
Naruto: My Relationship Book

An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world. Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories. Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn. A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]! ━━━━ discord.gg/ABpMcMAzGC My Patreon: patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 28: Impressing Everyone

[Hokage's Office]

"Damn? What is this?" Jonin cursed in astonishment. "This looks like the shadow clone, but clearly it's at a more advanced level!"

"Wind clone, perhaps?" Another Jonin commented analytically. "Look, when the clone dispersed, instead of dispersing like shadow clones or water clones, it was more like a bomb that attacks with wind blades in all directions around."

"How did he learn such an advanced technique?" Asuma was amazed beyond belief. "Are you telling me... a 12-year-old boy created something like this?"

"..." It seemed that the others Jonin didn't even want to imagine such a scenario.

But if it wasn't him who created it, then who? His father?

Soon they dismissed that thought, although his father is the leader of the Kurama Clan as well as a Jonin, many of them knew that he did not possess the Wind Style.

"Was it really Aizen who created this jutsu?" Hiruzen murmured, equally surprised, but he could control his emotions better.

"Is that all?" Kurenai said. "Didn't you notice how impressive the girl from the Hyuga Clan is? Look at this, even facing a little monster like Aizen Kurama, she hasn't lost yet, isn't that impressive? Also, her use of the bow and arrow, using the 'Swallow Flight' technique, isn't it surprising?"

"Kurenai is right." A female Jonin agreed. "It is indeed impressive. Her way of fighting can easily be compared to a Chunin."

"Chunin, huh..." Kurenai felt like laughing.

With her Byakugan and the precision of chakra-infused arrows, clearly even a Jonin could face difficulties in dealing with her.

"But that's exactly why the boy Aizen is impressive. Look, he even has a gentle expression while fighting Hinata, it's as if everything is under control, giving me a very strong feeling that this is not all he can do." Another said. "It even makes me believe that he is just giving Hinata a chance to grow by fighting him. Yes, something like a student and teacher."

"I feel the same way, which I must admit scares me a little." Jonin said.

"He's only twelve years old and I'm not absolutely confident that I can restrain him..." Kurenai sighed.

Even geniuses like Kakashi, who became a Jonin at the age of 13, cannot necessarily be compared to him. Kakashi grew up in the midst of the Third Ninja War, with many losses etc, which basically forced him to grow up.

On the other hand, Aizen was growing up in a much quieter environment. Without even going to war or even starting missions.

"I had no idea someone like him appeared while I was away..." Asuma muttered.

Hiruzen looked at him, then turned his gaze to the crystal ball. The development of the fight began to take another turn.



Hinata's spirited cry echoes. I noticed her inhaling a large amount of air before holding her breath, then she began to pull arrows from the quiver and shoot at a speed out of the ordinary.

The arrows were fast, even without her infusing her chakra into the arrows, the force she used to pull made the arrows shoot much faster and with a greater destructive power than a kunai or shuriken.

Each clone or even me, were in the sights of an arrow, but that wasn't all, I noticed in the instant that I and my clones went to dodge the arrows that came right after, my dodge seemed to have been precisely calculated.

'It's interesting how she's growing in the middle of our duel.' I felt a little proud of her. Even in a tight spot, I didn't panic.

Actually, I was having fun.

Using my Speed Style, my speed increased in a way that I left afterimages behind like a ghost at first, then I was already out of the area almost as if I had used Instantaneous Movement.

My clones burst like balloons that were pricked by a needle, of course I could have used the same approach or even use the innate talent of my clones and continue 'alive', in part, I didn't want to reveal all the secrets of my clones, on the other hand, I wanted to boost Hinata's confidence.

Although it hurt a bit to receive both the memories of the clones and the experience of being shot, the most important thing was the return of the chakra that was used to create the clones that returned.

This time, I didn't create any more clones and, seeing the arrows coming at a staggering speed towards me, I continued to use my speed to my advantage to keep dodging while listening to the sounds of the arrows passing very close to me.

When she ran out of arrows, I saw her take out a scroll, then break the seal and, then, before I could even get close, she stomped her right foot on the ground, then a quiver full of arrows went up in the air and, she grabbed three arrows even before the quiver fell back down, then pulled all three arrows at once and shot them in my direction and, grabbed the quiver in the air, threw away the empty one she had, then replaced.


On the ground, I noticed that there were two more quivers full of arrows and then I saw her kick these two quivers towards a nearby tree, then they hung on a branch and then, she jumped while taking out an arrow and shot it my direction while infusing a bit of her chakra.


The exclamations changed, this time, it was like an audience watching an artistic show and seeing something that impressed them.

Obviously, they weren't the only ones, I was also amazed by her performance and ingenuity.

Now, she was on top of a tree, using the advantage of gravity to her advantage, she began to shoot arrows that came from above at a much higher speed.

When she did that, I could see that even she seemed surprised. Perhaps, it was the first time she tried to use the bow and arrow from the top of a tree.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ..."

The arrows shot were embedded in the ground as I felt like a moving target, in a way, the duel process was already being controlled by Hinata's performance.

'Well done, it's time to take this to the next level.' I thought with a smile.

Soon, several lightning spheres hovered in the air around me and, under my command, they shot towards Hinata on top of the tree.

"I can do it!" Hinata exclaimed as if she wanted to convince herself.

In the next instant, she inhaled a lot of air and then held her breath again, then she started pulling and shooting several arrows, at times even shooting 2-3 arrows at the same time.

Like the sound of a bulb bursting due to energy overload, the arrows that collided with my lightning spheres neutralized my attacks.

However, because of that, I was already only a few meters away from the tree where Hinata was and with my left hand making a horizontal cutting sign, a wind blade is formed and shot towards the trunk of the tree she was on.


Please, don't forget to drop at least 1 Power Stone, it motivates me a lot!

Chapter 36 is already released on Pa treon!

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