
Naruto Otsutsuki: Back in Time

Sorry If I make spelling mistakes. After ending up near death Naruto is saved by a Otsutsuki.Who gives him a second chance at life.

KZ1818 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Konoha Crush

Many people in the stadium fall aslepp, except for the Third Hokage, several Jounin's, the sand team Temari and Leaf genin. Outside of the stadium many snake were summoned by Sound and Sand shinobi. The Jounin and the Chunin at the gate react fast and defend their village. Back to the stadium the Kazekage takes the Hokage to the roof, he graps him and holds a kunai to the Hokage's neck. As they landed on the roof suddenly four sound Ninja appear. Each of them standing in a corner of the roof. They making a barrier around the two Kage like a square so that nobody come in or out. The barrier is made of purple flames, which will instantly engulf those who come into contact with it, thus preventing anyone from entering or leaving the area.

An anbu member tried to go through the barrier. He was burned to a crisp.

"The sand village is betraying the leaf village." Hokage

"The treaty between our villages was simply a trick to make you let down your guard." Kazekage

Do you want to start a war?" Hokage

"Exactly..." The Kazekage of the sand reply

"Armed conflict resolves nothing we should seek a resolution for negotiation. There is still time Kazekage-dono" The Hokage trying to avoid the war

"Perhaps the fear of death makes one more cowardly with age SARUTOBI-SENSEI!" The Kazekage said, at the last part with a other voice

"You." Sarutobi mumble as he recognise that voice and widen his eye

Back to Naruto, Gaara and Sasuke

Gaara's was holding his hand on his wound he got from the Chidori of Sasuke. His team appearsd beside him, alongside their sensei

"Gaara the plan." Baki said but it seems like Gaara was not listening

What's wrong?" Kankorou ask

"Oh no..." Temari stutter

"You fool!! Trying to transform into your complete form before the Signal!" Baki

"It's impossible to proceed now!" Temari said as she see the condition of Gaara

"Then what are we supposed to do?! Do it without Gaara?" Kankorou scream

'What's going on??' Sasuke wondered

After a few second of silent the sand team Sensei come to a conclusion "Abort the mission... You guys take Gaara and retreat"

Temari and Kankorou were suprise to hear that "What about you?" Temari asking

"I will join the battle now go." Baki

Temari and Kankuro took Gaara and left.

"Is the leader of the invasion Orochimaru." Genma

"Who knows." Baki

"What is going " Sasuke demanded

"Sorry, but the Chuunin exam is now over... you two go pursue Gaara and the others.You're already Chuunin level if you're a Leaf Shinobi then make yourself useful" Genma reply

Sasuke still didn't know what was going on but nod and quickly followed Gaara and his team.Naruto disappeared in a poof of smoke.Kakashi notice that.

Back to the Hokage and Kazekage

"So Gaara was useless..." Orochimaru said as he saw that Gaara and his team jump away

"I see... so that's it..." Sarutobi said calmly

In the crowd

It's not just that... the situation is more dire than that...look at the roof of the central watchotower" Gai said, as Kakashi looking "That's barrier Ninjutsu..." Kakashi said

"Kakashi... look within the barrier..." Gai said

Kakashi finally see who inside the barrier and his eye widen

Back to Orochimaru

"!!"Your foolishness has caused the leaf to fall further and further behind... I have won" Orochimaru smirks

"Heh... it's not over till it's over... I thought I taught you that..." Sarutobi start as the Kazekage reveal his true face

"Orochimaru!" Sarutobi finish his sentence as Orochimaru face come out. "I thought this day would come eventually but you won't get out my head so easily...." Sarutobi said

"I told you should hurry and pick the fifth...." Orochimaru smirk ".....because you will die here.... the Third!!" Orochimaru finish his sentece with a evil

"A large number..." Kakashi said as they see many sound nins in front of them

"It's not just that... the situation is more dire than that...look at the roof of the central watchotower" Gai said, as Kakashi looking "That's barrier Ninjutsu..."

