
Naruto : Pure Blood

This is the story of a boy who gets transmigrated into the body of Naruto when he is on the trip with Jiraiya, the boy gets the chance to meet the god and get some wishes. after meeting the god the boy wishes to be bloodline purification and Gojo's six eyes what to expect -Smart MC -Check -mastering all elements -check -creating flashy jutsus- check -creating kekkei genkai -check -no hiding his true strength -check -lovable characters -check -yandere girlfriend(Hinata)-check -small harem (4-5 members)- check -incest -check -time travel -check -R18 scenes(after 100 chapters) -check - bullying the weak -check -not evil not so good MC -check -killing Danzo in cold blood- check -- -naive mc- not check -trying to help everyone -not check -pushover-not check ----------- the story is slightly slow-paced at the beginning, but after chapter 70 it picks up the pace this will be fun just read it. I know you have read many MLT stories on this site, so just shut off some of your brain cells and read the story, there may be some grammatical mistakes so turn your mind on autocorrect mode and enjoy the story. and no one is allowed to call the romance cringe, I know some of you will find it cringe so bear with it. the story will not be as canon there will be major changes in the story and characters.

Devils_hand · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

chapter 21



Chapter 21~~ Hinata's confession and First Kiss


Naruto entered the park, where the morning sun casts a gentle glow over the surroundings.

He leaned against a wall, observing that at this early hour, there were only a handful of people in the park.

A few children played in the distance, their laughter filling the air.

Naruto took in the beauty of nature around him, relishing the warm sunlight and the refreshing breeze that enveloped the area.

It was a peaceful and serene moment, one he savored.


He closed his eyes, enjoying the peace then he sensed a strong chakra entering the park, he was very familiar with this aura, the black chakra, and the feeling of superiority was extorting from the person.

Naruto opened his eyes and saw a girl with dark blue hair flowing down her back.

Her eyes were a captivating shade of lavender.

She wore a black open jacket with a white t-shirt underneath it, and a long black skirt that reached her ankles.

In her hand, she held an ice cream cone. As she entered the park, she settled onto a swing, embracing the morning breeze.


She was the epitome of beauty, exuding a strong aura and no longer concealing the hidden darkness that resided within her.

Her curiosity and desire for freedom were apparent, and an aura of nobility surrounded her.

"Perfect" was the only word that could adequately describe her.

Naruto looked at her, just like last night Dreem, she was the same when he saw her in his dreams, or whatever it was, Naruto looked at her, wanting to engrave her whole being in his heart.

Hinata, who had been sitting on the swing, noticed the gaze fixed upon her.

She tilted her head and, to her delight, saw the person she had longed to see the most, looking at her with a warm and loving smile.

Her heart raced with excitement, and she couldn't contain her happiness.

Unconsciously, she stood up, and in her excitement, the ice cream cone slipped from her hand and fell to the ground.

As their eyes locked onto each other, the entire world seemed to freeze in place for them.

Everything stood still, not even the air moved. The colors around them seemed to shift and change, creating a surreal atmosphere.

With her eyes welling up with tears of joy, Hinata began to walk toward him.

Naruto looked at her with the sincerest and warmest smile on his face as he stood there, waiting for her.

She took each step with a heart full of anticipation, her longing for this moment having lasted so long.

As she approached him, the world around them seemed to bend to her will. Pink clouds painted the sky, cherry blossom tree leaves floated through the air, and she walked gracefully on the water, her reflection mirroring her journey.

In her vision, Naruto stood before her with his arms wide open, both of them immersed in this segmented world.

They had no knowledge of what was happening around them; they simply followed the path their hearts had been yearning for.

Hinata didn't know how, but she found herself getting closer and closer to him.

In an almost instinctive move, she jumped into his embrace, her heart brimming with emotions. "You finally came," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine relief and happiness. Words seemed unnecessary in this moment, as their subconscious minds communicated their feelings.

"Yes, I was waiting for you," Naruto replied, his embrace tight and comforting, his head resting on her shoulder. The scent of lavender enveloped him as he held her close.

