
Naruto: One Step At A Time

Our MC, a 28 year old man, gets reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But he is not your typical MC as he in the neutral evil alignment, being absolutely rational in every decision he makes. Calm, calculated and a Machiavellian person. In this world where the strong rule and the weak get trampled on. Our MC will do anything in order to ensure his survival and his ambition of being at the top to gain eternal life. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---Tags--- -Evil Protagonist -No Romance -No Harem -No Morals -Benefit Oriented MC - Purely Rational ------------------------------------------------------------------- --Partner-- Discord - Raw Novel Community | Dark Novels Check out the Server I am a partner with: https://discord.gg/QFkJZyM5 This is the best server for Dark novels or fanfics like mine. You can just come there to ask me any questions or a general discussion. Since I am mostly active there. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord: Bored#6316 Alt Webnovel: IAmReallyBored ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like evil MC's be sure to give this a try and leave a review so I know what to improve. Also feel free for any constructive criticism. -------------------------------------------------------------------

IAmJustBored · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

New Beginning's

Konoha Village

There he was. A boy no older than six who was wearing a contemplating expression whilst staring at dim and orange sunset in a trance. Which was slowly but surely settling down to the west.

Sitting on his cream and rough-textured doorsteps., He didn't pay attention to anything around him. He was purely focused on this thing he was thinking about so much. As he also didn't notice the three light shoeprints on the bottom of his loosely, worn white robe.

He had above-average features which looked similar to a particular clan in the village. Which were his black pupil-less eyes and straight, shoulder-length black hair complimenting his white oval face and within it was his sharp eyebrows, a straight nose and upturned eyes, which had a strange glint in it for one so young.

Lazily leaning over to pick up an old-looking branch, which was just on the side of the garden and covered in a bit of mud. He just scraped it off with the side of his slender hand.

Budging up to the right corner off the doorstep to get closer to the mud, he started to draw a quick sketch, and his movements were not slow nor graceful but quick and impatient. At first, he just pulled the outline of two eyes, then clenched the stick tighter, drawing the iris and pupil in both.

Seeing this made it look finished, but he suddenly slowed down his movements and drew a circle in the middle of both iris' and one small tomoe in the bottom right of the right eye and upper left of the left eye.

Looking at his drawing plainly, his facial expressions didn't once change. Still, only for a moment, he whispered "2 years" under his breath, and picked up the stick once again and wrote two on top of the drawing. For a split second, his eyes changed with a malicious glint like his previous eye expression was an illusion.

As he was raising his arms and shoulder back, ready to throw the stick away,

"Big Brother!!" a childlike feminine voice yelled.

Rotating his head to the left, his eyes suddenly turned soft as quick as light when he saw a short young girl who had a cute, plump face with innocent, childlike eyes and dark blue hair with a slender frame, any person who would see this girl would want to protect and care for her.

Another hand was holding her. Looking rough and large, just like a middle-aged man in his 30s, next to her was a tall man who looked around 5'11 and had the same features as the boy, but the rivers of time caused his youth to fade away.

"Yokuma, dinn-"

"Big Brother!!"

The middle-aged man soon got cut off by the same childish voice that spoke before as she ran as fast as she could to hug her only sibling that would always care for her.

Yokum's face turned into pure tenderness for his little sister as he lifted her on her shoulder, then nodded at his dad whilst walking through the passageway and into the living room as his silhouette faded away. His dad then stepped inside and closed the door.

Closely looking at the picture in the mud, the eyes resembled a young female's childlike eyes and not his own.




" Tsk, Honestly Yuumi you are 3 and a half years old, why don't you act your age and not slurp so loud when drinking your water" exclaimed in annoyance. This voice sounded a lot more mature and soothing, like an older woman.

"It's okay Riko", Yokuma's father spoke in a soft but deep tone while scratching his head.

Riko turned her head around and glared at him hopelessly. "She does this every time Hiroto, and all you do is sit their like nothing happened," she uttered in disbelief.

"But I nev-"

"Yes you did."

While this quarrel was happening, Yoku just indifferently observed like he was looking at two ants and not the people who brought him into this world. Then he just looked towards his younger sister with eyes full of tenderness and love.

"Hehe", giggling cutely and shyly as her brother looked at her.


But then he looked towards his father, who had a severe look in his eyes aswell his mother.

"Yoku you are starting the academy in a year from now and we will both help you starting next week to become prepared for it", stating it with a stern face and eyes filled with anticipation, as the same look was written all over his mother's face too.

