
Naruto: My Relationship Book

An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world. Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories. Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn. A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]! ━━━━ discord.gg/ABpMcMAzGC My Patreon: patreon.com/WizardKiki

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Chapter 26: Hinata Challenges Aizen To A Duel

"I would like to challenge Aizen Kurama to a duel!"

Although the Hokage's Telescope Technique cannot capture sounds, he could lip-read and, through the crystal ball, he saw something that made him stop what he was about to say.

Hinata Hyuga, a girl who has been gaining prominence, challenged Aizen.

What surprised him was not her challenging someone to a duel, but rather, that someone being Aizen. Like an old fox, he could see that she had feelings for him, so Hiruzen was taken by surprise by her challenge.

When the Jonin, who expected the Hokage to continue speaking, saw him engrossed in the crystal ball, they also looked and then saw the little girl from the Hyuga Clan who was about to have a duel against the boy from the Kurama Clan.

"A duel between two heirs of prominent clans in the village..." One of them murmured.

"Aizen Kurama..." Kurenai Yuhi murmured softly: "Your talent with genjutsu is at a level that makes me envious."

Some Jonin looked at her, but they understood.

Even Asuma, who wanted to comfort her, the words simply did not come.

Almost real illusion, something difficult to create and... There are even rumors that Aizen Kurama is capable of creating Advanced Mental Illusions capable of affecting all senses of someone, creating real illusions. However, there seems to be a necessary process to be completed in order to successfully execute what, for ninjas, often the fight can be determined in moments, becoming a great disadvantage.

"It is said that Aizen's younger sister from the Kurama Clan only needs a brush to create real illusions..." One of the Jonin commented.

So far, it seemed to be just rumors. It was too ridiculous to believe that a ten-year-old girl could create real illusions, even belonging to the Kurama Clan, which was once one of the most powerful clans in Konoha, standing out in their Genjutsu.

"Will we witness once again the rise of the Kurama Clan by the hands of this pair of siblings?" Another murmured.

"It is possible," Kurenai murmured: "If it's the two of them, we might even see the Kurama Clan reaching heights it has never reached before."

She, more than anyone, knew how frightening the talent of this pair of siblings was. If left to grow, being able to control their powers and create real illusions with mastery, sooner or later, she believed that their names would be engraved in ninja history!

Asuma and the others looked at Kurenai with some surprise, but they neither disagreed nor agreed, just remained silent.

In particular, even Hiruzen felt the same, especially regarding Aizen Kurama, who has the ability to enhance other ninjas by providing precise tips that help them improve in what they stand out.

He, more than anyone, knew that the reason why Iruka's class was called the Golden Generation was mainly thanks to Aizen, and not because of Iruka, as many believed he was a good teacher.

Of course, the reason why they mainly think of Aizen's feats as somewhat nebulous is because of him...

"It's about to begin," One of the Jonin warned, and soon everyone was engrossed in the images in the crystal ball.


When Aizen accepted my challenge and walked calmly, he soon looked at me with that calm and gentle smile as always. I took a deep breath as I waited for Iruka's confirmation.

"Since Aizen has accepted, get ready, I will be the judge," said Iruka.

"Uh-huh," I responded with a hum, before grabbing a scroll.

The gazes pierced me like blades as soon as I began to prepare, but I didn't falter. With a firm gesture, I broke the seal of the scroll, taking out my bow and arrow and the quiver with several arrows inside. Putting the strap of the quiver around my neck, I held my bow with my right hand and with the left, I gently pulled and released the string, looking again in Aizen's direction.

Our eyes met, I felt my face warm up, but I didn't let it shake me. I wanted to show, to prove to him how much I had changed, how much I had trained. I wanted to demonstrate that I could be someone amazing, just like Yuuki Kumari; the shy girl in the book he wrote who was able to transform into someone extraordinary.

"A bow and arrow, huh," Aizen said with a small smile.

I felt strange, it was the first time I was going to show him my years of training since I read his story and tried to imitate the protagonist of his book, Yuuki, who used bow and arrows to hunt mainly because of her hawk eyes, capable of seeing from a distance.

When I saw that, I thought: 'Wouldn't I be able to do the same, or even better, using the Byakugan?'

The more I thought about it, the more certain I became that it was a very high possibility.

"I know I didn't ask for..."

He interrupted me as he said with the same smile and warm and gentle eyes as always: "You don't need to explain yourself or ask for my permission, you are free to do and use the bow and arrow if you want and, in my humble opinion, I believe it can indeed be a powerful weapon in your hands."

When I heard that, my heart raced. It was as if he had shot an arrow straight into my heart. I felt my face warm up once again...

Taking a deep breath and sighing, I try to control myself as much as possible. I don't want to lose control now and not be able to show 100% of myself in this duel.

"Thank you." That was the only word I managed to say in gratitude for his generosity and understanding.

No matter what, he was the one who created such a unique way of fighting, and until then, I felt a little strange using the bow and arrow without asking his permission first. Now, that I heard his words, I felt a weight lifting off my shoulders while feeling even more gratitude towards him.

"Is she really going to use a bow and arrow?"

"It seems so..."

"Wow, Hinata is bold for choosing to use that against Aizen."

Even hearing the murmurs around me, though I could understand their doubts, I will prove my worth.

"In your positions." Iruka's voice silenced everyone and I prepared myself upon hearing that, then I began to move as I heard him exclaim: "Begin!"


Please, don't forget to drop at least 1 Power Stone, it motivates me a lot!

Chapter 34 is already released on Pa treon!

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