
Chapter 47: The Dawn of a New Ninja

"This way, please."

After escorting Hikari and Mikoto home in the evening, Nawaki returned to the Senju Clan and headed to his room.

There, he found his shadow clone arranging the new double bed. Tsunade was also in the room, actively directing the placement of the bed.

Although Tsunade sensed Nawaki's arrival, she remained focused on her task until satisfied with the bed's position, nodding approvingly at the final arrangement.

Turning to Nawaki, she smiled and said, "Nawaki, switching to a double bed was a great idea. Well done!"

"Uh, thanks," Nawaki responded with a smile.

"Tomorrow's your graduation, isn't it?" Tsunade inquired, though she already knew the answer.

"Yes, that's the plan," Nawaki said, assuming everything would go smoothly barring any unexpected events.

"I see, I see," Tsunade replied, then asked, "Did you finish setting up the farm?"

She had heard about it from him and Mito.

"Yes, I'll check for results tomorrow morning," Nawaki answered.

While he didn't expect immediate results, given the use of magical beast blood, he was hopeful for something extraordinary.

Tsunade, aware of this detail, seemed to share his expectations.

"I'll come with you," she offered.

"Ah, right," Nawaki said, handing her a piece of white paper with a seal on it.

"What's this?" Tsunade inquired, examining the seal.

"It's a seal to enter the farm," Nawaki explained. "I've surrounded it with a barrier to prevent any potential problems."

Tsunade listened intently as Nawaki described the entire process and his rationale behind creating such a barrier. After understanding his intentions, she nodded in agreement.

Settling onto the bed, she remarked, "Smart thinking, Nawaki. Without proper precautions, leaving something like this unguarded could indeed lead to disaster."



The room was stark white, perhaps the best way to describe it. Within this space, there were two round windows, reminiscent of the kind typically found in bathrooms.

Through these windows, Nawaki had access to either the first or the second map of the Hunting Dimension. Positioned side by side, each window presented a distinctly different scene. To the uninitiated, they might appear as round televisions, given the moving images they displayed.

Nawaki focused his attention on the window leading to the first map.

Upon entering, he found himself amidst familiar grassy terrain, with rabbits scurrying nearby.

With a single hand seal, he invoked "Wood Style" and swiftly encased the rabbits in a wooden prison.

The idea of raising these rabbits briefly crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. Although they seemed weak compared to his current abilities, they were still considerably strong creatures. Additionally, with an abundance of rabbits on the first map, there was no pressing need to cultivate them, especially considering the effort required.

'If their population dwindles due to my actions, then maybe I'll reconsider,' he thought.

Setting this notion aside, Nawaki created shadow clones to replicate the previous day's activities. His focus was on mastering sealing jutsu, which he deemed immediately useful, although he was also interested in learning the jutsu left behind by Tobirama.

At this point, his shadow clones had already sealed the previously captured rabbits. It appeared that once restrained by the Wood Style, the rabbits were unable to break free, regardless of their efforts.



It was the day of the Genin Graduation Exam, marking the students' first step on the Shinobi path and an opportunity to bring honor to their families or clans.

Understandably, many students were anxious and nervous. For some, becoming a ninja was a personal aspiration; for others, it was a path chosen due to family pressure. Regardless, each had their reasons for pursuing this career.

"Silence, please."

Once the room quieted down, the sensei announced, "Let's begin the tests. Please proceed to the testing room when your name is called."

"Asami Aburame."

"Yes!" Asami stood up, looking serious and somewhat nervous.

The sensei accompanied him to the testing room.

In less than three minutes, the sensei returned alone.

Subsequently, several others were called, including Choza Akimichi. Soon, it was Hikari Hyuga's turn.

"Hikari Hyuga!"

"Okay." Her voice was soft, slightly timid, but there was a noticeable change in her demeanor; the shyness she once had seemed greatly reduced.

The sensei appeared surprised, as if he had only just noticed the change in Hikari.

Hikari completed the tests remarkably quickly; the sensei returned after just 1 minute and 51 seconds, wearing an amused expression.

Clearing his throat, the sensei called the next student, Inoichi Yamanaka.

The testing proceeded smoothly. A few minutes later, it was Kushina Uzumaki's turn.

"Yes, dattebane!" Kushina responded. Her nervousness was evident, even to the casual observer.

She walked stiffly to the testing room, but the sensei emerged again after only 1 minute and 33 seconds, his expression difficult to decipher.

After evaluating several other students, the sensei finally seemed to recover from his initial shock. That's when he called, "Mikoto Uchiha!"

Mikoto completed her test in exactly 2 minutes. It wasn't that she lacked the ability to finish quicker; she simply chose not to draw too much attention to herself.

The sensei returned looking somewhat disappointed, prompting some students to wonder if Mikoto had failed. However, this seemed unlikely, given her proficiency in all basic techniques and her standing among the top ten students in the class.

"Nawaki Senju!" The sensei's voice betrayed his excitement as he called Nawaki's name.

"Here," Nawaki responded, standing up to enter the testing room.

Inside, the room featured a wooden floor and was spacious enough to accommodate up to 50 people. A large blackboard was placed behind two senseis seated at a wooden table, reminiscent of a classroom setting.

"Nawaki Senju, begin with the transformation technique," instructed the other sensei.

"Alright," Nawaki nodded. He executed the hand seals with remarkable speed, completing three in quick succession, and transformed to look exactly like the sensei.

"Very good," the first sensei acknowledged, not as surprised as his colleague. He then instructed, "Now perform the substitution technique."

As he finished speaking, the sensei threw a wooden kunai at Nawaki.

With a sharp sound, a wooden log appeared in Nawaki's place, struck by the kunai, while Nawaki himself reappeared two meters away.

Both senseis, including the one familiar with Nawaki's skills and the other with dark blue hair, rubbed their eyes in astonishment.

Clearing his throat, the sensei continued, "Very well, now demonstrate the cloning jutsu."

Nawaki quickly formed three hand seals, creating ten clones. He was capable of producing more, but ten was sufficient, visibly astonishing both senseis.

"Excellent," the sensei remarked. "You've passed! You can take the headband. How you wear it is up to you."

"Thank you," Nawaki said, accepting the headband and joining the others in the waiting room. There, he engaged in conversation with the girls.

"Nawaki, aren't you going to wear your headband?" Kushina inquired, already sporting hers on her forehead.

Mikoto had fashioned hers as a hair tie, with two strands of her bangs falling on either side.

Hikari wore hers around her neck, complementing her light pink jacket.

"I'll wear it the usual way," Nawaki said, placing the headband on his forehead.

"It suits you, Nawaki," Hikari complimented, a hint of shyness in her voice.

"I agree with Hikari, it looks good on you," Mikoto added.

Kushina nodded in agreement, "Yes, it's cool."

"Thanks," Nawaki responded with his characteristic smile.

When the sensei returned, having taken just over a minute, the other students were surprised. However, they understood; while Nawaki hadn't exerted his full strength at school, not even 50%, his displayed abilities still surpassed those of any other student, making him the strongest among them.

As late afternoon approached, everyone gathered once again.

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