
Naruto : Otsutsuki God

A soul wandering the void without any particular destination suddenly strays and is forced to inhabit the body of a kid by some unknown force, and then it decides to see what happens. This time, the New Urashiki will use his brain, and trample over everything that stands in his way, he will make it, he will be... He will be The Otsutsuki God.

Cyborg_Shounen · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Stealing and Reanimation

After the somewhat tense conversation with the Mizukage and his departure from her estate, Urashiki decided to utilize his space-time abilities, thanks to the karma seal. Not that he really needed to use karma space-time jutsu, as it would become unnecessary once the karma extraction was complete.

He made his way to the mansion Mei had provided him, situated within the Yuki clan's territory. It wasn't because he couldn't have taken another clan's territory, but rather because he had no interest in doing so. The Terumi compound and the Yuki compound were the only clean areas to his liking.

Upon reaching the mansion's main gate and entering the property, Urashiki unlocked the door using the keys Mei had given him earlier, courtesy of her orders. The interior was impeccably clean, which suited someone like him, at least for the time being.

As he explored the rooms and familiarized himself with the layout, he couldn't help but recall every detail of the mansion, room by room. When he entered his bedroom, which had once belonged to the Yuki clan's previous head, he glanced at the wall for a moment before allowing a smile to creep onto his face.

"This place is perfect," he mused aloud. With his left hand outstretched toward the wall, he activated his karma seal. A purplish-grey glow radiated from the mark, expanding outwards and gradually forming a circular portal.

Once the portal stabilized, he gave it a brief, contented look and entered it with an authentic smile. As he passed through the space-time portal, it sealed shut behind him.


The village appeared serene and beautiful from the sky, with a gentle breeze causing the leaves to dance towards the Hokage mountain. The mountain itself boasted the carved faces of five Hokage.

Beneath the mountain was the Hokage office, where the Hokage's greatest battles were waged against their most formidable adversary: paperwork.

The villagers and shinobi moved about happily, basking in the peace and forgetting the wars that had once plagued them. Unbeknownst to all, however, in the darkening sky tinged with orange as the sun began to set, someone or something sat atop the clouds as if they were solid ground.

Using his Byakugan, Urashiki surveyed the entire village and was once again reminded of the unique world he inhabited. He observed a training session between Hinata, who seemed to be injured, and her father, Hiashi Hyuga, in the Hyuga compound. The Byakugan within her was exceptionally pure, much like her sister's, who also watched the training.

"How intriguing, the Hyuga clan," Urashiki mused, pondering how they proclaimed themselves royalty yet couldn't fully harness the potential of the Byakugan, a profound waste.

His attention shifted to the Konoha graveyard, his next target. Peering into the ground from his distant vantage point, he focused on a specific burial site—a casket. Disappearing from his perch.

He appeared directly above the burial site, a fishing rod materializing in his hand.

With great force and precision, he sent the hook deep into the ground, piercing the casket beneath. He retrieved the hook, and with it, a fragment of lingering chakra and a small piece of white hair. Examining his haul, he allowed a satisfied smile to cross his face.

Creating a small space-time portal, he stepped through it.

[Sound village hideout 2]

Consuming the chakra and storing the hair within his gourd, Urashiki materialized within Orochimaru's hideout. He had erased all traces of his presence; no one would detect his arrival.

He watched as Orochimaru worked diligently to recreate karma marks through his curse mark—a remarkable feat in its own right, even if Orochimaru was unaware of the existence of Karma, a technique capable of reincarnation without any loss of power. Urashiki appeared behind Orochimaru, piercing him with his fishing rod.

The snake was paralyzed, unable to move or speak, and Orochimaru could sense the overwhelming potency of the chakra piercing through him. He was understandably alarmed as Urashiki vanished from his hideout, leaving behind a confused and slightly terrified Orochimaru.

Returning to the Mizukage's office, I found Mei sitting there, her expression startled from my sudden appearance. It seemed I had unintentionally given her quite a shock.

"Ah! You scared me," she exclaimed, her voice a mix of surprise and relief. "So, what brings you here all of a sudden?"

"Good to see you too, Mei," I retorted sarcastically as I took a seat in front of her desk, facing her. "Can you grant me a prisoner? I need one for an experiment."

"Why, and what kind of experiment? Please don't tell me you plan on conducting human experimentation?" Mei's words dripped with skepticism, and I couldn't help but wonder if I had left too much of an impression on her as a potential psycho.

"What? No, that's repulsive, Mei. Do you really see me as someone who wouldn't hesitate to resort to human experimentation?" I feigned hurt and sadness but maintained a sly smile.

Playing with people's perceptions was always entertaining. It appeared I had inherited some of the previous Urashiki's fondness for such activities.

"Alright, alright, I can see that you're a completely innocent and kind-hearted person," Mei replied, her tone laced with sarcasm. "Follow me to the prison; you can choose a prisoner from there. All of them are at least A-class shinobi."

"Thank you, Mei-senpai," I responded, rising from my chair and holding the door open for her before stepping out of the Mizukage's office.

Together, we made our way through the village, eventually reaching the lower-class district where ordinary villagers resided. From there, we descended into the Isobu Trench, an entrance leading to an underground prison. This prison was where the Mist Village locked up its most dangerous criminals.

This promised to be quite enjoyable indeed.




Walking inside the prison, which had six levels, with the last one housing the most dangerous criminals, although it was currently empty of such individuals, we proceeded to the fifth level. There, within the final cell, a frail-looking man with white hair and red eyes caught my attention as I peered inside.

"Who is he, and what has he done?" I inquired, turning to Mei, who seemed somewhat uneasy but began to explain.

