
Naruto: Other Mother

Kushina's baby and husband died from the kyuubi attack. So kushina made a seal to go back in time but something went wrong.

Isaias_Hill_1004 · Anime & Comics
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Alternate Timeline

Uzumaki compound:

"I'm finally finished." Looking at the seal with termination in my eyes. I pulled out a picture from my pocket. Looking at me and minato smiling in the photo made me feel sorrow. "I promise i will save you both." I said confidently.

Bending down to the seal i put my two hands on it. Pouring my chakra in the seal it started to glow. "Here i go." I said when i disappeared from this timeline.

In The Alternate Timeline:

"Mom i did it! I finally did tree walking!" A little girl with red hair said happily. " Yes you did. I am proud of you." A woman said with the exact same hair color and facial features. Then a man with blonde hair picked up the little girl and said. "Excellent job my little princess."

These people are known as kushina, minato and Mito the namikaze family. From here they look like a happy family. But they are forgetting one more member. Looking through a window was a miniature copy of minato. Looking down at the happy family with longing.

That boy was known as naruto uzumaki the twin of mito. "Why can't i train with them?" The boy said looking at them. Then he turn around and when to his room. Opening his room door he went inside. Looking at his empty room with only a bed and desk.

His eyes landed on the calendar on his wall. "Tomorrow is my birthday." The boy said with a smile that appeared on his face. Then he remembered what is mom and dad said. " I can finally train with them." He said with happiness in his voice.

Time Skip Morning:

Hopping out of bed i ran out of my room. When i was downstairs i didn't find anyone. So i ran back upstairs to see if they are still sleeping. But no one was in their rooms. Then my eyes went wide and i shouted. "did they forget my birthday again?!"

Going back down the stairs i went to the front door. But when i was about to open the door i hesitated. Memories of the hated stares of the villagers and beatings in the alleyways played in my mind. But i just took a deep breath and went out anyways.

Close To Midnight At The Festival:

Near the forest of death a blue glowing light appeared suddenly. When the light die down a woman was standing right there. "It worked!" She shouted out happily. Then she closed her eyes and tried to since minato's chakra. "Found it!" She shouted.

Then she headed to konoha. When she was in the town the woman started to Hop from building to building. Then she stopped on top of one of the buildings. When she look down the woman had confusion on her face.

Right there in the ramen stand was herself sitting right next to minato talking to a little girl. "What's going on? I was supposed to go back in time? Did something went wrong with the sealing?" She thought to herself.

But when she was about to think about it further a familiar chakra signature appeared. Turning where the familiar chakra was coming from she headed to that direction. Stopping on top of a building. She looked down into an alleyway.

Right there was a mob of people with weapons cursing and beating on someone. Looking a little bit closer my killing intent started to come out in waves. Because right there was my son. Jumping off the building behind the angry mob.

One of the villagers looked behind himself but his vision started to go sideways. When is head hit the ground the other people in the mob turn their heads to the sound. But when they did all of them started to shiver in fear.

One of them was about to speak but kushina through a kunai in his head. When he fell to the ground dead the others started to run. But kushina wasn't going to let them leave here alive.

When i was going in and out of consciousness i felt someone pick me up from the cold ground. Filling the persons warm embrace i open my eyelids a little. Right there was my mom with a heartbroken expression.

Looking up at her my tears started to fall down my cheeks. "Mom please don't leave me again." I said in a whisper. She pulled me in closer and said warmly. "Don't worry i will not leave you ever again. I will always be here for you."

When i was about to fall into consciousness i heard my mom said. "No one will never hurt you again." Then i blacked out.