
Naruto Otsutsuki: Back in Time

Sorry If I make spelling mistakes. After ending up near death Naruto is saved by a Otsutsuki.Who gives him a second chance at life.

KZ1818 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Start of Chunin Exams

At hokage tower

"So how was your first C-Rank mission" Hiruzen

"It was fun." Naruto

"Damn dobe he and Kakashi were the only ones who got to fight" Sasuke thought

"Ok Kakashi give me a report of the mission." Hiruzen

Kakashi told him about the encounter with Zabuza, Haku and masked man. And the death of the tyrant Gato.

"A sharingan user. Could he be the one who released the Nine-Tails 13 years ago." Hokage thought

"Since this mission turned from C to A rank. You will be getting A rank payment." Hiruzen

"Can we leave now old man." Naruto

"Naruto be more respectful to the Hokage." Sakura

"It is okay. I don't mind Naruto calling me that. You can leave except Kakashi" Hiruzen

"So what do want to talk about Lord Hokage." Kakashi

"Did Naruto display any other abilities on the mission." Hiruzen

"Yes he did. He has the ability use wind release and the Rasengan. He also told me about his Dojutsu." Kakashi

"What is its name." Hiruzen

"It's called the Tenseigan. He said it has the similar abilities of the Rinnegan." Kakashi

"A Dojutsu that can rival the Rinnegan. Naruto is really powerful. Kakashi notify whenever Naruto displays his abilities." Hiruzen

"Is it to come up with countermeasures in case he decides to betray the leaf." Kakashi

"Yes.I hope it won't come to that. You can leave now" Hiruzen

Kakashi left


They did about 30 D rank missions while the Chunin exams were fast approaching. Kakashi got his team together and showed up on time for once probably to avoid pissing off Sakura. They were standing on a small bridge.

'Guys I'm really proud of all of you.' Said Kakashi eye smiling as he appeared on the rail of the bridge.

'You have all come a long way so I have recommended all of you for the Chunin exams. If you want to participate go tomorrow to room three hundred and one in the academy and submit these applications.' Said Kakashi throwing one to all three of them. 'Bye.' Said Kakashi before disappearing with Body Flicker.

Sasuke walked off and Sakura followed trying to get a date as she obviously didn't get the hint that Sasuke wasn't interested. Naruto decided to get some ramen. As Naruto was heading to Ichiraku's he heard Konohamaru yelling 'Let me go!'

Naruto went to where he heard the commotion and saw a Temari and Kankuro. Kankuro was squeezing Konohamaru painfully by his scarf.

'Kankuro put him down you're going to get us in trouble.' Said Temari

'Relax Temari, we've got a bit of time until he gets here we might as well have some fun.' Replied Kankuro

'I suggest you listen to your beautiful sister as it is clear that she has a brain while you do not.' Naruto smiles at Temari

Temari was surprised that this kid had just insulted her brother and blushed at the compliment of a handsome Naruto while Kankuro snarled at being called brainless.

"You know what kid, you've offended me so I'm going to teach this boy, your lesson, respect your betters.' Said Kankuro who pulled back a fist and was about to slug Konohamaru in the face. Naruto appeared in an instant with a kunai pressed against Kankuro's neck.

'Like I said I suggest you listen and you are not my better.' Said Naruto

Kankuro let Konohamaru down and let him move away and leave the area while Naruto backed off, he then pulled off what looked to be a mummy of his back.

'What are you doing Kankuro? Are you going to use the Crow for this?' Asked Temari slightly worried.

'Kankuro you are an embarrassment to our village.' Said a voice from nowhere which sounded bored. The owner of the voice appeared in a swirl of sand in front of his comrades.

'Oh hey Gaara.' Said Kankuro scared.

He turned and faced Naruto.

'Shukaku's vessel.' Said Kyuubi.

'I apologise for my brother.' Said Gaara bowing deeply.

"You don't have to apologize Gaara." Naruto smiles

"What is your name." Gaara

"My name is Naruto Ashura Otsutsuki." Naruto

"Otsutsuki. Isn't that Father's clan name" Shukaku thought

"Gaara ask him if he knows Hagoromo Otsutsuki." Shukaku says to Gaara

"Mother asks if you know Hagoromo Otsutsuki." Gaara

"He is my father. Tell Shukaku that father would be disappointed to see him act this way. And also tell him to stop torturing you or else I will have to punish him" Naruto

"He is Father's son Ashura." Shukaku thought

"Well I will be going now. Temari I hope we can go on a date soon." Naruto

"Yes Naruto-kun." Temari smiled

Naruto smiled back and left. He went to Ichiraku ramen.

