
Naruto: Playful Illusionist

A playful, somewhat chuunibyou anime fan wakes up to find himself in the Naruto world. Can he escape the hidden dangers that his new body has given him? Can he, now she, enjoy her life to the fullest? Let's find out as she navigates the world on her journey to enjoy life and become strong! Gender-bent Reverse Trap MC. Contains Yuri. MC might potentially have a female and male lover idk haven't decided. I commissioned the cover

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37 Chs

Chapter 16 - Onizuka-sensei

Tooru stood in front of the group of children and started separating them into groups.

"Okay everyone, today we're going to be training on three things, so I want you to break up into three groups. You will all be doing all three pieces of training so it doesn't matter which group you're in first. Mikumo-chan, you'll be with me for today's training session. At the end of the day, we'll be holding spars to give everyone combat experience, so don't use up all your energy in training, it's important for a shinobi to always have reserve stamina in case of emergency."

Everyone nodded and broke up into their respective groups, then Tooru directed the groups to their respective training area.

"Group 1 is Shuriken practice, group 2, physical training, and finally group 3, hand sign training. Okay, you have your assignments, go!"

After the class started doing their respective training, Tooru walked next to Mikumo and took her to an empty spot on the field.

"Okay, I've heard from Ayane-san that up until recently you've been a civilian. Although there are other civilian students in your class as well, they have two weeks on you. So I need to catch you up."

Mikumo nodded in agreement.

'Sakumo already spent an entire day giving the crash course, so I know most of the basics already, I just need to practice. I have my training menu from him as well, so I know what I need to work on.'

"First, let's start with what you do know."

Tooru took out two shurikens and a kunai.

"Have you used these before?"

Mikumo nodded.

'Sakumo showed me how to throw shuriken and kunai already. My accuracy is not perfect yet but it was only one day, what can I say.'

Tooru nodded and then threw one of the shurikens at a dummy with a target drawn on it, landing dead center.

"The trick is to put power in your wrist. Now you try."

Mikumo took the shuriken and held it between her index and middle finger. Taking careful aim, she threw it at the target. The shuriken flew straight and landed on the target circle, just outside of the bullseye.

Tooru clapped and nodded.

"Good, excellent! You're a natural, Mikumo-chan."


Mikumo smiled in delight.

'Well, it would be pretty embarrassing to receive training from Konoha's White Fang and not be able to hit the target.'

Tooru then spun the kunai in his hand and swiftly threw it at the target dummy again, hitting the bullseye once more.

"This one is more about speed and power, the kunai is heavier than shuriken, and if you want it to have any real effect, you want to be accurate and deadly, otherwise you're just throwing away your weapon."

Mikumo nodded in agreement and Tooru handed her another kunai from his pouch.

Mikumo gripped the kunai tightly and flung it forward, it hit the target once more just outside of the bullseye but it didn't impale the target before falling down on the ground.

Mikumo frowned a little and sighed.

Tooru patted Mikumo on the shoulder in consolation.

"Don't be discouraged, it's a lot harder than it seems to impale a target with a thrown kunai. You were a civilian until recently so you haven't undergone the physical training necessary to do such a thing yet, so don't worry. Now we know what we need to work on."

Mikumo nodded once more in understanding.

'Sakumo's training regimen for me was also basically 70% physical training.'

"Okay, what about hand signs, Mikumo-chan? Have you learned any of those?"

Mikumo raised her lip upon hearing the question.

"Yes, Onizuka-sensei, I know all of the hand signs."

Tooru raised an eyebrow and continued.

"Oh? Okay, do you mind showing me?"

Mikumo swiftly performed all twelve basic hand signs.

Tooru nodded happily and clapped once again.

"Very very good. Perfectly done, Mikumo-chan. Alright, all we really need to focus on is physical training for now. In all other aspects, you're already on par or better than the other students."

Mikumo nodded in agreement.

"What about Jutsu, sensei? Do you need me to show you any of those?"

Tooru had an inquisitive look on his face after hearing the question.

"Jutsu? Do you already know some? We teach you basic ninjutsu here at the academy but not until later."

"Ah, okay. Just wondering. I learned how to do a basic genjutsu, that's all. I don't know anything else for now."

Tooru nodded and then smiled.

"I see, most of the clan members learn Jutsu from their parents when they were young and they train outside of class to learn more. Although the academy does have a wide range of Jutsu that we have access to, we're still limited in what we can teach. If you're able to learn the basic curriculum Jutsu's quickly, then I can help you get your hands on a few D and C ranks stored in the library for you to learn as well.


Mikumo had a wide smile upon hearing Tooru's words.

Tooru smiled widely as well and did a thumbs up.

"Of course! Just leave it to me!"

"Onizuka-sensei...you're...a really good guy!"

"Hahahaha! Is that so? Well now, let's go for a run then!"

Mikumo wasn't particularly happy about doing physical training but she understands it's a requirement.

"Okay, Onizuka-sensei, let's go!"

As the other students did their respective training, they occasionally paused to take an intrigued look at Tooru and Mikumo running around the field. A few hours later, it was time for the final part of combat training, live combat sparring.