"Okay", he replied in a monotone voice as he brought up the chopsticks to his mouth and took a large bite. They both just stared dumbfoundedly at him.

'Didn't he always not want to be a shinobi!' thinking in unison,

Hiroto just folded his arms and curiously observed this son of his, "Didn't you always say you would never become a shinobi in your life even if we tortured you?" sarcastically, remarking.

Putting his chopsticks down, whilst wiping his mouth with the other, looking at the three of them with determination and stating ,confidently "I want to protect the ones I care about like you, mom and Yuumi". While his dad was looking at him with a smirk on his face and a light nod after he said this.

'He is finally learning probably after that incident, but still far away from the meaning of what a true shinobi is."

Steadily, with his two hand's Yokuma laid both of his chopsticks flatly on top of the plate whilst standing up on the right side of the chair and tucking it in neatly. Then he hurriedly walked over to the bin, tipping the plate over slightly in addition to putting it in the sink.

"You have to finish your food to before you go anywhere young lady", commented harshly, and the sound of the chair scraping eerily along the cold and hard floor suddenly stopped as she made that comment.



The sound of light footsteps could be heard along the wooden stairs from a slender figure with shoulder-length hair and an unusually calm expression worn across his face, this was obviously Yokuma.

Along the walls were paintings of war and important figures throughout the centuries which have passed in this world, these all matched the light blue wallpaper with a diamond-like design.

As he was walking up these stairs he saw one such painting which made his eyes interested in, it was a dark shadowy figure along with bright, light and purple coloured eyes with 9 blood, red tomoes across his neck and a katana behind his back.

It brought his face to a smirk as he walked closer to painting at the top of the stairs, which he then got his two hands and made a greedy expression doing the action of plucking the painting's eyes out.

'One day it will happen, but your turn will have to wait of course, there is someone else right now who has these eyes to', this plastered a creepy and malicious smile across his face. His eyes, looked like they could see through the actual person in the painting.

Then he just calmed down and sighed, 'Word's mean nothing without power' as he carried on strolling down the corridor and into the bathroom.

Meanwhile downstairs

The sound of ceramic could be heard brushing against something soft in a silent and tension-filled room,

"Don't you think we are taking it to fast" Riko voiced out in a somewhat worried tone as the pace she was washing the dishes increased significantly.

"We should not be worried abo-" he reckoned with a calm and peaceful expression.

"Oh, be quiet I know you are not as ignorant and naïve as Yuko, we are at war times, where children that are barely 5 start becoming trained killers", she responded in a tone full of disdain and spite.

"Sigh, I know but this village needs people now more than ever before, this is the first war where all five nations have participated in", saying hopelessly like there was no choice

"The village this and the village that, they don't care about us Uchiha clan"

"We talked about this remember" he exclaimed in a sharp tone that he hardly ever speaks in

"Yes I know but I am just worried as a mother, they just grow up so fast" sounding like she regretted saying that.

Hiroto stared at the back of his wife with reminiscent eyes 'Its a cruel world out there my son I hope you become someone strong for the village and this clan', if one looked in more detail you could see his right hand trembling slightly at the thought of Yokuma's future.

Meanwhile, Yokuma came out of the bathroom scrubbing his long hair in a back and forth motion with a towel whilst wearing a dark blue robe, he then just rested the towel around his neck and wandered towards his door, twisting the knob and stepping inside, closing the door behind him.

After hanging his towel behind his door, he proceeded to a small bookshelf in the corner of his room, his room had a bed and two drawers on each side whilst the window was on the left.

The bookshelf was on the corner of the right side of the room, as he finally made his way he put his hand on a book which was a bit bigger than usual, he opened it to a page which had the left upper corner folded, this was to mark where he last read up till

He then sat down on top of his brown and plain bed facing the window and looked down and finally read it. At the top of the page, it said Second Shinobi War.

'So nothing has changed, everything in the timeline is still the same, but it does hide a bit of detail, such as Hanzo defeating the three disciples of the Hokage and naming them the Sannin."

'Also the backlash of what the war did to villages in between the war."

'But the most important thing that has never been mentioned in any history book' as he thought of this, he looked towards the lit-up full moon.

Thinking of that person, he put his head in his hands and trembled out of pure fear, 'I need to be ready, NO!, more than ready, what if I never came here in the first place but it's to late to regret it now' thinking of this something in his memories came up.


I was on my way to becoming a successful person in my previous life if it wasn't for that to happen.

A male was looking to be in his 25s, wearing a three-piece black suit and a Rolex watch in his right hand, who was in his room mirror somewhat with a nostalgic look.

