

As I regained consciousness, a sharp pain invaded my senses. I ached all over. I couldn't move a muscle. My whole body was screaming. It was really painful.

"What happened," I thought?

My last memory was of the landlord screaming as the building I was living in collapsed. I remember that. There had been an earthquake and I hadn't managed to evacuate in time.

"Am I buried under rubble?", "no, my body is sore but I don't feel any weight on me."

Then maybe I'm in the emergency room. My eyelids are heavy I can't open my eyes.

I feel numb.

*A few hours later

I open my eyes again, but this time I don't feel so confused. I knew where I stood at the edge of the forest of death. I was no longer who I used to be.

I was no longer the factory worker doing back-breaking work for next to nothing.

I was no longer in this life of misery and I was happy to be free of it, but I don't know if I could really be happy.

I slowly opened my eyes, recalling the sequence of memories I had received during my time of unconsciousness.

My vision was tinged with red. I knew it was due to the blood that had flowed into my eyes .... My blood.

From the memory sequence, I knew my name.

Narumi, one of the last living members of the Uzumaki clan and Naruto's younger sister, although he was actually my twin.

I received all the memories of the former bearer of this identity, and not just the memories of which she was aware, but all the memories of what she had seen, felt or heard since her birth. This gave me a clear understanding of who I was now and what my new life would be like.

I was Naruto's sister, but unlike in most fan fiction I wasn't Jinchūriki

like my brother. Narumi was born with a much weaker constitution than the normal baby.

It would seem that my father in this feared that this burden would finish me off. This body could not withstand the sealing of even a part of Kyubi within me.

But that didn't save me from being ostracized by the villager. I'd had exactly the same treatment as Naruto, but I didn't have the same tenacity, I didn't have one less locked-up demon that would make me heal faster, that would enable me to stand up to such treatment. As a result, my body was covered in scars from the ill-treatment I'd endured.

I didn't have Naruto's level of protection from the Anbuses and I wasn't watched as much as he was. Understandably, I wasn't a walking nuclear weapon. I was clearly neglected. This allowed the village children to intimidate me more than my older brother, who couldn't really protect me.

That's how I ended up in such a state. One of the children had to throw a stone at me while I was standing near these forests. It knocked me out instantly. Then he ran off, maybe thinking he'd killed me?

It doesn't matter, because the forest of death is inhabited by creatures that even a child can't defend herself against, and even a fit adult is in danger.

I had to get away from here. But my aching body wouldn't let me move.

Nor could I call for help.

I was in despair, lying there on my own.

All I could do now was pray that Naruto would notice my disappearance or that a ninja would find me before a beast did.

Hopefully, this ninja wouldn't be the one to finish me off.