
Naruto: My Relationship Book

An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world. Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories. Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn. A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]! ━━━━ discord.gg/ABpMcMAzGC My Patreon: patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 7: Difficult Decisions

On Monday, I woke up once again to a strange sound, and upon checking my page, I noticed that the 2 coins that had been left were debited.

Looking at my page in the book, I was glad that I had decided to spend all my points yesterday.

On Saturday and Sunday, I trained hard, and yet, I managed to earn 14 coins in those two days.

That totaled 20 coins, of which I spent 18 to buy a silver hammer, intentionally leaving 2 coins remaining.

Upon seeing that these two coins had disappeared, I was pleased to have tested and spent the 18 coins last night.

'So, I should assume that every Monday my weekly coins are reset.'

It was good to find this out as soon as possible. It would be ridiculous to lose more than two coins. Although I have no immediate use for the silver hammer I bought, at least I know that when I need it, I'll have one available, even though its expiration date is in 30 days and there are still 29 days and a few hours left. This motivates me even more to reach the maximum of one of my attributes before it expires.

Another thing I did was increase the hidden weights I use from 40 kilos to 60 kilos and train my physical strength and endurance since Friday, mainly on Saturday and Sunday, which resulted in considerable progress.


Strength: 37/100 -> 42/100

Agility: 53/99 -> 56/99

Speed: 54/98 -> 56/98

Endurance: 38/79 -> 43/79


As for the other attributes, I barely managed to increase one, as it was not my main focus at the moment. I realized that it was no use to push too hard to increase a single attribute, so I managed to raise a considerable amount of my strength, agility, and speed attributes. My main goal would be to reach my maximum potential for endurance and break the limit before the silver hammer expires.

By the way, other missions appeared, but now I saw that there is a limit of 1 weekly mission I can do. I must choose well, as this could end up triggering a new purchase option, as it happened when completing Hinata's mission. Before, I didn't take a close look, I just went to do the mission. This time, when I looked, I saw that it said weekly missions and next to it was (1/0).

In other words, at the moment I completed any mission that appeared, whether it was Kiba's or Chouji's, the reward would be different, not to mention that other missions might appear throughout the week. I was afraid that these missions would disappear and be the ones that would give me the best rewards. There was a deadline of 1 day and 12 hours in Chouji's mission and 1 day and 23 hours in Kiba's.

Kiba's mission was to help him with the transformation technique in coordination with Akamaru, which I believed would be more complicated. Chouji's, on the other hand, was simpler: he wanted to eat a barbecue.

Kiba's should be something like him using Akamaru transformed into his appearance and attacking in coordination, similar to what I saw in the anime when he fought Naruto.

As for Chouji's, if I invited him to eat barbecue at my house, it could be different from inviting him to eat at a barbecue restaurant where they were proficient at what they did.

Barbecue was something anyone could make, but it's not something everyone could make taste good. Even if it was at an acceptable level, I knew my parents weren't good at it. My father could make it, but it didn't compare to a professional's.

Between the two missions, it was clear which one would be easier to complete. Money wasn't a problem, but because it was so easy to complete, it led me to consider that the reward would also be low. Like Hinata's mission, the reward would be determined depending on my involvement.

'For now, I'll go to school. If another mission doesn't appear by tomorrow, I'll make a decision.' With that thought in mind, I left my room. After a trip to the bathroom, I went to the living room.

"Good morning, Big Brother~!"

Seeing Kumo smiling at me so cutely while waving, I returned the smile: "Good morning, little one. Are you feeling well today?"

"Yes, I've never felt better~" She smiled, showing her white teeth: "Every day seems more colorful, I feel stronger every day, look~!"

She tries to show her muscle with a smug smile.

Seeing this, I let out a laugh, and I wasn't the only one, my mother was also discreetly laughing in the kitchen shared with the living room.

"Oh, that's amazing, let your brother see up close." I went to her and lightly squeezed her muscle and pretended to be amazed: "Wow, it's grown so much!"

Looking happy with my reaction, she climbed onto the chair and put both hands on her waist and let out a happy little laugh: "Hehe~"

Although my mother seemed happy, she still scolded: "Kumo, it's not polite to climb on chairs!"

"Yes...!" When she tried to sit back down, she almost fell.


My mother shouted in alarm, but I reacted quickly and caught her before she fell, and put her back in the chair.

Her cute little face was as white as a sheet, it was obvious that she thought she was going to fall.

"Be careful, little one." I said with a more serious tone, but showing my concern.

"I will..." She reflexively replied. But then she laughed: "Hahaha, Big Brother is so powerful, he caught me before I even hit the ground, it was so fast!"

Her face, which had been pale before, returned to a rosier color as she clapped.

'So bipolar...' I thought as I shook my head at her reaction.

I could see from my peripheral vision my mother putting her hand on her chest and sighing in relief.

Well, I could understand. Although Yakumo is improving every day, it hasn't even been a week since she started improving.

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