
Naruto: My Relationship Book

An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world. Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories. Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn. A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]! ━━━━ discord.gg/ABpMcMAzGC My Patreon: patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 18: Graduation Approaches

Another thing was her attributes, which were much higher compared to our classmates; even Sasuke didn't have such high attributes.

I noticed that her increase was linked to how much she ate. Of course, training was also important, but after she started eating more, especially at school lunches, I saw her attributes rise rapidly, and even her talent changed from high to Low Elite.


Name: Hinata Hyuga


Talent: Low Elite

Strength: 55/69

Agility: 90/98

Speed: 91/98

Endurance: 47/69

Mental Strength: 90/99

Skill: 90/99

Chakra: 98/99

Aura: 44/49


With five attributes above 90, she surpassed Sasuke, who only had two above 90, Agility 92 and Speed 91.

Well, it can't be denied that he was talented. Even Naruto couldn't reach the mark of two attributes above 90, with his only 90+ being Chakra... Well, his Chakra is abnormal, above 800...

Basically, in our class, only a few managed to reach the mark of 90 in one of their attributes. This achievement is reserved for those who received more emphasis in the anime that I watched in my past life, even with my tips to speed up their progress. After all, not everyone has such high attributes at such a young age, above 90.


Listening to a chuckle beside me, I turned to look.

"What's up, Hinata?" I asked gently, seeing her resting her face on the table, looking at me sideways.

Closing her eyes briefly, she opened them again and said with a smile, "Hehe, today Hanabi made a packed lunch for me~"

"I can see that your relationship has improved a lot." I said with a slight smile.

"Yes~" She chirped in response.

I didn't say it, but I knew the reason Hanabi took such actions. It was due to the influence of my little sister, who often made packed lunches for me. Last week, Hanabi started to come to my house more often to learn to cook with my mother alongside Yakumo.

My mother is an excellent cook and teaches well, not to mention she enjoyed teaching Yakumo to cook. Having Hanabi's presence only made her more enthusiastic about teaching.

"It seems like all the training she went through paid off." I thought.

As someone who tasted something she made, at least until Friday, I must say that Hanabi has improved a lot, and although she was not at the same level as Yakumo, she was at an acceptable level.

The rest of the week, I was busy and so I don't know how much she has improved since then.

"Aizen, morning~"

Looking to my right, I see Ino with a toothy smile while making a peace sign. She quickly added, "You too, Hinata, morning! How's it going? ~"

"I'm fine." Hinata looks at her: "And, good morning."

"Morning, Ino." I replied, and she sat down on my left side.

"Hehe, Aizen, you look a bit different today, did you cut your hair?" She rested her head on her left hand while looking at me sideways as she asked.

"Just the ends." I smiled a bit. "It's amazing that you noticed that."

She blushed slightly but didn't look away as she smiled at me.

"I noticed too, Aizen, just, just."

"Hinata, calm down." I said.

Taking a deep breath and sighing twice, she looks at me firmly. "I noticed, but I didn't say anything because..." She pouted. "You didn't seem to have noticed that I also cut the ends of my..."

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't realize that." I say.

She puffed her cheeks, but soon let out a warm chuckle, then she said, "Well, realize it next time, okay?"

Between the lines, she was telling me to pay more attention to her and notice every change...

"Okay." I agreed.

"Hey, hey, don't make me feel like a candle here!" Ino seemed upset as she said it, but her face said otherwise. "Aizen... You need to pay more attention to the girls around you, I bet you didn't even notice that I changed a bit too, right?"

Looking into her presumptuous eyes, I say to her, "Of course I noticed."

"Oh, really? Then tell me, what changed about me?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Your earrings, unlike before when they were spherical, now they're two small hoops." I replied, and she seemed surprised.

"I'm surprised you noticed that." She blushed, but disguised her embarrassment with a cough, then she bumped her shoulder against mine and said, "Not bad, that's exactly what I changed~"

When I looked back at Hinata, as expected, she was looking at me upset, then she turned her face away making the sound of "humph!" softly.

Scratching my chin, I thought. It seemed that these small changes are becoming more significant to them, it wasn't like this before...

Taking this as a note, I thought about emphasizing more the changes in the girls around me, as Ino said.

"Person, good morning." Minutes later, Sakura arrived.

It was rare for her to arrive so late.

"There you are, Sakura." Ino asked with her hand on her chin, raising her head slightly arrogantly. "Got lost on the way?"

"Ino, you..." Sakura sighed, looking tired. "Not today, Ino."

"Mm?" Ino seemed intrigued at first, but she responded with disinterest right after. "Oh, just." And she turned her head.

Sakura sat alone in a corner, then she laid her head on her hands, she seemed quite sad.

"Aizen, do you know anything?" I don't know why, but Hinata asked me this while looking in Sakura's direction.

"Don't?" I asked, frowning. "Why do you think I would know anything?"

"I don't know... I just feel like you would know something." She replied, looking uncertain.

I was confused hearing her answer.

"I agree with Hinata." Ino joined the conversation, murmuring. "You really don't know anything, Aizen?"

Feeling the intense gaze of the two, I began to believe that I really should know something, but there was no such thing.

However, even though I said I didn't know, they seemed not to accept my answer, so I speculated: "Mm... Maybe her father or mother got sick?"

Perhaps I said it a bit loud, because Sakura raised her head and looked in my direction, seeming surprised.

Then I replied with certainty when I heard her say: "How did you know my father got sick, Aizen?"

"What should I say?" I just tried to guess.

Even if she didn't accept it, I replied: "Intuition? I just guessed when thinking about why you seemed so down today."

"... Really?" She seemed doubtful.

I just shrugged. "Yes."

"I believe you." She tried to force a smile, but it only made her look sadder. Maybe she knows it herself because she hid her face again by laying it on her hands.

I say to her, "I hope your father gets better soon."

"Thank you." Now, she gave a sincere, albeit brief, smile.

At the same time, I felt once again the intense gaze of Ino and Hinata.

"As expected from Aizen~" Hinata sang.

"Yes~" Ino was the same.

Although I could feel some boys looking at me enviously, I could see from my peripheral vision Shikamaru looking at me with pity, as if my situation was not something to envy, but rather a big headache.

"Everyone in your seats!"

The class calmed down with the arrival of Teacher Iruka.

With both hands on the table, Iruka said seriously, "As you all know, this is the first month of the year, and soon it will be your graduation day. Fortunately and unfortunately, there are only 3 months left until graduation day, so study hard and make an effort not to have to repeat the year, understood?"

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Obviously, no one wanted to repeat the year. I could even see many eager to graduate soon. One of them was Sasuke, who was squeezing his hands so hard that the creases were turning white from the force he was using.

However, not everyone was in such a hurry, so I could feel Hinata and Ino's anxiety beside me.

The reason I could understand. Once we graduate from ninja school, it will be difficult for us to see each other.


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