
Naruto: My Unique System

Sakamoto Tatsuma found himself transmigrated as a war orphan in the world of Naruto, where he quickly realized his seemingly limited potential to become a ninja. Just as hope began to wane, an unexpected invitation arrived, inviting him to join the ninja academy, accompanied by a surprising sound. [Ding! The system has awakened!] Upon careful experimentation, he discovered that his system bestowed him with attributes through challenging and defeating others, be it in training, consuming food, or engaging in games. Victory allowed him to continually enhance his potential and even extract unique talents from those around him! Space-time talent! Ninja Tool Throwing talent! Sensory Talent! Gradually, the once seemingly untalented boy, destined for a bleak future, started unveiling boundless potential! ---- You can get advanced chapters on my Patreon patreon.com/HellGolt

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173 Chs

Chapter 163: Wisdom Talent

"Wisdom: 3847/17993 [Additional Amplification (to be activated)]

Additional amplification options:

[Strategist]: Upon activation, it enhances the breadth of thinking, gradually increasing with the progress of this talent, capable of multitasking and drawing parallels, with additional benefits for Chakra refining.

[Strong Memory]: Upon activation, it enhances memory capacity, gradually increasing with the progress of this talent, capable of photographic memory and mastery of complex situations, with additional benefits for Chakra refining."

Compared to the extra amplification in the physical direction, the effect of the Widsom value is not astonishing. However, the fact that both have a promoting effect on Chakra refining is what piqued Tatsuma's interest.

Chakra refining can be understood as the increase in Chakra quantity or the acceleration of Chakra refining speed. The former is easy to understand since Chakra is a special energy composed of physical and spiritual (mental) energies mixed together.

Pure physical strength alone cannot refine enough Chakra. Only when spiritual energy matches it can one maximize the refinement of their Chakra. Therefore, improving the talent of Wisdom that's related to the spiritual(mental) aspect can increase Chakra quantity, which is easy to understand.

As for the latter, it is more about the level of skill in Chakra refining techniques. For example, when Tatsuma entered school, he needed to concentrate diligently to find the feeling of refining Chakra.

But now, he can refine and call upon Chakra continuously with just a clap of his hands, multiplying the speed of Chakra refining several times over.

Of course, it doesn't matter if he doesn't know the specific bonuses, as both amplification directions have the same Chakra refining bonus. Choosing either direction will grant this bonus.

As for the amplification directions themselves, one is the multitasking that Tatsuma has been longing for, while the other is memory enhancement. Honestly, Tatsuma isn't particularly concerned about the latter.

After all, his memory is really good. Although it hasn't reached the level of photographic memory, it's still top-notch. Moreover, simply enhancing memory alone cannot reach the level of copying others' Ninjutsu or Taijutsu like the Uchiha, as that is the bonus of Kekkei Genkai.

So Tatsuma doesn't particularly value "Strong Memory". Although he has an entire study's worth of books to digest, he believes his memory is already sufficient, and he can just spend a little more time if needed.

Therefore, after a very brief consideration, Tatsuma chose "Strategist" as the additional amplification direction. As he activated the amplification, Tatsuma suddenly felt it.

It wasn't a clarity of mind, but rather a chilling sensation in his limbs, with sweat continuously pouring out of his body, as if he were lacking oxygen and glucose. Almost all the energy stored in his bloodstream, oxygen, and even within his cells rushed towards his brain.

He had almost no energy left to control his body, and he watched helplessly as he got closer and closer to the ground. Meanwhile, in his mind, he saw the speed at which he was falling, and he calculated how long it would take for him to drown in the small puddle where he would land.

Even in his mind, he began to calculate the rainfall during the current rainy season in the Land of Rain, how long it would take for the ground to become saturated with water, considering the evaporation rate and infiltration speed, and whether the small puddle would enlarge or shrink in the coming days.



Following behind Sakumo Hatake and the others, Tatsuma, heading towards the camp, suddenly collapsed on the ground.

"Tatsuma! Tatsuma!"

Sakumo Hatake, the first to react, quickly turned back to lift Tatsuma, preventing him from drowning in the shallow puddle, while Tsunade hurriedly approached Tatsuma, full of concern.

Tsunade quickly examined Tatsuma's condition, Orochimaru furrowed his brows and asked, "Could it be poison?"

Upon hearing this, Jiraiya, somewhat flustered, took out a scroll, saying, "I have antidotes for all Sand Ninjas poisons here. Tsunade, take a look and see what poison it is!"

Tsunade, having completed the initial examination, shook her head, somewhat puzzled, and said, "No, he just collapsed from exhaustion. But why... he wasn't even involved in the fight?"

After a moment's thought, Orochimaru said, "Don't forget, Tatsuma-kun spent three days and three nights with you dealing with poisons. While you were resting, he was working. He's just a ten-year-old child after all."

"In addition to today's battlefield traps, Tatsuma-kun set them up too, right? With all this going back and forth, none of you have rested. Mental exertion sometimes consumes more energy than physical activity."

This was the only fitting explanation Orochimaru could think of. What Tatsuma has been doing these past few days is too intense for a child. Even though Tatsuma's body is stronger than others his age, it's understandable that he couldn't endure it.

