted one of the men by his chains and placed him within the circle.

The man's face was a mask of horror, though he couldn't even scream due to his mouth being sealed shut.


Naruto reached for the shinigami mask hanging at his waist. He studied the mask for a moment before decisively placing it over his face.

Without hesitation, he began to weave a series of hand signs.

*whoosh* *whoosh*

Naruto's senses went on high alert as he felt the sudden change in the atmosphere around him.

The wind seemed to carry an ominous presence, and the feeling of death hung heavily in the air.

The wind began to whip around him, causing his hair to stand on end.

An aura of death seemed to envelop him, sending chills deep into Naruto's soul. This sensation was entirely new to him—cold and unmistakable.

The surroundings fell into complete silence, devoid of any sound, creating an atmosphere of utter stillness.

Then, a grisly figure began to take shape behind Naruto.


The aura of death pressed down upon him, and before long, the Shinigami materialized right behind him. With white hair, grayish skin, and a dagger clenched in its teeth, the Shinigami gazed down upon Naruto.


Naruto retrieved a vial from his pocket and cast it into the circle. Inside was the DNA of his father.

Then, using his left hand, he drew a kunai, driving it into his stomach and sliding the blade from right to left, creating a deep scar across his abdomen.

Behind him, the Shinigami replicated the action, slitting its own belly open, and a brilliant light flashed forth. From its belly emerged a soul.

In a low voice, he uttered 'Edo Tensei,'" and placed his hand upon the ground.

Before him, the soul emerged from the man, causing him to crumble into a heap of papers.

The soul traversed through Naruto's body and entered the belly of the Shinigami. The Shinigami behind him vanished into thin air.


The deal was sealed: a soul for a soul.


Naruto retrieved his mask and secured it around his waist.

His left hand clutched at his wound, the injury on his abdomen began to mend itself.

Gazing ahead, Naruto observed as the soul that had exited the Shinigami's belly entered the scattered papers.

Gradually, the soul began to reshape and reform, until a figure started to emerge from the midst of it.

Before long, the figure stood before him—a man with blond hair and blue eyes. The man locked eyes with Naruto.


Naruto gazed at his father. He had encountered his father once before when he had intentionally unsealed the cage.

However, that meeting had only involved a fraction of his father's soul, and they hadn't had the opportunity for much conversation.

This time, his father stood before him in full form, his soul complete.

Now, Naruto had all the time in the world to engage in a meaningful conversation with his father.


As he stared at his father, a maelstrom of emotions swirled within Naruto.

He was experiencing a whirlwind of feelings all at once—rage, love, happiness, and anger.


Minato directed his gaze ahead, his eyes falling upon a young man with red hair.

He recognized who this was; he had acquired the memories from the fragment of his soul that he had left within the seal.

As he looked at his son, a bittersweet smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Memories of their brief conversation within the sealed space came flooding back to him.

"Naruto," he spoke, his voice carrying a weight of emotion.

As he gazed at his son, Minato felt a pang of guilt in his heart, remembering what his son had said to him in the sealed space.

"Father," Naruto addressed him, the tone of his voice carrying a hint of sarcasm that didn't escape Minato's notice.

A bitter smile tugged at the corners of Minato's lips as he regarded his son.


"Yes, Naruto," he replied to him.

Naruto met his gaze and posed a question, "Do you recall what I told you?" he inquired.

"Yes, I remember," Minato responded.


"Now tell me, Father," Naruto continued, his voice carrying a mixture of rage and anger,

"Do you feel honored that you sealed the tailed beast within your own son, making him a jinchuriki, and all for what... for the sake of Konoha?"


Minato's gaze remained fixed on Naruto, but the young man pressed on, his voice charged with emotion,

" do you know how they see me… they called me the fucking demon fox… You wanted them to see me as a hero... but see how they truly view me." Naruto's words were infused with anger as he vented his frustration.

This marked the first time he had expressed such intense anger.

"But Hiruzen assured me he would take care of you," Minato replied, his voice carrying a note of defensiveness.

Yet, deep down, he couldn't deny the truth in his son's words. Naruto's life had been undeniably difficult, growing up without the presence of both mother and father—a reality that Minato couldn't bear to dwell on.


"Haha," Naruto laughed, leaving Minato puzzled by his reaction.

Minato's gaze remained fixed on his son, unsure of the reason behind his laughter.

"My dear, foolish father," Naruto continued, his tone carrying a mixture of bitterness and revelation.

"You instructed Hiruzen to look after me... but allow me to demonstrate just how naive that trust was. Come, let me show you how Hiruzen looked after me." With those words, Naruto began to stride toward his father.


Naruto began to perform a series of hand signs, his voice resonating,

"Genjutsu: Deadlight Horror."

