
Naruto: My Relationship Book

An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world. Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories. Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn. A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]! ━━━━ discord.gg/ABpMcMAzGC My Patreon: patreon.com/WizardKiki

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44 Chs

Chapter 21: Fusion of Talismans

"It's been almost a month since Unkai died of a heart attack..."

I stopped on my way to the living room upon hearing my father mutter those words.

"I don't understand, he seemed so healthy..."

I hear my mother say with a soft sigh.

Controlling my expression, I entered the room as I passed through the hallway. "Mm, good morning, Mom, Dad."

"Oh, Aizen, good morning." My mother was the first to respond. "You're up early today."

"Since graduation is near, I want to train a bit in the morning." I replied.

"I see, but don't overdo it, okay?" She said lovingly.

"I won't." I nodded calmly.

"Son, if you need anything, just tell me, okay?" My father said. "Remember, you can always count on us, don't keep everything to yourself."

"I know, thank you, Dad." I smiled, closing my eyes.

"Before you go to the Dojo, Aizen," My mother said. "Have something to eat, it'll be bad to train without having a meal first."

"Don't worry, Mom." I said. "I cooked some eggs and just need to heat them in the microwave."

"Will that be enough?" She asked.

I didn't respond, instead, I went to the fridge, grabbed a bowl with about 40 already peeled boiled eggs, and said, "I think so, after I finish my training, I'll eat a bit more."

"Okay." She didn't insist further.

After finishing heating the eggs, a delicious aroma spread through the air as I opened the microwave. Grabbing the plastic bowl, I bid farewell to my parents with a wave, and as I passed through the door, I briefly heard them return to talking about my deceased uncle.

Without paying much attention, I continued walking without stopping to listen to their conversation. As I walked, I held the bowl with my boiled eggs in my left arm and with my right hand, I grabbed an egg and ate it in two bites before grabbing the next one.

"Mm, I should have gotten the mustard..." I muttered, but didn't want to go back to get it.

Licking my fingers as I stood in front of the Dojo door, I took the key from my pocket, then opened the door with my free hand.

After locking the door, I left the bowl with the eggs on a chair and went to the bathroom to wash my hands and put on my hidden weights.

Later, after finishing eating, I took out two talismans, one for the Wind Clone and the other for the Yin-Yang fusion.

Holding both, I murmured, "Book."

As the book floated in front of me, a new option appeared with my thought to merge the two talismans into one.

"All right, I hope this time it works..." I murmured.

As the fusion began, the talismans intertwined, as if dancing in the air, creating a show of lights and rippling sparks.

My heart pounded as I saw that almost a minute had passed and it was still in the fusion process; it had never taken this long before.

Suddenly, a shattering sound echoed in my ear.

To my disappointment, the two gold-grade talismans shattered into fragments like shards of luminous glass...


Before I could continue lamenting, something different happened; the fragments didn't simply disappear like before, but instead, they came towards me and penetrated between my eyebrows.


I groaned in pain.

It felt like someone had hammered my head with a ten-kilo sledgehammer very hard.

The pain made me furrow my forehead deeply, and I was possibly making a very ugly face right now.

However, I didn't even have time to think about these things because my brain was receiving a flood of information that unconsciously forced me to close my eyes to better digest the information.

From the fragments of information, something like puzzle pieces began to take shape. Until it finally ended, and a name resonated in my mind: Yin-Yang Wind Clone.

That wasn't all; the information flowing in my mind explained how the Yin-Yang Wind Clone creation worked.

For example, if I were to create a clone, it could not only have the ability to move swiftly like the wind but also possess a balanced Yin-Yang energy nature, which would grant unique healing abilities and the ability to manipulate spiritual energy.

This fusion would result in a clone that is not only a physical copy but also has the unique ability to adapt to situations, whether by regenerating from damage or transforming to fit the environment.

Of course, if the clone created by me received various damages, it would still be dispelled, even with healing powers.

Opening my page, I saw that it appeared in the Special Features tab: [Yin-Yang Wind Clone: 10%]

10%, a minimum value to be able to use a jutsu. Of course, I understood that although I should now be able to use the Yin-Yang Wind Clone, it shouldn't be something too surprising at the beginning.

Forming hand seals, I tried to create a clone.

Like a whirlwind, a circular wind begins to form, giving rise to the shape of my clone.

Different from using the talisman, a good portion of my chakra, spiritual energy, and physical energy was used.

Taking a green nutrient pill from my ninja bag, I swallowed it and replenished a good portion of my strength.

At the same time, the clone was already done.

"Let me try eating one of these pills," my clone said as he turned to me.

Taking a green pill, I handed it to him.

Placing the pill between his teeth, my clone used Wind Cut and cut his own left arm, then swallowed the pill, while the arm that was cut turned back into wind, but with infused yin-yang energy, which powered up the wind to become a wind blade that shot in all directions.

Anticipating this, I defended myself, and my clone did the same as a new arm grew at an incredible speed.

"As I expected, these pills can be used by me and..." My clone reflected aloud. "The nutrients from the pill help me heal faster."

"How long can you stay activated?" I asked.

"I have no idea." My clone shrugged, replying frankly.

"I see." I nodded, already expecting this result.

"I don't want to waste the pill, so I'll start training." My clone said.

I already expected this too and created another clone for the next test.

The moment the clone manifested, I punched him in the stomach; soon after, he made hand seals and dissipated.

The pain my clone felt returned to me, as did the powers used to create it, which were not wasted.

'It's not much different from the wind clone created through talismans, but it's definitely more resilient.' I thought.

Another thing I noticed when dispelling the clone was the possibility of even being able to use real illusion without losing control of the powers...

Of course, I understood that I needed to become more proficient in this craft, but as I progressed with the Yin-Yang Wind Clone, it would only be a matter of time until I finally succeeded.


Chapter 30 is already released on Pa treon!

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