
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

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117 Chs

Chapter 63


"Escort them near Konoha until they wake up or meet next patrol. In addition, use the Summon animal to tell your friends that the enemy is very powerful, so don't spread too thin." Uchiha Kura was very decisive. 

If someone like Minato was injured in this manner, which shows that the enemy is indeed powerful, and the Kirigakure ninjas sneaked into the border silently. This is a major breach on their part, and they must be held accountable. 

"Hai!" The ninja summoned many crows and sent them away. These crows had been raised by him since they were young and were already quite intelligent. Finding people, reconnaissance, and other tasks were very simple for them. 

Takeshi observed carefully and found that this ninja was somewhat similar to Rin's classmate Yamashiro Aoba. Yamashiro Aoba's father? Takeshi glanced at him and couldn't help but jump up and pat down one of the ninja crows and held it under his paws. 

"Hey! Don't kill them!" Yamashiro Hayaki felt extremely distressed when he saw the frightened and struggling expression of the crow. 

The black cat loosened his paws. The ninja crow struggled to fly out, but was quickly held down by another paw. 

Although Yamashiro Hayaki wanted to protect his crow, he was afraid that the kitten would kill the crow without knowing the seriousness, so he didn't dare to rush in to save his crow. 

"Takeshi, don't make trouble." Finally, Minato spoke, and Takeshi let go of the poor crow, letting it fly away to continue completing its mission, while the little black cat opened the system panel and took a look. 

It's increased by more than 400, so great! This was just a small incident, and everyone didn't pay much attention to it. 

Moreover, Uchiha Kura's attention was not here, but he was watching the surroundings with great vigilance, while observing the unconscious Uchiha Clansmen. 

He had a vague impression of this Clansmen. Because among the entire clan, this one seems to be the only one who uses goggles to protect his eyes all day long and carries eye drops with him. 

But what's the name? Okita? Oshiro ? Omaida? He fell into deep thought and observed for a few more seconds. 

He found that the injuries on this Clansmen's body could not cause him to become comatose, so he asked curiously: 

"How did this child get injured?" 

"He was not injured. He may have collapsed due to fatigue, due to opening of sharingan. " Minato mentioned it casually. 

"Opening his sharingan eyes?" Uchiha was stunned for a few seconds, and then he said happily, "Then he will be fine after a sleep, then he can help carry people later." This old man sure was heartless.

Takeshi silently gave his condolences for Obito. He was not awake yet, even so the labor force was taken into consideration already. 

Fortunately, he was small... This further made him determined that he must not grow too big in the future. 'I guess I have a share some of the weight, but still being used as a mule is definitely not okay. But what if there is too much senjutsu chakra and I can't control it? and grow bigger without my choice?' He couldn't help but feel worried. 

After a long rest, Minato almost recovered, and Obito also woke up. After learning the news that his sharingan eyes were open, the child laughed like a fool and almost threw away his goggles when he was so happy. 

Then, he hurried to the river to confirm. Through the image on the water, Obito vaguely saw a magatama moving in his eyes. Only one magatama? He was a little regretful, but when he thought about it carefully, he was very satisfied. 

'How many people in the clan were unable to open their sharingan eyes in the end, but I at least took the first step. I heard from the old people that eyes can evolve later, and I can also develop them into three tomoe(magatama) in the future!'' Obito thought so in his heart. 

Suddenly, he heard a strange sound of running water. This sound... The young man turned his head and saw the black cat urinating into the river upstream. 

"Damn it, can't you do things like a normal cat while I'm watching downstream and you are peeing on top?" Obito was so annoyed that he got up and wanted to argue with the little black cat. But Takeshi didn't look at him at all, and arrogantly walked back to Uchiha Kura and the others, as if he wasn't the one who deliberately go out of his way to mess with Obito just now. Obito was too irritated and chased from behind, while the black cat ran faster. 

After arriving at Minato, Rin smiled and said: "Obito, you are finally back. Kura-senpai and Hayaki-senpai have already prepared the stretcher. We can start back." 

"Ah? I'm sorry, I was just too excited, so..." 

"It's okay, let's go." Minato patted Obito's hair, and then went to get the stretcher. At Rin's suggestion, Kura and Hayaki made two simple stretchers to avoid secondary damage to the injured during transportation. 

It takes at least half a day to get back to Konoha, but carrying two people will definitely slow down the speed greatly. 

During this period, Rin treated Nohara Aizawa and Kakashi many times. Kakashi was okay, but he had a few broken ribs and his internal organs were injured by the shock. After being straightened and repaired with medical ninjutsu, he was basically fine. 

He was still using a stretcher just to prevent the fragile joints from accidentally cracking again. Takeshi followed behind, but in his mind he was thinking about the scene he just saw. 

Obito only opened one magatama i.e. One Tomoe Sharingan, It seems that Kakashi's "almost death" did not stimulate him that deeply. 

If Rin was hit by a hammer and fell to the ground, it is estimated that it is not impossible to gain Three Tomoe Sharingan or even direct Mangekyo. 

Tsk, man... It's a pity that I won't give the enemy a chance to hurt Rin. If he wanted to open his sharingan eyes, he could rely on Kakashi. 

The little black cat is full of malice. 'It is not that I hate Kakashi, but came from the bottom of my heart to protect Rin, so I could only apologize to him silently inside my heart. ' 

On the way back, Obito and Hayaki carried Kakashi, Minato and Uchiha Kura carried the seriously injured Aizawa, and Rin followed and took care of him. The easiest thing is Takeshi, it only needs to go ahead and scout out the surrounding situation. 

With a cat's nose, it's easy to do this. Everyone went smoothly all the way back. Kura and Hayaki didn't encounter another team catching cats until they were around the village. 

They replaced the injured and hurried back to the coast. When we returned to the village, it was already the morning of the next day. 

After peeing and messing with Obito yesterday, Takeshi had no chance to collect points later, he ate some cat food and lost a lot of points, but he still felt that the future was bright - his most stable source of points, Uchiha Obito. He can contribute more points after opening his eyes, and these points will be earned back sooner or later. 

On the other hand, the Nohara family is currently facing a major problem. Although Aizawa was rescued, he returned to Konoha from the border. Even with Rin's treatment and the Jonin carrying the stretcher, after all, it took more than a day, and even Konoha's medical team could not completely cure him. The result of the preliminary diagnosis was that although the right leg could walk in the future, it could no longer function as a normal ninja. 

According to Takeshi's understanding, Aizawa is going to lose his job. Aizawa is the family's biggest source of income. After retiring, the family's income will inevitably drop sharply. It would be better if the village has follow-up arrangements. 

If there is no follow-up arrangement, the family can only rely on Rin as a Genin to make money... Oh, yes, also have himself. However, his salary is all counted on Rin's head, so it's not much different from nothing. 

Takeshi couldn't help but feel sad when he thought about his salary. 'If only I had money! I could eat whatever I want and buy whatever I want. Since Rin is in charge of the money now, and I have to get her permission to buy food and drink. It's so difficult these days.'


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