
Naruto: My Relationship Book

An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world. Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories. Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn. A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]! ━━━━ discord.gg/ABpMcMAzGC My Patreon: patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 23: Breaking Barriers


Name: Yakumo Kurama


Talent: High

Strength: 54/54

Agility: 36/36

Speed: 36/36

Endurance: 59/59

Mental Strength: 93/110

Skill: 81/93

Chakra: 91/110


As I observed her attributes, I said, "Kumo, from now on, let's focus more on improving your skills, chakra, and your mental strength. If you want, you can still train your physical body, but I must warn you that you will not see progress, as you have practically reached the physical limit for your age."

"I will follow the plans that Big Brother has for me!" She replied, lightly tapping her chest, showing her trust in me.

"Yes, you can always choose to trust me, Kumo." I hugged her, saying softly, "If you follow what I say, you won't go wrong. I understand better than anyone what's best for you."

"I know." She returned the hug, rubbing her face against my chest.

After nearly a minute, she said, "Big Brother, can you let me go now?"


I released the hug, and Kumo stepped back, distancing herself a bit.

She asked me, "Cough, Big Brother, what should I train first?"

"First, start with meditation." I replied, "I know you don't like meditating much, but it's important to do it for at least 1 hour per day starting today, okay?"

"Yes...!" She replied without much enthusiasm.

Sitting on the floor in a lotus position, I sat behind her, placing my hands on her back, "Close your eyes and focus."

"I know~" She shrugged and did exactly as I said.

It wasn't like she didn't know how to meditate, but with my initial help, she could easily enter a deep meditation by circulating chakra throughout her body.

Now she no longer went out of control so easily, but when she was learning to meditate by circulating her chakra, she often almost lost control, and that's when I started to help her almost every time she meditated.

Five minutes later, I saw that she no longer needed my help and stepped away.

The chakra was already flowing smoothly through her body without any problems.

My next step was to create ten yin-yang wind clones after swallowing a red nutritious pill.

However, I did this outside, as their creation itself causes a slight disturbance of wind and could end up bothering Kumo.

With my clones created, I returned to the Dojo.

Soon, each of them began to train chakra circulation for the next 20 minutes, and then moved on to Wind Style control by manifesting it in a kunai.

Passing Wind Style to a kunai was not difficult for me, but repeating these manifestation and withdrawal actions over and over again was boring, but it brought results.

And, after an hour, I went outside the Dojo again with my clones, dispelling them.

When my clones were dispelled, I experienced the true meaning of achieving double the result with half the effort by canceling my clones.

Although my clones had worked hard to provide me with a significant result, and I had experienced this before when using clones through talismans, that was achieved through something external. On the other hand, this time it was a joint effort created by myself, without directly depending on something acquired from the relationship book.

There was still time until dinner, so I created five more clones.

When I returned, I started training my physique with weights, including exercises like flat bench press, straight barbell curl, lateral raise, dumbbell row, among others.

While training, I saw Kumo come out of her meditation state.

"I'll go ahead, Big Brother," she waved at me cheerfully, "Don't take too long, dinner should be ready soon~!"

"I know," I replied.


Sitting on my bed while drying my hair, I looked at my page in the book and, seeing that I had not made any progress even after using several Yin-Yang Wind Clones, although I felt it was a pity, it also made sense, as it had become something special enough to become a Special Characteristic.

On the other hand, I saw a kind of light at the end of the tunnel when I looked at my clone jutsu.

[Clone: 99.1%]

Although it was just an increase of 0.1%, it had been more than a year since I was stuck at 99%, reaching the point where I started to believe that this was the maximum possible to achieve.

'The creation of a variable broke the limit...' I thought.

So, I knew that it would be necessary to learn a variable of the Transformation jutsu, Body Replacement jutsu, Cloak of Invisibility Technique, Water Walking, Tree Climbing, and Chakra Release.

However, it was easier said than done. I knew that very well. I was trying to fuse talismans with each of these jutsus, but only now did I achieve such a result.

'But what if instead of relying on talismans, I try to learn an existing jutsu that is a variable of one of them?' I pondered calmly.

Although it's difficult, with my father being a Jōnin and moreover, the leader of the main branch of the Kurama clan, it wasn't impossible.

'Money is not a problem, after all, I made a lot of money from selling my book.' With that thought in mind, I decided to talk to my father later.

And, with graduation approaching, it would be a good time to ask for something like that.


After dinner, I asked to have a conversation with my father. Now, I was standing in front of him in his office.

"Speak," he said, looking serious.

Perhaps this was the result of the way I had expressed myself earlier when I said I needed to talk to him later that made him so serious.

Not that it mattered. I asked him, "Father, is it possible for you to get me variable jutsus of these jutsus?"

"Let me see." He asked to see the paper in my hand.

Handing it over, he read it and became somewhat pensive as he touched his chin.

A few seconds later, he asked, looking seriously into my eyes, "Can I know why you want something like this?"

I explained calmly, "I feel like I've reached the limit of these jutsus, but I believe that I would be able to break these limits if I learned a variable of these jutsus."

"Limit, huh..." He pondered, "I understand. I'll see what I can do."

Although he didn't promise anything, I knew that his words really meant something.

Smiling warmly, I said, "Thank you, Father."

"Mm." He just nodded with a neutral expression.

However, I knew deep down he was happy that I had come to him. The slight gleam in his eyes told me that.


Please, don't forget to drop at least 1 Power Stone, it motivates me a lot!

Chapter 31 is already released on Pa treon!

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