
Naruto: Our Goal Is To Dig Every Corner of Konoha

After crossing, I arrived in Naruto World, um, I was planning to start a life against the sky, but I found that I was not in Konoha. If it is not in Konoha, there is no blood of the Otsutsuki Clan, then I will only be a cannon fodder. Ding! Your golden finger has arrived. Very good, my golden finger is here, my life against the sky is about to start. The powerful clans are all in Konoha? No problem, I'll find a way to dig them. Konoha has the most girls? No problem, I'll find a way to dig them. Konoha has the most talents? No problem, I'll find a way to dig them. Konoha has the most moths? No prob... um, let's leave some for the others, it's not good to be too greedy. Although I have traveled to other Shinobi Village, my goal is to hollow out Konoha! ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! I am not the author of Naruto: Our Goal Is To Dig Every Corner of Konoha, I am just translating the story. you can read the original work here : https://wap.faloo.com/682476.html --------------------------------------- Support me at https://www.patreon.com/IamPoorGuy There are more than 150 advanced chapters there Update 1 chapter/day

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Chapter 41 Unexpected Surprise

Not to mention the actions between the several villages, just as Chiyo and others said, Asahi and Iwagakure's army did arrive at Sunagakure first, and when Asahi arrived, Rasa retreated without saying anything. Anyway, he would not admit defeat, he doesn't surrender either, and just dragging.

However, Asahi always act together with the large army, so even if they arrived first, they can't reach Sunagakure's army. The information that Rasa received requires him to hold on for two days, and the powerhouses from Kirigakure and Kumogakure will arrived. At that time, it won't be a problem to kill Asahi while taking advantage of the night.

"Guest from Iwagakure, I welcome you to our camp!"

After everyone met, Orochimaru brought some people out to greet the Iwagakure's people. Orochimaru's current appearance is not as crazy as it would be after. Although his skin is a little too white and looks a little weird, but it doesn't have the weirdness at the later stage. Right now, he hasn't completely fallen into that crazy stage.

Asahi and Konga smiled after seeing Orochimaru. After entering Konoha's camp, Asahi also used the previous trick to deal with Fugaku, and directly stuffed a small note to Orochimaru. In addition to the time and place of the meeting, there are only two words, eternal life, which Orochimaru has been pursuing.

Orochimaru can't resist the temptation from eternal life, and after the war is over, Minato will be in power, then there will be nothing Orochimaru can do, moreover, Danzo will definitely sell out Orochimaru as he's useless to him at that time, so even if Orochimaru can't be poached now, he can easily poach him after Orochimaru defected.

As for whether Asahi has mastered eternal life? He hasn't mastered it, but he has experience. Isn't Ōtsutsuki Clan can be said to have eternal life? Although Sage of Six Paths can only achieve an alternative version of eternal life, but with Orochimaru's knowledge and wisdom, it's not a big problem as long as Asahi can get someone from the Ōtsutsuki Clan for Orochimaru to research.

In short, he still has a lot of chips that Orochimaru will be interested in, so he is not afraid that Orochimaru will not be tempted.

Iwagakure's arrival can only be called the icing on the cake for Konoha. After everyone chatted for a while, Asahi and the others left and returned to their own camp. However, after returning, Asahi got a copy of information from Onoki.

This piece of information is about the Land of Whirlpools and Uzumaki Kushina. Asahi wants to dig the Yondaime couple, but He does not seem to be able to dig Minato unless Minato knows about what will happen to Naruto in the future, but if Minato knows about it, it won't happen as he is still alive, and if Asahi waited until he's dead to poach him, it will be even more meaningless.

Therefore, Asahi simply set his sights on Kushina. Of course, whether to dig or not depends on the situation. Just like now, the information he got was about the Land of Whirlpools, and the Land of Whirlpools' destruction was tricky.

According to the truth, the Land of Whirlpools was besieged by many countries and forces and it led to its destruction. The reason was that the Land of Whirlpools' Sealing Techniques are too terrifying, but now, the piece of information sent by Onoki is tricky.

According to the information, there was a shadow of Konoha behind the demise of Land of Whirlpools. Both Danzo and Hiruzen were involved, but they did not do it on the surface, but chose to be the pusher behind the scenes. And they're the one who made the other besieged the Land of Whirlpools.

"As expected of Konoha's people, how dark is their heart to be able to do such a thing!"

In addition to this information, there is another information about Kushina being kidnapped as a child. In fact, Asahi has always felt very puzzled whether the Kumogakure's people have a problem with their brains or something? Even if they send someone to kidnap Kushina, isn't this person's strength too rubbish? After all, Kushina was already the Kyubi's Jinchuriki at that time.

However, there was no Anbu monitoring her, and the person who went to save her was Minato. Even so, Minato was able to bring Kushina back, so what was the level of the enemy's strength? Are Kumogakure's people all idiots? They actually sent a group of trashy Shinobi to kidnap the Kyubi's Jinchuriki.

So no matter how he thinks about it, Asahi felt that there are some tricks in it. Just like Naruto can steal the Scroll of Seal, after all, without Hiruzen's acquiescence, how can the village's trump card be stolen by a kid who is not even a Genin? Isn't this a nonsense?

So Asahi asked Onoki to check these things, and they really found something, which is really a pleasant surprise Asahi then checked the situation of Kushina and Minato in this period, they are still not together yet, but there must be a good impression between them.

"What an unexpected blessing! Konga-senpai, ask Tsunade come over. I need her help for the next thing!"

Just relying on the two things in his hand, not to mention the fact that Kushina's target of affection is still in Konoha, there's no way she would believe him, so how can she hold a grudge against Konoha? So now, Asahi needs Tsunade's help.

He'll ask Tsunade to tell Kushina about what happened to her, and Kushina will no longer trust Konoha in an instant. At that time, it would be a lot easier to poach her. As for the protagonist Naruto, Asahi felt that even if he poached Kushina, Minato will still be able to find other woman as his wife, and even if he couldn't find other people, Ashura's Chakra will still be able to reincarnate into the other people.

Maybe, it will be reincarnated among the members of Senju Clan, which is now in Iwagakure's side, so this will be even more convenient. As long as they are Sage of the Six Paths' descendants, they may become the reincarnation of the two, Uchiha Clan for Indra and Senju and Uzumaki Clan for Ashura.

Anyway, Asahi is not an idiot. If he has the opportunity, how can he not poach Kushina, but it still relies on Orochimaru's side now. If he really could dig Orochimaru here, coupled with those things on Danzo's side that Orochimaru controls, the possibility of poaching Kushina will be even greater.

So Asahi is full of confidence now, and he's waiting for Orochimaru to come out to chat tonight.

On Iwagakure's side, they are busy building their own camp, but Iwagakure's Shinobi are very versatile, and these people are the Iwagakure's Shinobi who are proficient in Earth Release and have been trained, so it's easy for them to set up the camp.

If it weren't for the fact that the built house had an earthy smell without being renovated, Asahi and the others wouldn't even need to live in the tent anymore.

Soon, night fell, and Asahi knew that it was time to meet Orochimaru. He still took Yanya with him, right now, the old man Konga was about to become his attendant.

After arriving at the agreed place, Asahi found that he underestimated the attraction of eternal life to the current Orochimaru. Orochimaru actually came over immediately, much faster than them.

After seeing this scene, Asahi has already determined that Orochimaru will definitely join their side. Even if he can't convince Orochimaru now, when the next Hokage is selected, Orochimaru will come to them with 100% probability.

"Orochimaru-dono, you're quite early!"

Asahi said with a smile as he looked at Orochimaru.

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