As his words echoed, the very surroundings they stood in underwent a transformation.

Minato made no attempt to resist the genjutsu.

In the blink of an eye, he found himself suspended in the sky, his gaze directed downward at the sprawling expanse of Konoha.

By his side, Naruto stood, a silent presence within the illusory landscape.


Minato's gaze settled upon Naruto, a fleeting moment of pride washing over him as he recognized his son's mastery of such a potent genjutsu—one capable of ensnaring even the dead within its illusions.

Yet, this sense of pride was short-lived, swiftly replaced by a different emotion.


"Look, Father," Naruto's voice cut through the illusory space, heavy with accusation.

He gestured toward a particular spot, directing Minato's attention there.

Minato followed his son's indication, his eyes fixing on the scene that unfolded before him.

As he took in the sight, a surge of anger began to bubble within him, his blood starting to boil at what he witnessed.

"Look, there's the demon fox... Let's hunt him down... Let's finish what the Fourth Hokage started," one of the men declared, his words dripping with hostility.

The scene unfolded before Minato's eyes, and he listened as the cruel words echoed in the air.

Today, on Naruto's birthday, these sentiments were voiced aloud.


The atmosphere grew tense as they began to give chase, brandishing stones, knives, and sticks in their hands. The anticipation hung thick in the air as they closed in on Naruto.


A stone struck baby Naruto squarely in the head, causing blood to gush from the wound.

He tumbled to the ground, his small form now surrounded by the hostile mob.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he gazed at the people who had encircled him.

"I am not a demon fox..." his plea trembled in the air, his voice laden with anguish.

He couldn't fathom why these people hate so much him.


Laughter erupted from the crowd as mocking words filled the air, "See, the demon is crying," they jeered, and another blow from a stick landed on Naruto's head.

He writhed on the ground, pain, and darkness beginning to encroach upon his senses.

At only four years old, he was on the brink of losing consciousness, his small body unable to endure the cruelty of the world around him.


The mob remained relentless, their kicks raining down upon Naruto without mercy. His cries pierced the air, desperate pleas for help escaping his lips.

"Somebody, help me... Why are you doing this to me... Mother... Father... where are you..." His tears mingled with the dirt on the ground, his voice eventually fading as unconsciousness claimed him.

Despite his unconsciousness, the mob continued their assault until they noticed he was no longer responding.

With a sneer and a muttered curse, the man leading the attack turned away, the others following suit.

They were well aware of the watchful eyes of the ANBU and the potential wrath of the Hokage—they didn't wish to attract that kind of attention.


Minato watched the harrowing scene unfold beneath him, his heart aching as he witnessed the brutal attack on his own son.

His lips tightened into a grim line, his hands trembling with a mixture of fury and helplessness.

He descended hurriedly, attempting to reach Naruto's unconscious form, yet his hands phased through him as if he were a specter.

He tried again and again, desperation evident in his actions.

"Somebody help him," he implored in a hushed voice, his plea caught in his throat, the weight of his inability to intervene pressing down on him.


After half an hour had passed, two ANBU operatives materialized before Naruto's unconscious form.

One of them clicked their tongue in irritation. "Tch... Looks like we have to do this again," they muttered.

The other ANBU nodded in agreement, their voice devoid of emotion. "Pick him up and get him to the hospital. You know the Hokage's orders," they commanded.

Minato's anger burned hotter within him as he watched the ANBU.

He seethed with frustration and helplessness, his gaze fixed on the guards who had observed the entire ordeal.

Overwhelmed by rage, he lashed out, attempting to strike them, but his blows passed through them as if they were insubstantial apparitions.


Naruto appeared beside him and put his hand on his shoulder, Minato looked at him.

"Look Father this is just the beginning," Naruto spoke to him with a smile.


In an instant, everything shifted. Naruto's power as the caster of the genjutsu became evident as he revealed to his father the grim reality of his life.

Scenes played out before Minato's eyes, a montage of the relentless torment Naruto endured on each of his birthdays.

It showcased how people shunned him, how they refused to acknowledge his worth, and how they treated him as a pariah.

how people avoided him, how the Hokage showed up at the last moment and tried to manipulate him, he showed him everything that the village had to offer to them.


The scene shifted once more, returning them to the forest where they had begun. Minato's gaze remained fixed on his son, a maelstrom of emotions churning within him.

Guilt welled up within him, a heavy weight pressing upon his chest, as he realized the choices he had made. He had chosen the village over his own flesh and blood.

He had hoped to see his son regarded as a hero, yet the reality was starkly different—Naruto remained unrecognized, a lonely figure.

Minato's fists clenched, his internal struggle evident in his tense posture.



An~tell me your thoughts in the comments.

Give me some powerstones man…