
Naruto : Pure Blood

This is the story of a boy who gets transmigrated into the body of Naruto when he is on the trip with Jiraiya, the boy gets the chance to meet the god and get some wishes. after meeting the god the boy wishes to be bloodline purification and Gojo's six eyes what to expect -Smart MC -Check -mastering all elements -check -creating flashy jutsus- check -creating kekkei genkai -check -no hiding his true strength -check -lovable characters -check -yandere girlfriend(Hinata)-check -small harem (4-5 members)- check -incest -check -time travel -check -R18 scenes(after 100 chapters) -check - bullying the weak -check -not evil not so good MC -check -killing Danzo in cold blood- check -- -naive mc- not check -trying to help everyone -not check -pushover-not check ----------- the story is slightly slow-paced at the beginning, but after chapter 70 it picks up the pace this will be fun just read it. I know you have read many MLT stories on this site, so just shut off some of your brain cells and read the story, there may be some grammatical mistakes so turn your mind on autocorrect mode and enjoy the story. and no one is allowed to call the romance cringe, I know some of you will find it cringe so bear with it. the story will not be as canon there will be major changes in the story and characters.

Devils_hand · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 100 Fight with Otsutsuki Part 3

In the crater, the dust rose high into the sky as Jigen underwent his second-to-last transformation.

The winds picked up, and Naruto could sense the incredible density of Jigen's chakra, surpassing even his own.

Without hesitation, he began forming a Rasengan in his hand, infusing it with wind chakra that made the air itself razor-sharp. Naruto spun on his feet and, with all his might, launched it.


The white Rasenshuriken tore through the air and vanished into the dust cloud, but there was no explosion as they had expected.

In that moment, Naruto sensed an overwhelming sense of danger.

A red beam of immense chakra shot out from the dust cloud with incredible speed and power. Naruto quickly transformed the Truth-Seeking Ball in his hand into a shield, but even so, the impact of the red beam sent him flying backward with a deafening bang.

As Rasenshuriken entered the dust cloud, Jigen had absorbed its power and, amplified by his Karma Seal, shot out an even more potent chakra beam at Naruto.

The amount of chakra used in Rasenshuriken was immense, nearly equivalent to a Jonin's chakra reserves. If an ordinary Jonin attempted to use Rasenshuriken, they would likely die from chakra exhaustion.

Naruto hit the boulders behind him, shattering them. He was safe within his black dome made of Truth-Seeking Balls.

Jigen appeared in front of Hinata. She looked at him with her Jougan, and as his punch was about to hit her, she scattered into countless flurries of papers.

The countless papers obstructed Jigen's vision, causing him to quickly duck to avoid the incoming strike of Juken palm.

He twisted his body and thrust the chakra rod, attempting to stab Hinata in the heart. However, before he could make contact, she vanished, and in her place, papers were floating.

Countless papers flew around the battlefield. They were made of Hinata's chakra, and she was connected to them. With an academy jutsu, she could substitute herself with any of these papers, making her very hard to kill.

Jigen was annoyed by this. "You annoying brat..."

But before he could move toward Hinata, he felt a powerful surge of chakra and looked in Naruto's direction.

Naruto was performing hand signs, and as he completed them, he stomped his left foot on the ground, pouring all of his chakra into the earth. The ground beneath him started to wiggle, and the tides seemed to rise within the ground.

The entire area shook as Naruto moved his hand, causing a colossal dragon made of rock to rise from the earth and charge towards Jigen.

The sheer size of the dragon was intimidating, making everyone else look like ants in comparison. With surprising speed for its enormous size, the dragon tore through the ground and struck Jigen on the head.


The dragon hit the ground where Jigen was standing, causing massive destruction. Soon, the dragon's body also hit the ground with a loud thud.

Jigen appeared from a portal at his previous location where the dragon had struck. This was the first time Jigen had used his dimension-traveling ability.

"Your way of using Earth Style is very impressive," he commented, squinting his eyes at Naruto.

Before Naruto could react, three chakra rods pierced through his stomach, creating a sickening sound as they pierced through flesh.

This was one of Jigen's abilities. He could shrink any object to a molecular level, as long as it wasn't a living being or connected to any living being.

These chakra rods had been shrunk to a molecular level and then expanded rapidly in front of their target, making it a deadly move. Their speed far exceeded the speed of sound.

"Naruto!" Hinata reformed herself and looked at Naruto with a worried gaze.

"Hah... these were nothing but scratches," Naruto said as he pulled the chakra rods from his stomach. As he yanked them out, the wounds began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hinata looked at him with worry in her eyes, but her focus remained on the ongoing battle. "Be careful."

Naruto nodded to her, and in an instant, they both vanished. Hundreds of chakra rods plummeted to the ground where they had been standing just moments ago.