"His name is Hiroki Yuki. He betrayed and killed many members of the bloodline faction during the coup d'etat. Ao managed to sneak up on him and destroy his tenketsu," Mei recounted, her eyes flashing with a cold determination that seemed to unconsciously activate her karma, causing the ground to crack.

"Mei, did he...did he also kill your family?" I asked, prompting her to flinch and grip the cell bars, which bent and emitted an ominous creaking sound, leaving Hiroki visibly alarmed.

"Yes, my father was a terrible person, but he was still my father," she sighed, turning back to me. "I want to see what you'll do with him. Can I?"

"Certainly, Mei-sama," I replied, adding a sarcastic edge to my tone. We transported Hiroki, bound and silenced, to the Yuki clan compound and deposited him on the training ground.

Reanimation wasn't the technique I had in mind. Instead, I opted for the Naraka Path, coupled with the hair I had acquired. This combination allowed me to locate the target and, in exchange for Hiroki's soul, free him from the Shinigami.

My eyes took on the blue hue of my Rinnegan as the ground began to glow with a brilliant light blue. The Naraka Path, marked by my Rinnegan, assumed its place where Hiroki's eyes should have been.

The Naraka Path operated like a miniature Shinigami, capable of brokering deals with Shinigami in exchange for souls. That's precisely what I did.

Its tongue extended to grab Hiroki, and his soul was dragged to the depths of hell, all while I inserted the hair I held into the Naraka Path's mouth. It chewed and then spat out Hiroki's lifeless body, retreating underground. Hiroki's form began to transform, and soon, the unmistakable yellow hair of Namikaze Minato, the Fourth Hokage, was revealed.

Minato stood up and surveyed his surroundings. Spotting Mei and me, he appeared ready to speak, but I swiftly thrust my hand into his chest. A black rod pierced through his back, and gradually, his eyes transformed into my blue Rinnegan.

My hand then delved into his stomach and his mindscape, where I found myself before a massive yellow gate—the Kyuubi. With determination, I declared my intent.

"Kyuubi, I've come to claim your chakra!" I boldly announced, though inwardly, I cringed at the theatrics. The Kyuubi, with its slitted red eyes, roared in response.

"Who do you think you are, human?!" it thundered before its eyes widened in shock. "What? Stunned by my presence?"

"What can I say? Even I can appreciate a good show," I responded, revealing my blue Rinnegan, which clearly surprised the Kyuubi. It had seen purple Rinnegan through its previous host, but not blue.

"Who—or rather, what are you, and why do you share the same eyes as the old man?" it inquired, its tone somewhat less hostile.

"Hagaromo? Hah, hahahahah—why should he be the only one with Rinnegan? Let me enlighten you; I have two! Now, stand still and surrender your chakra, Kyuubi. You'll provide me with your pure, unadulterated chakra in its most potent form!" I laughed and taunted it, confident in my dominance.

As I activated my Karma and began absorbing its chakra, I reveled in the power and sensation. The Kyuubi roared in agony as its chakra was forcibly drained, and I watched as its immense reserves flowed into my Karma.

I intended to leave the Kyuubi with enough chakra for regeneration. After all, I needed it for Zetsu's plan to revive the Ten Tails.

"This is incredible! Your chakra is impressive, Kyuubi, a testament to your potency and quantity. It's a sign of mutual respect, as fellow monsters. I'll leave you with enough chakra for regeneration since you'll rapidly regenerate thanks to Edo Tensei." I praised it loudly before ending the chakra absorption, leaving the Kyuubi in pain but with enough chakra to recover.

"Enough, Kyuubi! I apologize for the intrusion. You can rest within the Shinigami, unless someone reanimates Minato again. Goodbye!" I left the mindscape before the Kyuubi could respond or retaliate.

Returning to the real world, I found that my chakra reserves had grown significantly, nearly on par with the full Nine tails. Swiftly concealing this vast amount of chakra to avoid detection, I couldn't help but worry about Isshiki sensing it. Revealing the existence of "spacefaring aliens that devoured worlds for breakfast" was something to avoid at all costs.

Turning to Mei, I retrieved one of the chakra pills I had created and tossed it to her. She looked at me with a mix of curiosity and shock.

"That's Kyuubi's chakra. It's the Otsutsuki way to gain power! When you consume it, your body will undergo changes, possibly altering your appearance on a minor level. Eat it, Mei, because I have no use for a weak subordinate!" I declared ruthlessly, emphasizing her weakness.

The pill in her mouth, Mei's karma activated as she swallowed it. Her body underwent slight transformations, and her horns sprouted from her forehead, while her hair turned white, and her eyes took on a grey hue. She appeared beautiful, but I kept my focus on my ultimate goal, my heart's desire.

She glanced at me with defiance in her eyes, a sight I appreciated. It was a reminder of the underlying rivalry among Otsutsuki clan members, similar to the conflicts between figures like Momoshiki and Isshiki.

Motioning for her to attack me, I caught her punch effortlessly and spoke to her with a hint of amusement.

"Good, you're learning. However, you're still too weak to face me. And remember, you don't need to fear me abandoning you. So be a loyal servant and serve me for eternity. Perhaps one day, you'll reach my level of power." I said, releasing the Edo Tensei, which left Minato's soul in the hands of the Shinigami, bound by the Dead Demon Consuming Seal, a signature of the Uzumaki clan.

I began to make my way out of the training area, but before leaving, I had one more message for Mei.

"And one more thing, you'll live through the ages. Don't get attached to anything or anyone—except for me, that is." I added, offering a smile as I stepped into my mansion.