"Kakashi... look within the barrier..." Gai said

"That is Orochimaru." Kakashi

"Why is Orochimaru here. Is here for Sasuke-kun." Sakura thought

"Sakura I got a mission for you. "Kakashi

"What is it." Sakura

"I want you go get Kiba, Shikamaru and Shino. You four are going go after Sasuke and the sand team." Kakashi

Kakashi would have chosen Hinata but she mysteriously vanished.

"Does Naruto plan not to help us." Kakashi thought

"How will we track down Sasuke-kun."Sakura

The question was answered when Kakashi summoned a dog."This guy, Pakkun, will be able to track Sasuke down by his scent.." Kakashi

"Go now. Me and other jonin will take care of this." Kakashi said as he took down a few sound ninja

Sakura along with Pakkun went to get Shikamaru and the others. She told them about the mission Kakashi gave them. After telling them they went after Sasuke.

As the group leaves the stadium and enters the forest, Pakkun senses that they are being followed by nine Oto ninja. To act as a distraction and buy the others some time, Shikamaru stays behind to slow down the ninja. After altering his surroundings to give the impression that the group went in a different direction, Shikamaru lies in wait for the following invaders. Once they catch up and take notice of the apparent change in course, Shikamaru traps the group with his Shadow Imitation Technique. Shikamaru notices, however, that he has only managed to catch eight of the nine, indicating that one ninja had been following behind to protect the others.

Running low on chakra and therefore running out of time that he can restrain the ninja with, Shikamaru throws shuriken at the group so that he can find out the location of the ninth. The shuriken are all stopped by the free ninja's needles, and Shikamaru tries to extend his shadow to the ninja's location, though he doesn't have enough shadow to work with. After keeping the eight at bay for a while longer, Shikamaru's chakra runs out, and he is forced to release the group. Freed, the group encourages the ninth ninja to be the one to kill their captive, and in response a ninja appears behind Shikamaru. The ninja, however, catches everyone by surprise, as it is revealed to be Asuma Sarutobi with the ninth ninja in tow. In a flash, Asuma takes out the other eight, and he tells Shikamaru to take a rest.

Back to Sarutobi and Orochimaru

Suddenly Orochimaru cry, Sarutobi notice that and ask "Are you that happy? or..." but suddenly Orochimaru stick his Kunai in his own hand

"Trying to kill your own master, yet... you still have the heart to feel some small amount of sadness?" Sarutobi smirked

"I finally feel better.." Orochimaru said "No....I was just tired... I yawned and a tear leaked out, that's all... " Orochimaru reply and walking away from Sarutobi

"Heh. I thought so." Sarutobi smirks

"Well let's start sensei" Orochimaru

The Third Hokage took of his Hokage outfit, revealing his fighting gear underneath. Orochimaru comments that the Third came prepared for their battle, and the two stare each other down. When one of the tiles on the roof cracks, they begin their battle. The Third starts by sending hundreds of shuriken at Orochimaru, who blocks the attack by summoning three coffins to shield himself. The Third, recognising the coffins, deduces what Orochimaru is trying to do and attempts to stop the coffins summonings and stops one.Only two coffins open, and the reanimated corpses of the First Hokage and Second Hokage step out. The two deceased Hokages greet the Third and comment on the impressiveness of Orochimaru being able to summon them. In response, the Third states that he regrets having to see the two again as opponents and tells them to prepare for defeat.

Orochimaru prepares the two Hokages for battle, removing the effects that death has had on their bodies and erasing their personality. Angered by Orochimaru's use of his former teachers, the Third attacks the group, though his efforts are neutralised and he is thrown back and restrained by the First Hokage's ability to summon trees. Realising he's outnumbered, the Third summons Enma to help him in battle, who transforms into a large staff to give the Third a weapon. With Enma in hand, the Third tries to attack Orochimaru though he is again repelled by the other two Hokages. Using his failure as an opportunity, the Third plants explosive tags on the two Hokages, taking away each of their legs. The legs, however, regenerate, showing the Third that conventional attacks are useless.

