
Naruto: Overpowered Shinobi

A genius scientist who knows his way around anime dies and meets The Author who gives him the choice of reincarnation and three wishes. He chooses Naruto as his world with the powers of Yuu Otasaka from Charlotte (Loot), Accelerator from Toaru Majutsu no Index, and a Zanpakuto. Alignment: Chaotic Good I don't know how the story will go myself. If you have any suggestions that I like, I will try to implement them. The cover picture is not mine, if you want me to delete or replace it, please contact me through Discord: CalmNature #4167 or email: s.deluxe16@gmail.com Most of the characters are not mine, the credit goes to Kishimoto. Only the original characters are mine.

CalmNature · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Visiting Mito

I visited ANBU the day after our ANBU recruitment.

"Mito-Sama, someone named Izumi Mora wishes to meet you."

"Hoho, who is it that wants to see this old lady? Izumi... Mora, isn't this the little boy, Tsunade started teaching some years ago? Let him in."

I was allowed entry and came to the room where Mito was waiting for me. She still looked like she was in her springtime of youth.

'Wow, she looks really beautiful, no wonder, Hashirama fell for her.'

"So, Izumi-chan, what do you need?"

"Mito-sama, I want to offer you an exchange."

"An exchange, you say? Haha, what do you have that I desire, young child?"

"I know that you will die soon and will probably transfer the nine-tails to Kushina Uzumaki."

A dangerous glint went through her eyes. If I would say one wrong word, I would probably never be able to see daylight anymore. I gritted my teeth and spoke

"I will protect Kushina as well as the Uzumaki Clan in exchange for a favour."

"Little guy, you are playing with fire here. I already know that Konoha won't help the Uzumaki after my death, especially with this new guy with a stick in his ass. But how can I trust you? Do you even have the power for what it takes?"

"I assure you, Mito-sama. In 3-5 years, I will be strong enough to protect everyone I want."

[Mito POV]

'This little brat, speaking such mighty words. Not even Hashirama or Madara would dare to say that they were able to protect everything they want at such a young age. But why do I feel that I can trust him? He reminds me of Madara and Hashirama, it is as if he was a child that has the ruthlessness of Madara and the kindness of Hashirama for his loved ones.'

"Boy, how can I trust you? Kushina is like my child for me. "

"Mito-sama, Kushina and my best friend like each other! They don't know themselves, but I am sure that they will marry someday."

"WHAT? Izumi-chan, relationships don't always work out, you know."

'This little brat, does he really think, that just because some people love each other, that they will marry? They are not even 10 years or so.'

"Trust me, Mito-sama. I am 100% sure, my friend isn't someone who does things with half a heart."

"You awakened my interest in this boy. If you bring him to me and I like him, I will think about the favor."

"Yes, thank you very much."

[Mito POV END]

That went surprisingly well. I actually thought I would have come to beg every day.

The next day, I took Minato and made my way to the Senju compound.

"Izumi, where are we going. You didn't tell me anything."

"Don't worry, I am being your wingman here."

"What wingman? Are you trying to marry me off? STOP!!"

I didn't even listen to his ramblings and Minato couldn't let go of my grip.

Soon, we arrived at the Senju compound and we were let in.

"You! Why did you take me to the Senju's?"

"Just wait."

We arrived at the room I was in yesterday and saw Mito Uzumaki sitting there and drinking her tea.

"This is Mito Uzumaki! Why are we here?" whispered Minato to me

I ignored him and presented him to Mito

"Mito-sama as promised, your groom."

"What, stop, Izumi. Hello Mito-sama, but I am sorry, I can't marry you. My heart already belongs to someone else." Minato bowed to Mito

"You idiot!" I hit him on the head. "We are talking about Kushina, you, and Kushina."

"Hahaha, looks like you brought a funny little guy."

Mito started to inspect Minato with seriousness in her eyes.

"You are pretty strong for your age."

"Mito-san, here is your tea. MINATO? What are you doing here."

Wow, she just ignored me. It was Kushina who entered. I couldn't even sense her being here, it was probably because of all the seals in this house.

I already thought that Mito would want to see if they really love each other, so I wasn't that surprised contrary to Minato who couldn't even build a sentence after I told him that we were talking about marrying him and Kushina.

"Ah... Kushina. Ehmm..." His cheeks were red and he couldn't even look straight at her.

Where is the hero Minato who saved her from the Kumo-Ninjas?

"Kushina and Minato you go out. I have some things to talk about with Izumi-chan here."

Kushina ran back to what I assume is her room.

"Minato, I will be back in 10 minutes. You go out and wait in the garden!"

Kushina cried while she was running back.

"Looks like you were telling the truth." Mito turned to look at me

"Mito-sama, I never lied to you." I looked into Mito's eyes

"Very well, I will take your word that you protect my Clan as well as my child. If I notice, that you didn't hold your promise, I will Edo-Tensei myself and kick your butt."

"Don't worry, Mito-sama"

"So what is it that you want from me?"

"After you transfer the Kyuubi to Kushina, I want to have your knowledge of Fuinjutsu."

"You want me to teach you? You know that I die after the Beast is out of me, don't you?"

"I have my ways, Mito-sama. I will visit you when it is time."

'Mysterious little boy, Tsunade also told me that he always seemed to hide his power.'


I convinced Mito now, so nothing is blocking my way. But it is only the start for me.

Training my Ryajigan until it is time for the transfer is my priority for now.

With full power and my plunder eyes, I should be able to steal Mito's full knowledge of Fuinjutsu. I also wanted to get some other things while I am it, but I feel like my brain would explode if I don't know my limit.

The Ryajigan can now possess someone for over 1 minute and that person is at my strength, so about Jonin-level. Someone who has the strength of a Kage should be still impossible for me, but if they don't resist or get them by surprise, I should get some seconds.

My speed in acquiring knowledge is unparalleled after all I already knew what would happen today so I trained often in how fast I can get the knowledge of the person.

I even used some beggars as a test subject and tried to steal all of their knowledge in under 5 seconds. I did it so often that even the higher-ups noticed something was wrong. But they ignored most of the beggars after investigating a bit. I also made sure that no one would find my participation.

So I should be able to get the Fuinjutsu knowledge, the next problem will be the mental burden that I have to bear. Acquiring knowledge from someone who has a much higher level than me, is no easy task and would have consequences.

After researching for a bit and putting everything together, I am sure the Ryajigan will not be available for me for some time, probably about 1-2 years. It is a bit unfortunate, as I could surely get some good things from my travels as ANBU.

A positive aspect is that my Yin would immensely increase so I should be able to do some things that I already thought about for a long time. If my Zanpakuto Spirit is back again, I will start to commence it.

Hi, today there is a bit shorter chapter because I have some things to do. It is possible that the future 3-4 chapters will also be a bit shorter than the others. I have some tests to learn for which is stressing me out a bit. I will surely make some more after everything passed, so do look forward!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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