'The stuff I have done to get here, sigh, probably the best decisions I have made in my life and would do it even better if I had a second chance.

My life wasn't always like this. Even though I graduated with a bachelor's degree, my life consisted of risky moves to help me in the long term, so I made a lot of enemies on the way.

At the age of 16, I was already in the game, so I knew a couple of connections, but I was still a small fry back then, so I decided to order a hit on my mother and father and then pay them off with the inheritance I got.

But I haven't always been so lucky, as the money they had couldn't cover everything, as I gave 20,000 USD to the people who did it and kept the rest of the 15,000.

I still had my ways, so I sold the house for a couple hundred thousand and ended up moving to a new state, therefore, buying a completely new but cheaper home.

I was left with 70,000 in total after the college debts, and my parent's too. I also trashed my parent's car so that I could get the insurance from it.

As usual, I was carrying on my daily life and trying to make my way to the top by stepping on others as I was already aware of what I had to do from a young age.

Everyone was just a tool for me to use, including my own parent's. After everything they had done for me, I didn't feel any sense of gratitude or remorse because loving them didn't help me towards my goal.

This was my mindset early on in life, not because of some trauma or experience. I just had a sort of epiphany or enlightenment, if you would call it, and there were a lot more people like me out there that I had to be cautious of.

The two types of people I was cautious of were people who had nothing to lose and people like me.

People like me would do anything for benefits, power, or help to go somewhere further in life. It was either late in their life. They would realise this by some realisation or experience, or early like me.

'Finally, my first day as the COD."

As I was driving my Mercedes Benz to work, BOOM! my car went flying to the side without tipping over once.

My vision looked like water was in my eye, so I blinked a few while the airbag was on my chest. I then used my right hand stiffly to open the door and stood out of the car to stretch as I felt the stares of every civilian around me.

'This most likely wasn't on purpose, it's to much of a crowded place unles-' thinking of this, he felt the coldness of solid steel against the back of his head and the odour of a man.

"You motherfucker, you seduced my mom into getting my father's money", a voice that was about to crack at any moment from his fit of rage.

'The last time I done this was probably years ago.'

"Hey calm dow-" trying to slow down the pace of this conversation

But it didn't work

"Calm down!, after you conned my father into signing the contract and ran away with the money my father killed my mom and then killed himself!!" he vocalised loudly while the croaking of his throat could be heard while choking on his tears.

'FUCK, FUCK!!, this was in my sloppy days I should have killed him then and there, and this guy's got nothing to lose.'

"I'm sure you got the wrong gu-" these were the last words I said before everything went black.

In Konoha, at a park -2 months ago from the present

"Hehe, big brother, come here to push me down this slide", exclaimed a childlike and feminine voice."

"Huh, what's wrong big brother, hey hey", her tone was getting louder and louder every second

"I don't feel so good-" said a weak childlike voice

The black-haired kid then fell flat on the floor with nothing to support him, as he started shaking uncontrollably whilst foam was coming out of his side.

"Quick put him in a recovery position!!!"

"Get some help!"

There were many voices screaming for help as this pitful young boy was having a seizure on the floor.

In the hospital were two middle-aged and married couples with both eyes full of worriedness and fear. They both sat down next to the boy with both their hands together and praying.

'Uhh, what happened? Didn't I just die?


As a wave of memories crashed through him, like a built-up flood coming out of the gates.

"Big brother"


"Nurse nurse!"

'I see, so I am in the world of naruto at the time of the third shinobi war, devouring this little kid's soul did work, and at least I am alive.

"Hey hey, kid are you okay I ran a scan with my chakra and nothing seems to abnormal, he seems more healthy than ever it seems," a woman in white clothing and a white hat said in a reassuring voice.

The couple were overjoyed at their son's recovery.

"He just needs to rest for a little while here so you three can go home while we double check that he is okay."

As they were walking out of the room, 'Uchiha clan and third shinobi war', these are the major events happening right now, plus I am in the Uchiha clan, which have its pros and cons.

One of the cons is the Uchiha massacre in 17 years, but with enough power, I can puppeteer some events to get the most benefits.

"The most important thing for me right now is to gain power and authority to help achieve my bigger goal of immortality because what is power without living forever."

Flashback End

Laying with his back under the sheets whilst looking straight up at the ceiling with an eery expression and small smirk, 'The village, this clan and this family are all just tools for me to freely use and use to my advantage.'


Any mistakes I have made, please correct me in the comments and let me know what you think. -Thank you



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