He might not have shown it before, perhaps due to the tense battle situation, keeping his brain and body in an excited state. Now that he's had a chance to rest, collapsing from exhaustion is understandable.

"How could..."

A rare expression of guilt appeared on Tsunade's face. But upon reflection on these past few days, she realized that Tatsuma seemed to have given more than her.

She rested after preparing the poisons, while Tatsuma needed to test and research them, provide antidote formulas, and then prepare the materials for the next batch of poisons.

Three days and nights, over ten iterations of different poisons, Tsunade finally succeeded in creating a poison confident enough to render Chiyo unable to detoxify it quickly.

Compared to Tatsuma, she, as his sensei, seemed like a heartless boss. But Tatsuma clearly didn't have to do this, especially since it's her, his sensei, who wants revenge.


Hearing Tsunade's self-questioning and guilty muttering, Sakumo Hatake sighed, wiped the mud off Tatsuma's face, and said, "Why else? You're his sensei. Maybe he would think, if even he doesn't support you, then who else can? And you, you precisely need his support, don't you? Tsunade, you're truly lucky to have such a disciple."


Tsunade didn't know what to say, lowering her head like a child who had made a mistake. Sakumo Hatake shook his head, lifted Tatsuma onto his shoulders, and said, "Alright, let's go back and rest."


With Jiraiya's support, Tsunade also stood up. However, none of them felt the excitement and exhilaration they had just moments ago, as if they hadn't just accomplished the feat of driving the Sand Ninjas out of the Land of Rain.

Upon returning to the camp and seeing Tatsuma being carried by Sakumo Hatake, Minato, Nawaki, and the others grew nervous. Even Shikaku, who usually avoided contact with others, took the initiative to approach with Choza and Inoichi.

Especially seeing Tsunade's guilty expression, Minato became extremely tense. He approached Sakumo Hatake, looking at Tatsuma, who was unconscious but safe, wanting to ask something but hesitating.

At this moment, Sakumo Hatake smiled, one hand supporting Tatsuma on his shoulder to prevent him from falling, and the other ruffling Minato's hair. He said, "Tsunade and Tatsuma's mission was a success! The Sand Ninjas have been driven back to the Land of Wind! Once Tatsuma wakes up, we can return to the village!"

Upon hearing this, Minato breathed a sigh of relief. Before he could ask anything, Sakumo Hatake continued, "He's just exhausted, he'll be fine after some rest."

With that, he placed Tatsuma on the stretcher brought over by Nono and another female ninja, waved his hand, and said, "Everyone, go back and prepare your things, so we don't forget anything during the retreat."

"Understood, Sakumo-sama!"

As Tatsuma lay down, the rise and fall of his chest became more noticeable, and there were traces of saliva on his face. The people around also breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Sakumo Hatake wasn't comforting them with lies.

"Tsunade-sama, are you injured?"

Nono, who carried Tatsuma to the medical camp for rest, looked at Tsunade, who seemed somewhat unnatural in her movements, and asked with concern. Tsunade shook her head, washed her hands clean, and began searching for medication, saying, "I'm fine. Help me hang an IV drip for Tatsuma."

"Yes, Tsunade-sama."

Nono nodded and found the necessary equipment, such as a venous needle, infusion tube, and filter. Before hanging the IV drip, she cleaned Tatsuma's hand and roughly checked if there were any other wounds on his body.

Once she confirmed that he was only unconscious without any external or internal injuries, Nono hung the glucose and saline solution for Tatsuma.

She finished and turned around, only to find Tsunade hadn't left. She was about to ask if Tsunade needed help with treating the injuries, but Tsunade waved her hand and said, "You go tidy up too. I'll stay with Tatsuma."


Nono nodded and turned to leave. Tsunade, however, was still worried and conducted a more detailed examination of Tatsuma. Despite the significant impact on his body, she insisted on doing a blood test for Tatsuma.

The results relieved her, but also deepened her guilt. Even though glucose was being administered, Tatsuma's blood sugar was dangerously low, reaching critical levels. Any lower, and it could pose a threat to his life.

"Tsunade-sensei, let me take care of Tatsuma. You should rest."

Minato, seeing Tsunade frowning over the report, attracted her attention and patted his backpack, saying, "I'm ready. I've also packed Tatsuma's things. I'll take care of him."

"Then I'll rely on you."

Tsunade thought for a moment and didn't refuse. She knew the close relationship between Tatsuma and Minato. If she didn't let Minato accompany Tatsuma, he might worry even more. Besides, she also needed to rest.

Her injuries hadn't been resolved yet, and delaying could be detrimental to her health. Even though her medical skills were extremely high, she couldn't avoid some complications caused by missing the optimal treatment time.

After spending some time accompanying Tatsuma, Minato decided to do something. He fetched some hot water from the logistics camp and began to wipe Tatsuma's body.

After several hours of intravenous therapy, Tatsuma's condition started to improve. At least he could wake up. He opened his eyes and saw a blond man giving him a sponge bath, quite skillfully. He coughed and then said, groggily,

"Minato, please stop rubbing."


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