

It was three years after Sasuke left the Hidden Leaf Village and a year after he passed the Special Promotional Written Test and promoted to Chunin. Naruto decided to postponed his return to the Hidden Leaf Village temporarily and continued his secretive regular missions for at least one month or two. Then, Naruto infiltrated the North Gates which is within the territory of the Hidden Sound Village.

" Orochimaru has been keeping some captive ninjas as prisoners mostly Genins, Chunins and even ANBU members from the Leaf Village." Naruto said. " Too bad Sasuke killed Orochimaru. Serves him right for killing the Third Hokage."

Naruto opened the first cell door and saw a 15-year old girl who is a kunoichi from the Hidden Leaf who has been prisoned here for two years. She is red-haired and Naruto familiared with her chakra and already knew that she is an Uzumaki based on her powerful chakra that Naruto sensed it. Her name is Furika Uzumaki (15), who is a Chunin.

" Are you an Uzumaki?" Naruto asked as she freed Furika from the chains.

" My name is Furika Uzumaki. I've been imprisoned here for two years." Furika said. " I'm a Chunin just like you."

" I was on my mission to rescue some missing ninjas who were becoming the test subjects of Orochimaru." Naruto said.

" Thanks for saving me." Furika said. " There's no time to stand here, I think there are other captive ninjas of the Hidden Leaf. Many of the prisoners here are already massacred by Orochimaru and his men. We just have to find if there are any survivors."

" I can sensed that there is only three." Naruto said.

Later, Naruto and Furika were checking the second cell and opened the door and noticed a black-haired kunoichi.

" Who are you?!" The 14-year old black-haired kunoichi said as she activated a tomoe sharingan.

" Tomoe sharingan?" Naruto asked.

" I can tell she is from the Uchiha Clan." Furika said.

" All I know is that Itachi slaughtered his entire clan for power which Sasuke became the last member of the Uchiha Clan." Naruto said.

" Now Itachi's younger brother is no longer be the last of the Uchiha Clan." Furika said. " Should we help her?"

" We need an Uchiha in the Leaf." Naruto said. " I want to know her name."

" My name is Houka Uchiha." The black-haired kunoichi said. " I'm a Genin of the Hidden Leaf Village. Orochimaru imprisoned me here for two year waiting for his right time to experimenting me and turned me into his experimental subjects."

" Sasuke Uchiha already killed Orochimaru." Naruto said. " There are two more prisoners needed to be freed anytime soon before this dungeon begins to collapse within two hours and thirty minutes."

" You're helping an Uchiha? Well, I guess I tagged along with you and maybe once ths other two were rescued." Houka said. " Can you formed a Genin Team?"

" Obviously yes since I'm now a Chunin." Naruto said. " Furika will be the assistant team leader."

Furika deadpanned.

" Why me as the assistant team leader?" Furika asked.

" Because we can guide some Genins for a mission." Naruto said.

Meanwhile, back in the Hidden Leaf Village. Jiraiya is being chased by an angry Tsunade and angry Sakura.

" WHAT DO YOU MEAN NARUTO POSTPONED HIS RETURN TO THE HIDDEN LEAF VILLAGE?!!!" Tsunade and Sakura were shouted angrily at Jiraiya.

" Let me explain...." Jiraiya sais then was cut off by Sakura and Tsunade's big punches many time.

" Troublesome Jiraiya-sensei." Shikamaru said. " What a drag."

" Shikamaru. Have you worried about Naruto?" Ino said. " What if there is something happened to him?"

" We need to take action." Choji said.

" Lady Tsunade. If we requested for we escorting Naruto back to the Leaf in order to prevent chaos." Shikamaru said.

Tsunade and Sakura were stopped and thrown bruised Jiraiya in the sky.

" That would be great idea." Tsunade said.

" I suspected he might go on his secretive regular mission without telling us." Shikamaru said.

" What do you think Lady Tsunade?" Sakura asked.

" Then, I shall formed Team Leaf Squad by combining all the current Chunins, Sakura, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Kiba, Hinata, Shino, Neji, Tenten and Lee." Tsunade said. " Asuma, Kakashi, Guy and Kurenai will be guiding you for escorting Naruto back to the Hidden Leaf."