
Awakening and first meeting with Naruto

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a dilapidated ceiling. I wanted to sit up, but a pain in the back of my neck dissuaded me.

With a sigh of resignation, I turned my head and looked around.

I recognized the room: it was Narumi's bedroom, now mine. The room was tidy, contrary to the anime image of Naruto's apartment.

"Someone must have brought me back," I thought.

At that moment, I realized that most of my wounds had healed. Only a few phantom pains remained, which made me sigh with relief.

Taking advantage of this moment of respite, I quickly sorted through my memories and came to a simple understanding of the person Narumi was.

She was a sickly, shy, timid but intelligent person. She had almost guessed the reason for the villagers' aversion. She had noticed her older brother's physical differences and abnormal abilities.

She possessed a sharp mind for an 8-year-old, despite being physically impaired.

Since the start of Ninja school, she'd often been among the front runners in theory, but practice was a problem.

This physical weakness was one of the reasons why she was targeted for bullying - without her brother, she was an easy target. This led to her becoming withdrawn and rarely leaving the house. It's also what enabled her to develop household skills.

Yesterday was October 10, Naruto's birthday and Narumi's birthday.

Naruto had invited her to meet a certain Old Man who used to visit him when he sinned. The third Hokage, no doubt. She'd refused, but as night fell and her brother still hadn't returned, she went out to look for him, but lost her way, which led to the event that allowed me to reclaim her identity.

After sorting through my memories. I sat on the edge of the bed.

My throat was dry.

Just then the door to the room opened and a small boy with yellow hair entered the room.

"Narumi, you're up!" he shouted excitedly.

He really looked worried. Giving him a small smile, I replied, "Hello nii-chan".

I felt really embarrassed when I said "nii-chan", but it had just come out, it must have been the way Narumi addressed her brother.

Naruto froze in the doorway with a surprised look on his face, then grinned broadly at me, "Nii-chan huh, it's been a while since you called me that."

His words made me feel a little guilty.

I also knew it had been a long time since Narumi had addressed Naruto as such.

She usually stayed locked in her room if they weren't at the academy.

"Narumi, what are you thinking about?" asked Naruto.

Coming to, I saw his face close to mine. Surprised, I jumped back but my back hit the wall behind me, causing a violent coughing fit.

Wait-I'll get you a glass of water" he said, leaving the room.

As my coughing subsided, I began to reflect on the leap I'd just made. It was stronger than anything the previous Narumi could have done without using Chakra and I had a small idea of what might have caused it.

"status", I murmured.


Name: Narumi Uzumaki

Sex: Female

Title: Demon Child, Sister (By Naruto Uzumaki)

Inheritance: Phos(tensura)__3%

Trait: emotional inhibition

Intrinsic Skills: Vulpine physiology

Skill: Basic cooking, Pain resistance, Basic trap composition, Shuriken throwing(basic), Kunai fighting(basic), Kunai throwing(basic), Close combat, Self-regeneration, ...

Vulpine physiology is undoubtedly the reason for my improved physique. Acquiring it must have solved the problem of this body's physical weakness. But to really benefit from it, formal training is essential.

Phos is a character appearing in a special series of the anime tensura. she's a half-human, more precisely a fox-man. how ironic. She belonged to Eurazania, the kingdom of beasts ruled by the demon signer Carions.

Although she's not one of the strongest there, her model assures me of at least elite Jonin power and Kage-level chakra. This, combined with my now-restored Uzumaki heritage, brings me very close to basic Kage level once I've obtained all her heritage.

As for the emotional inhibition trait, it must be the reason why I'm so calm despite the unusual situation I find myself in. But that could be a problem later, after all, emotional inhibition is a cause of minor mental disorders.

Naruto entered the room, then handed me a glass of water.

After drinking, I asked him, a little embarrassed.

"Naruto-nii when do we start the academy again?"

"Well, we've still got three months to go before we start again because of the renovations".

"Naruto-nii, tell me how old you are"

"Narumi, yesterday was our birthday, we're now 12, you've forgotten that. "

"Do you know what happened to me yesterday"

"Don't you remember?"

"No I forgot all about it"

"Well the ninja who brought you back told me you were injured in a fall you should be more careful"

"Where were you last night?"

"I was with jiji, remember you refused to come with me?", then putting her hand on my forehead, "Are you sure you're okay, you're awfully chatty today".

I removed her hand from my forehead and replied, "No, I'm fine, can you leave me alone for a bit?"

"Okay, but call me if you need anything, I'll be hanging out with Shikamaru and Choji;

"Understood Naruto-nii" I replied.

After he left the room I opened the window and looked out at the village under the rising sun.

I've got a whole new world to enjoy, but first I've got to get stronger.

I've got three months before school starts again, three months to get up to speed and just over two years before the main plot begins and the legendary Team 7 is assembled.