
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

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117 Chs

Chapter 37

The next day, the group all arrived at the Academy very early, waiting for the graduation ceremony and grouping. But there is one exception. Uchiha Obito. 


"Everyone, look at each other to check if someone is missing. Let's start quickly while everyone is here." The principal looked around the playground. 


There were so many people that he couldn't identify them one by one, so he could only let the students check on their classmates. Not long after, Obito was not found. 


"Obito, it's him again!" Shiranui Sensei covered his face. He thought that nothing would happen if Obito hadn't been late for more than half a month, but he didn't expect that something went wrong again today. Really... 


"Hahaha, maybe the black cat blocked his way again, right?" 


"Maybe it's the old lady." A group of people laughed. There were many reasons for Obito being late, and everyone in his class could already memorize them. After hearing this, Rin couldn't help but feel a little worried - she didn't bring him with her today in order to prevent Takeshi from causing trouble.

To not let Takeshi stop Obito halfway. But then she thought about it. Although Takeshi is powerful, Obito has been training really hard during this period, so he shouldn't be stopped on the road. Thinking of this, she secretly prayed that Obito would come over soon. 


Outside Konoha Village. Obito supported an old woman with bent legs, and walked all the way from Konoha streets to the outskirts of the village. There were gradually no other houses here, and all he could see were trees and mountains. He gradually became suspicious, but he still asked politely: "Grandma, This is the correct way? Where is your home?" 


"It's...here!" The "old woman's" hair suddenly grew wildly, and her face became weird and sinister, and she screamed like a ghost. Obito was so frightened that he let go and fell to the ground, moving back and screaming in fear.

However, the next second, he saw the "old woman" squatting on the ground in a weird posture after being released. At this moment... he understood. 


"Takeshi!!! You're playing tricks on me again!" Obito yelled angrily, struggling to stand up and angrily charging at the "old woman", as if he wanted to beat her up. 


"Friendly reminder, you're going to be late." The "old lady" said immediately while smirking and pointed in the direction of the Ninja Academy... 


"Ahhh!, I'm going to be late!" Obito woke up as if from a nightmare and rushed to the Academy quickly. Takeshi returned to his original form, happily sprinting behind Obito. This guy was torment himself a few days ago.

It just so happened that Rin was not going to take him with her this morning, so he went out early to stop Obito on his way to Academy, and then turned into an old woman with handicapped legs. This guy was really fooled. 


'This guy has such a noble heart and he contributed 300 points. Thank you Obito! ' Takeshi glanced at the panel and couldn't help but feel secretly happy. Got a bag of special food for Ninja cats. He then followed Obito. 


Although Obito had made great progress, it was very difficult to get rid of Takeshi. Later, Takeshi even ran in front of Obito, then turned around and stuck out his tongue at him and began to make faces.

Obito yelled as he ran. When he arrived at the Academy, he saw that everyone on the playground had dispersed. 


"It's all your fault, wuwuwu..." The Obito started crying at the Academy gate. Takeshi was a little confused. Logically speaking, shouldn't Rin be waiting at the Academy gate at this moment? Then he sniffed. There was no smell of Rin, she hadn't left Academy yet. 


"Meow!" Takeshi yelled, then jumped over the wall and entered the Academy. Obito was stunned for a moment, and then immediately followed him all the way to the classroom.

In the classroom, Rin was waiting alone. When she heard the movement, she immediately looked over, and then raised her eyebrows in annoyance: "Obito, Takeshi? Did you make trouble again and made Obito late?" 


"Meow~" Takeshi jumped on the table, no, It's not right to speak at this time. Silence is golden. 


"Rin, am I unable to graduate?" Obito looked sad. "That's not the case. I finished the exams with you and even received the forehead protector with you. Also, regarding the team selection..." 


"You are in the seventh team." At this time, a voice came from behind Obito, Rin and Takeshi looked up. 

'Sure enough it's Kakashi. ' He sighed in a low voice. He's afraid there will be trouble in the team in the future, but this is good, at least he can get some points, and with Guy-clone version of Obito, Kakashi will also feel uncomfortable. Thinking of this, Takeshi suddenly felt much better. 


"It's you!" Obito's eyes widened, obviously he didn't expect the person coming to be Kakashi. 


He stared at him with his mouth wide open for a long time, and then said in surprise, "Are you our leading Jonin? That's not right. , you are a Chunin..." 


"I am a team member." Kakashi sat down and closed his eyes to rest, trying to seem cool. But like Takeshi would allow that... 


"Meow!" Takeshi yelled, then leaned over and stared at him. Kakashi stared back coldly. 


"Why are you our teammate? Aren't you a Chunin?" 


"Because you are too weak, you bastard." Kakashi barbed angrily. In the past few days, he had been pestered by Obito to "duel" with him. Obito and Kakashi have already become quite acquainted with each other, but the relationship between the two is definitely not a good one. 


"Meow~ a Chunin and a Genin, you two go along pretty well together." Takeshi immediately helped Obito. It had become a familiar job, and he had been fanning the flames like this in the past few days. As expected, it didn't take long for the two of them to start arguing.

It wasn't until there was a slight sound of footsteps outside that they stopped arguing and pricked up their ears to listen to the footsteps outside. Getting closer! Takeshi jumped up to the door, grabbing the narrow door panel with his claws, waiting for the person outside to arrive. 


"Don't be ridiculous Takeshi!" Rin hurriedly stood up and wanted to stop it, but at this moment... 


"Hey little guy." With blond hair and a smile on his face, his face is definitely different from the manga version, but it is similar enough to be recognizable. Takeshi recognized him at a glance.

The future fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze! With Minato's character, it would be meaningless to jump on him, so Takeshi just jumped back on the table. The three people in the classroom quickly stood up and bowed and saluted: "Nice to meet you Sensei." 


"Haha, hello everyone, I just returned to the village, so I'm here. It's a little late, let's go up and chat now." Minato Namikaze smiled. He always has this smile that makes people look at him while feeling comfortable, and he is very approachable, but Kakashi knows his capability - Konoha's Elite Jonin, Namikaze Minato. 


"Yes, sensei." Everyone followed to the rooftop, where three people and one cat sat across from Minato. In front of this Jonin, even the arrogant Kakashi couldn't calm down, let alone... Kakashi at this time, He doesn't seem to be arrogant anymore. Both Obito and Takeshi had tormented him quite a bit, and he was just a bit arrogant in front of Rin. 


Next, Minato asked about their hobbies as usual. After answering one by one, Minato looked at Takeshi again: "Little guy, what about you?" 


"Meow?" Takeshi was stunned for a moment, not expecting that he would ask himself. 


After a few seconds, it reacted and said: "My name is Takeshi. I love peace and hate war..." Peace-loving? Kakashi couldn't help but glance sideways, and couldn't help muttering to himself - 'no matter what, you are not peace-loving but rather you are good at causing trouble and fighting.' Of course, he wouldn't say it out loud, as this would destroy his aloof image. 


"Okay, I'm done introducing myself. Our team is quite special, so we will conduct a test tomorrow to test everyone's strength. So be present on the 13th Training Ground near the Death Forest tomorrow morning and wait." 




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