
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

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117 Chs

Chapter 9

After pondering for a long time, the little black cat could not escape the temptation of the throwing thousand needles at his enemies using Needle Jizo.


This is similar to a cat's innate desire. When a cat sees something shaking, it can't help but want to grab it. This is the instinct of the animal's body, and it will be difficult for Takeshi to control it if he doesn't pay attention. 


'Oops~' There was a soft sound, but of the Senbon falling. However, the Senbon was knocked to the ground and made a clanking sound. Fortunately, Ebisu was still answering questions at this time, so not many people heard it, but as a Chunin who survived from the battlefield... Shiranui Sensei took aim and struck hard.


He glared at Geman.


"..." Genma was silent, picked up the toothpick on the ground, then stared at the little black cat for a few seconds, silently put the toothpick back on the table and looked up at the blackboard. He will remember this. 


Takeshi glanced guiltily, not daring to stay nearby Genma any longer. A dog that bites does not bark. A more typical example is Kakashi, who won't be annoyed if he is attacked by a sneak attack, and will only retaliate quietly.


Maito Guy is even more amazing. I have been running with him for half a morning, and my legs are still weak even now. He can't be offended... He moved away and no longer provoked Genma - no matter what his desires or need to collect points, he stayed away from Genma for the time being. As Sensei might kick him out and ban him from class for bothering his nephew.


This wave of points is not small, adding that to the amount collected from Ebisu, with a total of 150 points. 


'Well, If I keep up the good work, Needle Jizo will be mine soon enough.' Takeshi tried to be optmisitic. There are so many resources in the class, there is no need to hang around someone like Genma, and since he has used two batches of points in a short period of time, he plans to stop for a while.


So, he sat beside Rin's feet. While sitting with Rin and Kurenai, Takeshi had no intention of causing trouble anymore, and Takeshi lay down to take a nap. 


"Ebisu, your answer is very good. Sit down." Shiranui Sensei nodded, motioning for the students to sit down, and then called Genma up to ask questions, just like those Senseis in Takeshi's previous life. He noticed that the points on the system panel jumped another thirty - forty points. 


"Genma, please answer the question about kunai throwing." Shiranui sensei said calmly. 


This problem is not difficult for his nephew, because the Shiranui family is passed down the secret weapon skills. If you don't understand this well by now, then I might as well go talk to my brother to make a new nephew. 


"Yes."Genma stood up and bowed, and then immediately started talking. Takeshi was eavesdropping on the side and felt that it was of great benefit - these kunai skills are all useful, and if he could master them, he can definitely improve a lot. 


Unfortunately, he is just a cat. He sighed softly, feeling the loneliness of the ancient literati who had nowhere to display their talents.


Genma sat down, glanced at the position of the little black cat, then wiped the Senbon in his hand, and played with it again.


This cat is very mischievous, but he is very well-behaved in front of these two girls. No wonder it's Ninja cat, he's so shrewd.


Genma didn't hold much grudge, but he just found it annoying that the cat was disturbing him. Takeshi didn't think much, just lay there and closed his eyes to rest. Probably because she was too tired, not long after, a soft purr sounded in the classroom... 


After Rin heard it, she looked down strangely, and saw the little black cat sleeping quietly at her feet. She immediately knew something was wrong and lifted it up. However, the voice became louder after she raised her feet.


"What's the sound?" Shiranui Sensei frowned slightly. Does anyone dare to sleep in his class? Who dares!?


"Uhh... I'm sorry." Obito glanced at the kitten, stood up decisively, bowed and apologized, and said, "I'm sorry, Sensei, the kitten came here and fell asleep." 


"..." Shiranui Sensei was silent for a moment. He admires Obito very much. This child is a little less talented, but he is kind and down-to-earth and likes to help others. Quite a kind hearted kid. 


"I'm sorry, sensei, this is not Obito's fault. In fact, I brought him over accidentally. I will take him away right away." Rin stood up holding Takeshi. 


"Forget it, ninja cats are different from ordinary ninja dogs. They are more wild than dogs, so it is right for you to take him along with you to build a bond, but... don't let him sleep." Shiranui Sensei waved away with a headache. They both sat down.


Apparently he learned that a student in his class had adopted a stray ninja cat. This was not surprising. After all, ninja beasts are different from ordinary pets, and stray ninja cats are even more difficult to domesticate.


Only Jonin Yuhi was sure of it, otherwise the process for Rin wouldn't have been that simple yesterday. 


"Yes." Rin could only poke Takeshi awake. 


'Um?' Takeshi was very confused. He looked up and found that the sensei had a stern face. Then he looked at Rin and the others...Everyone was staring at him, especially Kurenai. And why was the little girl smiling so much! 


"Don't snore next time you sleep. It's so embarrassing." Rin sat down and whispered. 


'Huh? Me? Snoring?' Takeshi was confused, he doesn't snore snore... 'No, after turning into a cat, I really don't know if I have this problem. Normally I wouldn't, I must be exhausted from working out too hard with Guy.


Thinking of this, his resentment towards Guy deepened even more. Next time I see Guy, I have to avoid him...' Takeshi sighed secretly in his heart, and then he discovered something - Rin did not put himself down, but directly placed him on the table. 


Does this mean that I will also attend classes in the future? No~ Although the class is very good and the Academy topics are interesting, but attending the class is completely different. Sadly, no one cares what a cat think. 


At least until Takeshi can speak, it will be difficult for him to make complicated decisions for himself. Cats have a hard time. Takeshi lay down and quietly watched Shiranui Sensei lecturing non-stop. 


The class had actually finished, but it hadn't ended yet, so the Sensei went around catching students to ask questions. Anyone who sleeps in class or fails to listen carefully will be caught.


This is basically his revenge time after lecture and Students cant do anything about it. This is probably the only remaining joy of being a Sensei. Takeshi complained secretly in his heart. 


After staring for a while, Takeshi habitually opened the system panel to check the points. In an instant, he sat upright.


More than 2,800? In other words, the price rose by about a thousand in the previous wave. How cool! He opened the notification for details.


500 were awarded for "sleeping openly in class", 300 were awarded for making noise due to snoring, and the rest were scattered contributions from Senseis and students. It's more than 2,800. 


If I want to try Gacha, you can save 800 points if I draw twice in a row, with gacha being 1000 points each, I could maybe get something worthwhile and save points... No, I can't be fooled! Takeshi took a deep breath and suppressed the thoughts that were about to move. 


After sensing someone staring at him, he glanced back - Haimaru behind was staring at him. Only with the protection of Needle Jizo can he be safe in front of this ninja dog, otherwise something will happen sooner or later if he and Haimaru are in the same classroom in the future. There will be a fight among them in future for sure.


He is just a six-month-old kitten, but he cannot withstand too much damage. Taking advantage of the oppression of immediate strong enemies, Takeshi resisted the harassment of inner demons and once again strengthened the direction in his heart. Save points and buy Needle Jizo!


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