"Sarutobi-Sensei you stop and just accept your death.'' Orochimaru

"What can I do. Hashirama-Sensei and Tobirama-sensei will regenerate from any damage I make on them. I guess I have to use." Hiruzen thought

Out of options, the Third prepares to use the only jutsu that will work, though Orochimaru first decides to show him something. Removing the mask he had been wearing, Orochimaru reveals his "true" face, that of a young woman, whose body Orochimaru had stolen and begun to occupy. Recognising this as Orochimaru's success in finally achieving a path to immortality, the search for which he had been expelled from Konoha for, the Third begins to understand why Orochimaru has come to Konoha: to take the body of Sasuke Uchiha. Determined to not let this happen and to rectify his mistake of allowing Orochimaru to escape years earlier, the Third creates two shadow clones, and all of the Thirds prepare to use Dead Demon Consuming Seal, a technique the Third claims Orochimaru, despite his extensive knowledge of jutsus, has never seen before.

As the demon called forth by the seal, only able to be seen by the Third, readies itself, the Third is forced to endure the other two Hokages' blows, weakening his old body even more. As soon as the seal is ready for use, the Third's shadow clones each grab hold of a Hokage and the demon plunges its hands into each. Momentarily regaining their senses, the Hokages all apologise to each other, the First and Second for the trouble they've caused the Third, and the Third for the fate he has sentenced them to. The demon pulls the souls of the First and Second from their bodies and seals them within the bodies of the Third's shadow clones, causing the clones to disappear in a puff of smoke.

No longer inhabited, the First and Second's bodies dissolve, revealing themselves to in actuality be the bodies of Zaku Abumi and Kin Tsuchi, two Genin Orochimaru had entered into the Chunin Exams and had now sacrificed for his means. Angered by Orochimaru's careless use of his subordinates, the Third grabs Enma and exchanges blows with Orochimaru and his Kusanagi Sword. Throwing the Kusanagi and Enma aside, the Third grabs onto Orochimaru and the demon of the seal plunges its hand into Orochimaru. Sensing that his soul is being removed from his body, Orochimaru calls his Kusanagi to him, stabbing the Third in the back.

This turn of events forces the Third to halt the removal of Orochimaru's soul, the latter of which questions why he didn't block the attack. The Third explains that in exchange for using the sealing technique, the user is sentenced to death, as was demonstrated by its use by the Fourth Hokage on the demon fox years earlier. Due to large amount of his soul that has been removed, Orochimaru is now able to see the demon of the seal, just in time to witness the consumption of the Hokage souls affected by it. Once eaten by the demon the souls are trapped in its belly, forced to spend eternity in a constant battle of hate with one another. This revelation brings fear to Orochimaru's eyes, who tries to ensure the Third dies before he can be given that same future.

the Kusanagi in the Third's back and the soul partially removed from Orochimaru's body. The Third, wise as he is, has used this time to come to the conclusion that he no longer has the strength needed to completely remove Orochimaru's soul, and decides instead to make this Orochimaru's last battle. Having the demon of the seal turn its attention to Orochimaru's arms, the Third prepares to complete the only seal he can now make.

Hoping to break the Third's will to go on, Orochimaru reminds his former master of the casualties Konoha has suffered at the hands of his invasion, saying that Konoha will crumble. Disheartened that Orochimaru would so quickly forget the abilities of Konoha's ninja, the Third reminds his former student of the Konoha ninja's desire to protect their village. All throughout the village, battles between Konoha's elite and the invading forces rage on, and despite the overwhelming forces united against them, the fighting few of the village utterly defeat the enemy. Determined to prove his point and to finally prove to Orochimaru that power does not lie within knowledge of techniques, the Third seals Orochimaru's arms, taking away his ability forevermore of using jutsu. As Orochimaru's arms fall useless to his sides.

"Sarutobi-sensei you bastard. How dare you take my arms from me. Is that what you thought what I would say." Orochimaru laughs

"What do you mean" Hiruzen

"Naruto-kun told me that this would happen. I didn't actually believe him,but look it really happened. He told me he would heal my arms after this." Orochimaru whispers to Hiruzen

(Anbu members are outside the barrier. Orochimaru does not want to reveal his involvement with Naruto.)

