
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

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117 Chs

Chapter 61

"Bang!" As soon as he was summoned, Takeshi heard a huge explosion and the sound of trees falling.

"Takeshi, where is the Sensei?" Rin was extremely anxious.

"Sensei is currently tangled with our opponent's friends, nya~" Takeshi said while observing the battlefield. There are only three swordsmen here. It seems that there were only three of them dispatched for this area. Two are responsible for restraining the Jonin, and one is responsible for dealing with the remaining opponent team members. For ordinary ninjas, an attack from Kabutowari is absolutely lethal, especially from the real body. The speed and strength are much stronger than the water clones. In short, it seems that he can't get involved in the battle here...

"What should I do!" Rin almost burst into tears. Such an enemy would be too much for her as well as medical ninja, because if she was hit by the hammer, it must have resulted in a broken bone, and she didn't have the ability to treat such an injury quickly during mid-battle.

"Hold on..." As a ninja cat with very little strength, Takeshi couldn't do anything against this enemy. He glanced into the distance. Kakashi and Obito were jumping and dodging, escaping the wild swings while trying to avoid each other's attacks, but if they were hit, they would die. It's a tightrope dance.

"Takeshi, go support them...be safe."

"Meow!" The little black cat called back in horror, but when his eyes met Rin's pleading gaze, he had no choice but to agree. Let's go for it, but... how? This guy is so big, he may die if he is touched by that weapon. Yet isn't this quite the usual for me? He moved carefully through the trees.

He definitely couldn't fight in close quarters; otherwise, he would die if his small body were touched by the weapon. However, he lacked long-range ability. After thinking about it, Takeshi came up with a plan. He climbed above the Mist swordsmen, took out the iron ball from his inventory, and then hurled it at him.

Kakashi and Obito were engrossed in their battle when they suddenly saw an iron ball flying over. They were startled at first, then quickly re-evaluated their escape route. The Mist swordsman was focused on dealing with Kakashi and Obito.

He didn't notice the iron ball until it was flying to the side. He immediately used the hammer in his hand to swat it away - clap~ with a crisp sound, the iron ball flew up into the sky like a ball being knocked away by a bat and disappeared into the distance.

Takeshi stared at the inventory for several seconds, finding in despair that the iron ball did not return. What a loss! However, Kakashi did not miss this opportunity and quickly swing his sword to strike. He was very fast, and the sword was about to hit the opponent in the blink of an eye.

However, the Kirigakure Jonin was not afraid at all and counterattacked, stabbing at Kakashi in the chest with the axe. Which turned out to be a feint, then he swung his hammer backhandedly. In his opinion, there was no need to use regular attacks with blunt axes to deal with Kakashi; just one swing of the hammer could knock him down. And indeed it did. The next second, Kakashi was hammered away like an iron ball and crashed into the trunk of a tree, unable to move at all.

"Kakashi!" Since Kakashi was standing between Enemy and Obito, he couldn't see clearly what happened. He only knew that Kakashi had rushed in, successfully attacked, and then been knocked away by a hammer. He roared angrily, then quickly formed seals with his hands and aimed a huge fireball at the Kabutowari wielder.

The Kabutowari wielder immediately retreated, but from behind, a black cat attacked silently - this was a stream of vacuum bullets, but the difference is that these vacuum bullets are infused with more chakra, making them larger and more powerful than ordinary ones.

Tsk... The green wind bullets opened several bloody holes in his body. The Kabutowari wielder roared in pain and turned around to throw his axe, but only hit the branches. Using this opening, Obito took advantage of this and rushed up again.

Rin was distraught, worried about Kakashi and Obito. Takeshi walked in a small circle in the woods and quietly ran to Kakashi to check his injury. He was really worryied at first. However, he felt relieved after seeing the situation clearly. Kakashi's sword was only half-length, and his hair was patchy. He probably blocked it with the sword and the Wild Lion's Mane jutsu just now, so he was just unconscious.

At most, he had a few broken ribs in his chest. It's not a big problem. Kakashi will gradually get used to this level of injury, but it's a pity about his sword... At this moment, Takeshi felt that his iron ball was nothing. After confirming that Kakashi was safe, it looked up at the battle situation. Rin had come to join the battle.

Although he couldn't help much, occasionally throwing shurikens could restrain the opponent a little. On the other hand, Obito kept attacking the Kabutowari wielder, but he failed to hit him... Did he open his sharingan? However, the Kabutowari wielder is not only skilled with axes, but he is also proficient in Water Release. His Water Release may not be as strong as others, but it is more than enough to defeat a Genin like Obito. Judging from the series of seals, it is at least an A-Rank ninjutsu.

Takeshi had no choice. Although he knew that if he uses Wild Lion's Mane jutsu, he would be dragged over, he didn't want the enemy to use A-Rank ninjutsu. Others didn't know it, but Kakashi and Aizawa, who were lying on the ground, were bound to suffer.

With his hair flying up and binding the enemy's hands, the Kabutowari wielder smiled ferociously. His water clone had blocked Takeshi and Minato before. He was observing from far away at that time. How could he not know that this cat had this ability?

When his hands were tied, he stopped making seals, then instantly changed his gestures - Water Release: Water Clone jutsu. In the forest area, although the water clone does not have the bonus of the river, the chakra consumption is not too great.

After the clone appears, it immediately rushes towards Obito, and he throws him away, then jumps up and turns toward Takeshi with his axe and hammer, starting attacking him.

Takeshi quickly canceled the ninjutsu, but was still pulled over by inertia. The little black cat was flying in the air, trying to adjust its posture. Seeing the enemy's ferocious smile, something spilled out of his lower body, and then he grabbed a shot and the thing flew out like an iron ball. The Kabutowari wielder had never encountered a ninja who used this tactic in battle, and casually swatted it away with his hand, thinking it was a hidden weapon like an iron ball.

It turned out that the thing was very sticky. Although some of it flew away, a lot of it remained on his hand. Disgusting and very smelly. What was even more confusing was that the next second Takeshi was summoned back through reverse summoning, so the Kabutowari wielder's attack missed the target.

He was extremely annoyed and simply turned around to kill Kakashi, but the next moment a figure appeared next to Kakashi, and as he got closer...

Odama Rasengan!

Boom~ The Kabutowari wielder was directly blasted out, then lay motionless on the ground. The water clone also disappeared without a trace. Obito immediately collapsed after being beaten.

"Sensei, let me treat you." Rin ran over immediately. Minato's injuries were also severe. He had injuries from lightning release, sword wounds, and water release injuries. In addition, he was exhausted from rushing back.

At this moment, he had reached his limit. Minato took a soldier food pill, sat down, and breathed heavily, saying, "Treat Kakashi first, I'm fine." To be on the safe side, Takeshi ran over and released a sigh of relief.

Remembering the Rasengan, he relaxed after seeing the enemy tremble for couple moments before not breathing.


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