"Hello sir what is would you like to order" Teuchi

"Old man Teuchi I feel hurt that forget your favorite customer ." Naruto

"Wait Naruto is that you." Teuchi

"Yes." Naruto

"You look so different now." Teuchi

"You mean handsome." Naruto

"So I take it you want your regular." Teuchi

"Give me two miso ramen." Naruto

"Just two. " Teuchi

"I don't eat as much as I used. " Naruto

"Ok two miso ramen coming up." Teuchi

After eating and paying for his ramen he went home.

The Next Day

Naruto met up with Sasuke and Sakura along his walk to the academy so they all went together. When they arrived on the second floor they saw Rock Lee being beaten up by two guards. Naruto knew he was faking being weak.

"It is time for the Uchiha brat to get his beat down" Kurama laughed

''You do really hate the Uchiha's don't you" Akise

"I loathe them" Kurama

Naruto than looked at Tenten

"Tenten is pretty. I feel bad that she will lose to Temari." Thought

Suddenly a punch was aimed at Tenten. Naruto appeared in an instant and blocked the punch aimed at her.

'You know it's not nice to hit a lady.' Said Naruto. Most of those around were surprised at how fast Naruto moved. Sasuke walked up with Sakura close behind and said 'While you're at it drop the Genjutsu it's pathetic.'

Most were wondering what Sasuke was talking about until the guard spoke up 'So you saw through the Genjutsu huh?' the guard charged Sasuke while Sasuke begun to swing a kick. In an instant Lee appeared between both and stopped them with his hands.

"That's some chakra he's got in his arm." Thought Sasuke.

'What are you doing? Aren't you the one who said we should hide our true strength Lee?' Said Neji a boy who had piercing white eyes with a slight lavender tint to them while walking up to Lee. The boy had noticeably long, black hair which reached the middle of his back and was tied back a few inches above the end, while two straps attached to a smaller headband underneath his ninja forehead protector frame the sides of his face. He had very fair skin and he also wore a black headband that he wore snugly over his forehead. He wore a khaki shirt, dark brown shorts, and blue shinobi sandals. He also had bandages wrapped around his right arm, chest, and right leg.

Sorry but I...' Lee broke off and looked at Sakura and then blushed.

'My name is Rock Lee. You are Sakura right.Please be my girlfriend I vow to protect you with my life. Lee said to Sakura

'Definitely no.' Sakura said

'Why'? Lee

'Because you are weirdo.' Sakura

Lee got a little sad hearing this. Naruto laughed.

'Hey you what is your name.'  Neji said to Sasuke

'It is common courtesy to give your own name before asking someone else's.' Sasuke

Hey you are a rookie aren't you. How old are you. Neji

I am not obliged to answer that. Sasuke

What's that? Neji

'Hey Sasuke Naruto come on let's go. Sakura

After she said that they went to walk to the examination room. But they were stopped by Lee.

Hey you with the attitude hold on. Lee said to Sasuke

What do you want? Sasuke

I want to fight right here and right now. Lee

You want to fight me here and now. Sasuke

Yes. My name is Rock Lee. You said it is common courtesy for a challenger to give his name first Sasuke Uchia. Lee

Hmm so you know me. Sasuke

I challenge you. Everyone is always talking about the Uchia clan and how great they are. I want to see if it is true. I figured you would be a good test for me.And also Sakura I love you. Lee

No I would never love someone like you .Those eyebrows of yours are gross. Sakura screamed

Why the hell does this guy like Sakura. I wonder what the hell he sees in her. I hope he gives Sasuke a good beat down. thought Naruto.

You have heard of the Uchia clan and yet you are challenging me. You must be even more psycho than you look. If that is possible. You want to know more about my clan than I will teach you the hard way. Sasuke

Bring it on. Lee said

Excellent a match up against the number one rookie. I will draw him out and get him to reveal his technique and  I will prove myself to you Guy sensei. Lee thought

Okay let's fight. Sasuke

(Sasuke has unlocked his Sharingan.)

You should take this serious. I am currently the strongest genin in the leaf.

Finally interested, Sasuke accepts his challenge, and attacks. He's instantly met with Lee's Leaf Whirlwind and goes flying backwards. Getting back up, Sasuke prepares, resorting to his Sharingan to figure out Lee's technique this time. Again, this is futile and Lee explains it's because his techniques are neither ninjutsu or genjutsu, but mere taijutsu, also known as martial arts. With hand-to-hand combat, the Sharingan isn't helpful, even if he can see the techniques, one's body cannot move fast enough to react. Lee uses the Shadow of the Dancing Leaf to kick off his next move in order to finish off Sasuke, but a large turtle stops him before he carries this out.