"So Naruto betrayed the village in the end" Hiruzen thought as he died

"You four its time to retreat" Orochimaru

The four cancel the barrier and take Orochimaru away.

Sasuke eventually manages to catch up to Gaara, Kankurō, and Temari. As Kankurō prepares to fight Sasuke in the hopes of giving Temari and Gaara time to escape, Shino Aburame arrives to fight Kankurō in Sasuke's stead, wanting to have the fight he had been denied during the finals. As Sasuke goes off to continue his pursuit of Gaara, Kankurō unveils his puppet, Karasu, and Shino readies his bugs for battle. Kankurō uses Karasu's new arsenal of weapons to try and poison Shino, though Shino's bugs allow him to make a number of otherwise impossible evasions. As Kankurō continues to direct Karasu, Shino is able to navigate his bugs in secret to Kankurō's location, which consume his chakra and prevent him from moving. With Kankurō no longer able to move, Shino collapses, Karasu's one successful strike finally taking effect.

As Kankurō and Shino's fight draws to a close, Sasuke again manages to catch up to Gaara. Kiba and Sakura also arrive.Temari decides to take them on. Gaara runs again. Sasuke goes after him.

After a while of chasing Gaara. Gaara stops.

"Finally stopped running. The time has finally come for us to battle." Sasuke

"Sorry but your opponent will be me." Said a deep voice

Suddenly vortex appeared and out of it a masked man appeared

Sasuke recognized the man. He was the one from the Wave mission who saved Zabuza.

"It is you again. Just who are you" Sasuke

"It is nice to see you again brother." Masked Man( Naruto)

"Brother what does he mean." Sasuke thought

"You are not my brother. The only brother I have is that bastard Itachi." Sasuke

"I assure you and I are brothers. Well we were in our past life.You shouldn't call Itachi a bastard afterall you are the one he loves the most. " Masked Man

(Naruto knows a lot of the leaf village dirty secrets including the truth about the Uchia Massacre)

"That sick bastard Itachi does not love me. Quit spouting nonsense." Sasuke says with anger

"Fine then let's fight." Masked Man

Sasuke activates his Sharingan and rushes at him. The two get into a taijutsu battle.The masked was beating Sasuke easily. Sasuke seeing this decided jump away

"With taijutsu like that you

won't be able to beat Itachi." Masked Man

"Shut up. Take this" Sasuke said as he made the handsigns for the Fireball Jutsu

When he finishes he shoots it the Masked man.

The masked man stopped the fireball by using the Amaterasu.

the black flames engulfed the Fireball.

"What is that" Sasuke asked he saw the black flames

"That is one of the techniques of the Mangekyo Sharingan called Amaterasu." Masked Man

"Mangekyo Sharingan." Sasuke thought

"Did you kill your best friend to awaken it." Sasuke

"No I gained it from training. " Masked man

"From training." Sasuke

"Sasuke let me show you another technique of the Mangekyo Sharingan before I leave." Masked Man as he summoned his Susanoo

"What is that" Sasuke

"This Susanoo is destruction itself." The masked man said as he swung the blade of the Susanoo.

The attack destroyed a huge part of the forest

This display of power frightened Sasuke.

"So this power of the Mangekyo Sharingan. Does Itachi have this power also. If he does I don't a chance against him" Sasuke thought

"Sasuke do you see now you don't stand a chance against Itachi." Masked Man

"Well anyway this is goodbye for now." The masked man said as he disappeared in a vortex.

"Well it looks you have will have difficult path Uchia " Gaara said before he disappeared

Damn it " Sasuke screams in frustration

Gaara goes to get Temari who defeated Kiba and Sakura and also Kankuro. And retreat

At the stadium

the Jōnin in the stadium confront the only two remaining invaders. With Kakashi's encouragement, Kabuto removes his Anbu disguise and whispers to Baki that they should retreat. They retreat. As the last of the invading Oto and Suna ninja flee the village, the elite of Konoha gather upon the resting spot of their Hokage's body.


During the Hokage's funeral a few days later, the ninja of Konoha vow to remember his sacrifice forever.

Kakashi was suspicious of Naruto and Hinata. They were nowhere to be found during the invasion.

To be continued