Hinata couldn't help but voice her deepest concerns. "Would you ever leave me?" she asked, her voice trembling with vulnerability.

"Never," Naruto reassured her firmly.

In his arms, all the pent-up feelings Hinata had kept hidden for so long surfaced.

But this time, it was real. With Naruto holding her, she felt safe and protected, a sanctuary away from the darkness of the world.

"You know, my family outcasted me," she revealed, tears welling up in her eyes.

"They didn't even consider me as their own." As she spoke, her voice quivered, and her sobs escaped.

It was as if, in his presence, she could finally confront her weaknesses, and with each word, the heavy burden on her heart seemed to lighten.

"I'm here for you; you don't have to be alone anymore," Naruto reassured her, his arms wrapped around her, offering her comfort and security.

Hinata's heart swelled with happiness as he spoke, her tears flowing freely and staining his shirt. "You know, I love you. I've always loved you more than anything," she confessed, snuggling into his chest as he continued to speak.

Today, in this moment, she had finally found the courage to express her true feelings.

She had unearthed all the emotions that had been buried in her heart since childhood.

Naruto didn't need to say anything; his actions spoke volumes.

He held her even more tightly, his silent embrace confirming what she had just shared with him.

She was the only person in the entire world who loved him unconditionally, and now, she was in his arms.

Hinata continued to sob gently in his chest as she poured out her heart.

"I love you. I've always wanted to say this to you. I love you," she confessed, her words filled with raw emotion.

Naruto patted her back, offering his comforting presence.

He then gently lifted her face, his hands resting on her shoulders, and gazed into her pure white eyes.

Those eyes radiated happiness and love for him, and he couldn't look away.

Hinata, too, stared into his eyes, where she found the same love she had longed for.

Drawing closer to her, Naruto softly spoke, "I love you too, Hinata." Tears of happiness welled up in her eyes as she heard those words she had yearned for.

In this moment, everything felt complete for her.

She had confessed her love to him, and he loved her back just as deeply.

The world around them seemed to freeze once more, but in this moment, she had everything she had ever wanted.

She could be her true self in front of him, knowing that he accepted her completely, no matter her shyness, timidity, or even her darkness. He embraced her true self, and that acceptance meant the world to her.

Hinata gazed at Naruto, her heart pounding, as he stood so close to her.

A blush spread across her cheeks as she lifted herself onto her tiptoes, drawing nearer to him.

Their foreheads touched gently, and with her eyes closed, she timidly pressed her lips against his. It was her first kiss, a simple yet profound moment that seemed to transport them to a world of pure bliss.


As they shared this tender moment, something shifted in their minds.

Their first kiss was gentle and sweet, filled with the promise of deeper emotions.

When they finally parted, Naruto looked at her, his gaze filled with warmth and affection. Hinata, still blushing deeply, lowered her head in embarrassment.

Despite the changes she had undergone, there was still a part of her old self that remained shy and hesitant. It would take time for her to become bolder in front of him.

Seeing her like this, head down and face flushed, Naruto couldn't help but feel captivated by her beauty.

Words couldn't do justice to her allure. He gently lifted her chin with his hand, raising her blushing face to meet his gaze.

Their eyes locked, and this time, she didn't shy away from his look.

Naruto leaned in, bringing his lips to hers once more. Hinata closed her eyes in anticipation, savoring the sweet moment she had longed for.

As he kissed her, he couldn't help but be captivated by the taste of her soft, juicy lips. It was a taste he found to be absolutely enchanting.

He opened her mouth with his tongue, and she parted her lips, giving the way to enter, he touched her tongue with his When he touched her tongue, a current passed through their body, he warped his tongue around hers, twisted it, they both slowly getting used to this bliss, their tongue warped around each other, from his mouth to her, their tongue played with each other.

This was euphoric for them, they parted, a string of saliva could be seen between their lips, the sunlight making the orange tint in it, they looked at each other, the world around them changed and started to run normally, his hands were on her waist and her hands were wrap around his neck, they looked into each other's eyes, the same passion, the endless love could be seen in their eyes.

