
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

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117 Chs

Chapter 35

After Kabuto's massage he felt much better, Takeshi was a little reluctant to leave. He was so comfortable! It's a pity that Kabuto had to return to work. Even though he is only a little over three years old, Kabuto still has to work because the orphanage does not have that much money and every child has to work hard to make money since childhood.

Takeshi roamed for a while, earned more than a hundred points, and then set off home. The points panel now had more than 4,020 points, of which 400 were contributed by Kakashi - he was quite annoyed by Takeshi prickling his clothes, so he contributed a lot. More than four thousand, come on! But counting the daily cat food consumption... Alas, there is no comfort in sight.

When Takeshi returned home, they saw that Aizawa had not returned, so they lay down in the den as usual and waited for the meal. The exam is only in the morning. Rin went to the hospital after lunch and has not come back yet.

There is only one person in charge of cooking at home, who is very busy. Among the whole family, the person in charge of food is the one who should not be messed with the most.

Firstly, the profit is not high, and secondly, if she gets angry, their dinner might be halved, so the price-performance ratio is obviously not high. Takeshi still hasn't caused much trouble at home recently.

When Rin came back, Megumi immediately asked about the results of the assessment. After learning that this year was a written examination, the housewife was stunned for most of the day. In so many years, this is the first time that the graduation assessment is a written examination. What a child's play. A mother definitely doesn't want her child to graduate at this juncture, but she has no choice. The village's policies are as big as the sky, and the ninjas below can only obey orders no matter what.

Fortunately, there is Takeshi. Rin's mother was secretly glad that with the Ninja Cat by her side, Rin would always be much safer than ordinary ninjas. It used to take a month from finishing the exam to being sorted into different classes, but this time it was different. The graduation ceremony will be held one week later, and classes will be divided at the same time. Shrunk to a quarter.

This is obviously because the village is eager to replenish manpower, and these graduates may not always be able to do D-level and C-level tasks. Once they graduate, they may face some simple jobs on the battlefield.

In Takeshi's opinion, they were a bit unfortunate, but from what he saw, these foolish kids seemed to be very excited, and very happy to join the battle right after graduation... he can only say that, he can't understand the children of the ninja world.

"Takeshi, starting tomorrow, I have to concentrate on learning medical ninjutsu in the hospital. I definitely won't have time to be with you, so I asked Obito to accompany you." After the meal, Rin petted the cat and had a "heart-to-heart" chat with them.

Hearing the word "Obito", Takeshi was stunned, turned their head to stare at the little girl, and let out an annoyed cry: "Meow!"

"It's useless to object, it's settled." Rin was very happy and firm. During the daytime exam, when the cat disappeared without a trace. If she hadn't interacted with him been around for the past seven days, she might not have known where he went to fool around. Her idea is simple. The little black cat doesn't want to be with Obito and Guy, which just shows that these two people can cure its mischievousness.

"No!" Takeshi shouted, but the two of them ignored him and went to work on their own. He squatted in its den, thinking secretly in his heart.

Early tomorrow morning, he got up and ran first. he would never fall into the hands of Guy and Obito. Yes, the sooner he leaves, the better. he can't stay. At least he has to spend the day outside.

For this reason, he went to bed very early to avoid waking up the next day, but who would have thought that the next day it would be dawn and there would be a knock on the door outside? Takeshi was awakened.

he looked up and found with a confused expression that Rin had also gotten up and was already dressed, seemingly preparing to go to the hospital to learn medical ninjutsu.

"Come on, come on... Obito, you guys got up so early." Rin opened the door.

There are two green-clad warriors standing outside, one of whom is wearing weird goggles. You can tell who they are just by looking at these iconic decorations. This has to be a trick... If the Angel is high, the devil will be higher! Takeshi was stunned for a moment, cursed secretly in his heart, and then got up and prepared to run away quietly. As for breakfast, let's eat it later.

"Hey hey hey, I finally met him again." Guy moved around Rin and reached out to catch the black cat. As a result, the black cat's two front paws turned into claws. Now his claws have grown sharp and are about to be caught. If caught, he would probably be a bloody wound. After Takeshi performed a set of small combos, they quickly retreated and let out a "sharp roar" -


"Damn... he's a lot faster. He's so strong." A few strands of cold sweat broke out on Guy's forehead, and if he hadn't pulled his hands back fast, he would have to go to the hospital now.

"Faster than me..." Obito was scared when he saw it, and he would definitely be scratched on his head.

Of course, if it were Obito's face, he would definitely not take such action. Takeshi was right to want to collect points, but he didn't mean to hurt anyone. Everyone was on his own, so he still had some sense of propriety.

Guy was really frightened just now and contributed more than 100 points. This was something to be happy about, but Takeshi couldn't be happy at the thought of being with these two idiots today. He were so exhausted that it might last more than a day. There are seven days of rest.

"Boy, let's have fun running together instead of being depressed. How about singing a song together?" After a hasty meal, Guy suggested singing as soon as they went out.

Obito naturally echoed the song, but Takeshi had no intention of singing and just walked forward. He were thinking of finding an opportunity to escape like before. Just as he were thinking this, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar hair color in front of them. They have silver hair and a mask on their face.

"We met by chance this morning, Kakashi, let's risk our youth for a duel!" Guy jumped out.

Kakashi raised his hand, stared at Obito, and said calmly: "Be careful, it definitely wants to run away."

"Meow! Kakashi, you Bastard!" the little black cat yelled. This guy was definitely retaliating against him for tearing his clothes yesterday, otherwise why would he be looking for trouble? He could have run away quickly, but when he interrupted them, he couldn't escape.

"Hahaha." Faced with the ninja cat's insults, Kakashi laughed it off - it was too tasteless for him to curse people. As long as he could trick them to the point where they couldn't bother him, he would take revenge. A few seconds later, he smashed Guy's scissors with a rock, winning easily and drifting away.

"I...I lost again. Well, since I lost, I will run around Konoha a hundred times." Guy was in high spirits and was not discouraged at all. Obito was used to it, and at first, he thought the duel was a bit too hasty.

So, Takeshi followed them and ran a hundred laps in agony. After eating cat food for so long, his physical strength has indeed increased.

Now he can run around Konoha for more than ten laps before getting tired. he wanted to run away on the road, but Guy and Obito were behind him and didn't give him any chance. This cannot continue. he was paralyzed from exhaustion.

He laid on A Guy's head to rest while thinking about how to escape from these two idiots. After pondering for a long time, He finally came up with a way. Guy is fast and has good stamina, so he can't run within Konoha. Then there is only one way.

Find Kakashi. Guy made a mistake when he met Kakashi. Only when they found Kakashi would he have a chance to escape. Even if he couldn't escape, he could still cause some trouble for Kakashi.

There is no reason for him to suffer alone.

He thought of this and said, "Do you want to duel with Kakashi? I will take you to find Kakashi!"'

"Duel? No, my oath has not been completed yet. Wait until I complete the oath..."

"Meow. ~Obito didn't duel before, so we can let Obito come this time."

"Good idea, let's go!" Guy was quickly convinced, and together with Obito, under his guidance, they began to search for Kakashi's traces.


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