The turtle seemingly reprimands Lee for using a forbidden technique, leaving Team 7 to think the turtle is Lee's sensei. Might Guy, his actual sensei, appears on top of the turtle and punches Lee across the face as punishment, proceeding to hug him, and cry afterward. Team 7 are dumbstruck, and Sasuke can't believe he was beaten by what he perceives as a freak. Guy asks the team how his eternal rival, Kakashi, is doing. He's ahead in their match record, which stands at 50 wins and 49 losses. Guy also says that he is much faster and stronger than Kakashi.

When Guy leaves, Lee confesses that he is not the strongest genin - Neji Hyūga, his teammate is. Naruto tells Sasuke why he lost, saying that Lee obviously trains harder than him. In the end, the team focuses their attention on the Chūnin Exams.

After the fight the Team 7 and Lee all headed to room three hundred and one, where the first phase of the chunin exam would be held.When they got there got there they were greeted by Kiba.

So once again the rookies are together again huh Akamaru.' Said Kiba.

Ino hugged Sasuke from behind causing Sakura to begin yelling at her and this kept up for a while.

'So troublesome.' Said the familiar voice of Shikamaru with Choji close behind munching on chips.

'Well Shikamaru I didn't expect to see you here. Isn't this too much work for you?' Asked Naruto half joking half surprised

'Yeah but Asuma made us so here we are. Replied Shikamaru sounding very bored.

'You guys might want to keep it down you're attracting a lot of attention.' Said a boy with black eyes with grey hair kept in a ponytail wearing circular glasses. He also wore a dark purple shirt with a white undershirt and a white sash around his waist worn at an angle, dark purple pants, blue sandals, and a shuriken holster on his right leg.

'Who are you? Asked Sasuke.

'Me? I'm Kabuto Yakushi. You must be the rookie Genin.' He stated.

'Yeah we are.' Replied Sasuke.

'Well maybe I can help you out then.' Said Kabuto who then proceeded to talk about who came to the exams and what generally happened as well as his seven in a row streak of failure and finally his Ninja info cards. He still insults the Sound village.

' Show me what you have on Gaara of the Desert, Rock Lee and Naruto Ashura Otsutsuki.' Said Sasuke.

Naruto smirked at Sasuke.

'Okay first up Garra of the Desert. His teammates are Temari and Kankuro of the Desert who are also his siblings and it says here he has completed eight C ranks and a B rank without getting a single scratch. In fact he has never been injured.' The Genin were stunned until Kabuto moved on.

Rock Lee teammates Neji Hyuuga and Tenten, sensei Might Guy. His Taijutsu has increased dramatically over the past twelve months but the rest of his skills are virtually nonexistent. He has completed twenty D ranks and eleven C ranks.

Just as Kabuto was about to read Naruto's info. Naruto grabbed the card and tore it apart.

"You should not give someone's information without their permission Kabuto." Naruto

Shikamaru grew suspicious of Kabuto. Because he had classified information that only a kage would have access to.

'Hey that guy called us little.' Said one of the sound Genin. He had spiky, dark hair and dark eyes. He wore a beige shirt with two black stripes and three prints which said death down the front. His forehead protector had a face guard. As with his team-mates, he wore a snake patterned scarf around his neck.

'Well let's teach him a lesson.' Said the other sound Genin. He had bandages covering most of his face, leaving only his left eye uncovered. He also wore a large poncho with long sleeves, a snake patterned scarf around his neck and a straw raincoat protruding from the back of his scarf. His back was hunched which made him look smaller than he actually was.

The sound team dashed around the room before the one who spoke first threw a kunai at Kabuto who jumped back to avoid them however, in an instant the Genin who looked like a mummy revealed a gauntlet with holes in it and swung his fist barely missing Kabuto. Kabuto stood up and then his glasses broke.

'Oh I see it was that kind of an attack.' He said taking off his glasses however something else was happening and he clutched his stomach in pain coughing up blood.

'Kabuto are you alright?' Asked Sakura.

'Put this in your information. The Genin of the sound will all be Chunin when this exam is over.' Said the sound ninja who threw the kunai.

Suddenly a large cloud of smoke appeared and about sixteen leaf ninja were revealed as the smoke faded away. The big one in the middle had a sadistic grin and said 'I am Ibiki Morino, the first proctor of these Chunin exams and as of now, your worst nightmare.'