Hinata's face was red with blush, she took a step back and just looked at him full of love.


Sakura's voice shattered the intimate moment between Naruto and Hinata.

She entered the park with a sense of urgency, calling out Naruto's name loudly.

Her pink hair bobbed as she rushed toward him, her face contorted with frustration.

"Naruto, baka! Where were you? Lady Hokage was asking for you!" Sakura screamed at him, reverting to her usual demeanor. Her anger was a well-known trait when it came to Naruto.

Naruto's expression turned cold for a brief moment as he wondered why Sakura always treated him this way.

However, before he could react, their peaceful morning was interrupted.

Hinata looked at this pink-haired girl, She ruined her time with Naruto, and now she looked at her She always hated her, Her byakugan was activated, and before Sakura could come near Naruto.

'Vacuum palm' Hinata spoke in a low voice, and with a swift juken strike, Hinata's palm didn't even touch Sakura, Sakura felt pain in her chest, She had a palm printed between her breasts.

She flew away hitting the ground two times and finally crashed into the wall, sakura coughed out a mouthful of blood.

She looked down, and two of her ribs were broken, She didn't know what hit her, she looked in the direction of Naruto, and next to him, Hinata was standing looking down at her with her byakugan activated.

Before now Sakura didn't noticed her, and the next moment, Hinata vanished from her sight and appeared in front of her, Sakura couldn't follow her moments, Was Hinata always this strong, This was the thought that came to her mind.

Hinata appeared in front of him, She squatted down near her, looking at her with her eyes activated, Sakura felt the pressure on her body, and the pressure was high, The ground around her cracked.

She looked at Hinata fearfully, she was not the Hinata she knew, the Hinata she knew was the kind, elegant, and sweet girl, but this Hinata in front of her, when she looked into her eyes, her byakugan was now slightly darker than before.

When sakura looked into her eyes, she could feel that she was a open book in front of Hinata, she was directly looking at her soul, this was the feeling she get.

"You ungrateful bitch… if I see you looked at Naruto like that, or speak to him like this, I will rip your tongue out of your mouth" she speak to her while looking directly into her eyes, piercing into her soul.

Hinata was really angry with this bitch, first, she ruined her time with Naruto, which angered her but that was tolerable, but then she crossed her line, shouting at Naruto like this, while in front of her, this was the crossing of the line in Hinata's book.

Sakura nodded at her fearfully, Sakura could feel that these were not empty threats.

"Good that you understand" Hinata spoke to her, vanished from her sight, and appeared in front of Naruto.

"Don't scare her so much," Naruto spoke cheerfully.

Hinata giggled and blushed a bit, "If you say so" 

"It's time to meet Lady Hokage, I will find you later," Naruto spoke to her.

"I have some missions to do, I will meet you after that," Hinata spoke to him, She looked at him smiled, and walked away, Today was the best day of her life until now, She walked away from the park whistling, not even caring what she did do Sakura.

Naruto looked at disappearing back, then he moved toward Sakura, he smiled at her when she looked at him, it was a devil's smile, she didn't know how to react.

"Do you need some help," naruto extended his hand and a green light appeared in his palm, sakura was shocked that Naruto know medical ninjutsu and was better than her while healing her, "you should take Hinta's advice' naruto speak with a smile, he had to take responsibility what Hinata did to her, she fucking break her ribs, as his girl he had to take care of mess she created of sakura.

Sakura looked at him, he was really changed, he was not the Naruto she knew and one of her friends Hinata changed in just one night, if she ever considered her a friend, they both changed so much she didn't even recognize them.

she felt really weak in front of them.

in just 3 minutes her injuries were healed and now she was completely fine.

Naruto looked at her and spoke "You go to your work, I will meet grandma Tsunade" and he disappeared from her side and a leaf was floating in his place.

she looked at the sky, remembering what had happened today, after that, she stood up and went her way.



A|N~ How do you like Hinata, isn't she badass, I know she is, and this is just the beginning, Tell me how do you like the chapter, and give me some power stones  man...

.....your dear author san]