"I know it will be hard to kill you," Jigan said as he evaded a barrage of paper kunai infused with her Storm Release, making them as deadly as his chakra rods.

"Now, Hinata!" Naruto yelled. The shadows under his feet rippled like water, spreading across the battlefield. Jigan leaped into the sky but his shadow remained bound to the ground by Naruto.

He was suspended in mid-air, his movements restricted, and it was all Hinata needed.

Hinata materialized above Jigan's head, summoning all her power to invoke her Storm Release. Tremendous lightning crackled in her hands, and the air around her withered, the temperature soaring to the highest degree, affecting the entire surroundings.

"Haaaaa!!!!" she yelled, lowering her hands, and what followed was nothing short of a force of nature.

Thousands of bolts of lightning shot forth from her hands with incredible speed, their heat immeasurable. Every single one of them struck Jigan head-on.

Upon impact, his horn shattered, and with a deafening bang, he crashed to the ground, shattering the earth, causing dust to billow high into the sky.

Hinata scattered into countless pieces of paper, then reformed herself beside Naruto. "That really did a number on him," he commented.

The power she had exerted was colossal, enough to annihilate many S-rank ninjas in a single move, but they weren't facing ordinary S-rank ninjas; they were up against an Otsutsuki.

As the dust settled, Jigan emerged from the crater, his horn broken, his clothes in tatters, his skin scorched, and blood pouring from his wounds.

He glared at Hinata with eyes filled with rage and hatred.

Raising his hands, hundreds of cubes materialized in the sky, causing the space around them to distort, making teleportation impossible.

These enormous cubes, constructed from an unknown material, hung ominously above their heads. They were colossal and incredibly resilient; not even a Rasengan could disintegrate them.

The entire sky became shrouded in these imposing cubes as Jigan lowered his hand. They fell at incredible speed, leaving no escape.

Naruto faced the incoming cubes, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Raising both hands in front of him in a unique hand sign, his voice resonated through the surroundings, "Dismantle... Cleave."

Jigen, who had been watching in disbelief, exclaimed, "How can you cut my cubes like this?"

Naruto fixed his gaze on Jigen and slammed his palm into the ground, shouting, "Dismantle."

The ground in front of him was cleaved, and multiple parallel lines materialized, swiftly advancing towards Jigen, slicing through everything in their path—earth, rocks, and even the very air itself.

"You finally used your most dangerous attack," Hinata remarked, gazing at the sliced ground.

Naruto also inspected his handiwork, acknowledging her statement with a hum.

This attack was no ordinary one. Naruto had used  his mastery over the Time element to manipulate time strings.

Within the countless web of time strings, he had the ability to control them at will. In this particular attack, he utilized these time strings to cut through anything, making it an absolute and unstoppable technique.

While there were numerous applications for these time strings, the cost wasn't only Naruto's chakra, but his stamina and physical endurance. He could see and interact with the time strings due to his  eyes, and to manipulate them according to his will required both stamina and physical exertion. By imbuing them with his chakra, he made them capable of cutting through anything in their path. This attack was distinct from chakra-based techniques because it utilized pre-existing time strings, rather than creating them from scratch.

Jigen sensed the overwhelming force behind the attack and realized he couldn't stop it. His only recourse was to create a portal behind him and vanish from the danger.

A portal appeared in front of them, and Jigen emerged from it. Despite his battered state from Hinata's earlier attack, he looked at Naruto and said, "Your attack didn't work on chakra."

Naruto replied mockingly, "Your senses are keen after all these years of hiding."

Jigen, unfazed by Naruto's provocation, contemplated to himself. If Naruto's attack didn't use chakra, he couldn't absorb it. After a moment of thought, realization struck him, and he looked at Naruto as if the truth had just dawned on him. "Did you use Time Threads?"

"Bingo!! You got me," Naruto responded. "But don't worry, you won't be able to tell anyone about this because dead men tell no tales."

"Don't get cocky, brat," Jigen retorted. As a member of the Otsutsuki clan, he had the  knowledge about time powers. He was aware of Momoshiki's ability to halt time across entire dimensions, and what Naruto had just displayed was a distinct yet  deadly technique within the realm of time powers.



An~  End of the chapter. 

I have uploaded two chapters today so you can enjoy the fight. Now do 50 comments to read the next chapter. Well this is a request. 

Only two chapters are left and this fight will be over. So I will not upload tomorrow, but two chapters the day after tomorrow. 

Could you please give me some power stones, man? It's frustrating to see that my book didn't even rank, while some books with only 10 chapters are ranked very high. Do you think my book is bad? I don't think so, because some books worse than mine have more power stones. I don't understand the algorithm of Webnovel, but it's just irritating.

Devils_handcreators' thoughts